Daily News Online

Wednesday, 11 August 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette






Counting at Polling Stations

According to newspapers the Elections Commissioner has suggested to start the counting of votes the day after the elections starting in the morning.

A more practicable method would be to do the counting of the votes at the Polling Station itself as soon as practicable after the closing of the polls. If it is not practicable or for any other reason not possible to count the preference votes also at the Polling Station that could be done at the Central Counting Centre.

Counting at the Polling Station itself would expedite the results of the voting and save a lot of expense to all concern. The same official staff could be asked to stay on, or if more is necessary they could be asked to report at the Polling Station a few minutes before the closing time to participate in the counting.

The Polling Agents of the candidates could also double up as the counting agents. The counting process and the necessary formalities could be concluded in less than about two hours after the closing time.

This would not necessitate vehicles, motor cyclist speeding behind the vehicles carrying ballot boxes and it will reduce the number of persons wanting to go into the Central Counting centres and the Election Department’s expenses will be less in catering and for logistics.

If counting at every Polling Station would bring about a security problem the counting could be done in a few Central Polling Stations, which could collect the ballot boxes of a cluster of Polling Stations close by between five to ten Polling Stations.

This could be based even on the former Ward System of the Municipal Councils, Town Councils and Pradeshiya Sabhas. For example at present in the Colombo District the ballot boxes of a remote Polling Station in Avissawella has to be collected and brought into Colombo for the counting.

At the conclusion of the polling at the Polling Station the Presiding Officer of the Polling Station could certify the number of ballots issued, spoilt and other details with copies to the polling agents. And after the counting the results should be certified by the Presiding Officer and he/she should give a copy to the Polling Agents/Counting Agents also.

The respective Candidates Agents could also certify the Presiding Officers copies. The Presiding Officer could take these results (also send earlier by fax) to the main election office in the district, which shall collect all the certified results sheets and announce the end results.

The Commissioner could instruct where the ballots boxes should be sent. The counting under these conditions could ensure a more accurate counting as there would be less tension and fatigue involved.

If the counting of the Preference votes (Manape) is also done after counting the votes at the same venue it will also ensure a more accurate counting of the Preference votes and prevent manipulation of Preference votes.

It will prevent a likelihood of a apparent loser on the preference vote consenting to add his few preference votes to a candidate/s fighting for a place at the bottom of the Party list or even to add to the top winners - Winner takes it all!

DEEPTHI DE MEL - Colombo 3

Ancient kingdom of Panduvasnuwara

According to historians there had been only three ancient kingdoms in historic Wayamba namely Dambadeniya, Yapahuwa and Kurunegala. However, there had been a fourth kingdom in Wayamba at Panduvasnuwara. There are ruins of a king’s palace surrounded by a moat and other building signifying a king’s rule.

The sacred tooth relic of Gautama Budda had also been housed, guarded and venerated in the complex.

It is believed that King Panduvasdeva reigned for 30 years in 504 BC in Panduvasnuwara kingdom.

He was said to be a nephew of Prince Vijaya who reigned for 38 years till his ascension in 543 BC at Tambapanni. There is another relief that the kingdom of Panduvasnuwara was administered by King Nissankamalla for nine years from 1187 to 1196. He was a Kalinga Prince.

Could any historian enlighten as to the existence of a kingdom of Panduvasnuwara in historic Wayamba.

J N FERNANDO - Nattandiya

Deliberate murder

After the arrest of the Peruvian child assassin, the 84-year-old Carlos Morin, the entire tragedy has developed in a vehement manner.

What hurts him the most is the deliberate murder of his own son. It happened 57 years ago. He was 27 years old then. It happened in an abortion clinic. “That place was a pigsty, a slaughter”, Morin would assert. The voluntary interruption of a state of hope was realized without chloroform.

Not so long after, he had high hopes of actually having another son. He was able to plan this in four different occasions. All the pregnancies finished in unwished for abortion; like that of his first tragedy. The post-abortion symptoms will burden him throughout the rest of his life.

On the other hand, Esperanza Puente, direct victim of the voluntary and provoked abortion, intervened in the presentation of the book I Aborted. This book retells the stories of mothers that have murdered their own children by committing an abortion.

Voluntary abortion creates physical sturdiness, as well as different and arduous states of mind for the woman. The crisis of the post-traumatic stress begins.

This crisis evolves with great suffering and fear that leads the woman to depression, an increased consumption of alcohol and drugs, changes in nutrition, anxiety, loss of self-esteem and an increase in suicide attempts.

Women that have abortions see the death of their own children with an air of indifference. We live in a culture of death that surrounds us everywhere with a vicious egoism, brutal violence and zero respect for the human life of an innocent unborn.

“The child that is to be born is a human being from the initial moment of conception and his or her life should be respected. That life was redeemed by Christ, that life is a gift from God”, asserts the Swiss theologian, Karl Barth. (Translated by Gianna. A Sanchez-Moretti)


Test pitches

What is the use of playing Test matches on feather-bed wickets such as in the 2nd Test at the SSC Ground? Is it to boost the prestige of Sri Lankan Cricket and Cricketers, enabling them to amass 1005 + 2005 + big totals?

It is a futile exercise, because the opposition could do likewise, did India and only makes for as ‘dull as ditch-water’ cricket and kills off the fans.

A more serious consequence is that when Sri Lanka plays abroad, it is on ‘neutral’ wickets, the players are not so successful. If you doubt thus, compare their home and abroad results.

To be the No. 1 team, the cricketers must be able to play on all types of surfaces and they must do so now, first in Sri Lanka. There is a good blend of experienced and young players, but it is imperative that they practice under all types of condition and pitches.

DION J WALLES - Colombo 6

Traffic jam in Kandy city

Looking back to the history the topography of the Kandy region is a hidden secret to Sri Lanka. Foreign invasions could not carry out successfully due to the topography around the Kandy city. This is the main reason to establish Tooth Relic inside the Kandy city.

The historic value and priceless landscape is most important to the Sri Lankan.

Please consider all the facts and request architects and engineers to prepare a master plan for most economical and efficient landscape with a transportation system.

Introduce a city bus service (natural Gas) stopping all of the passenger cars. This will provide more jobs and less smoke in the city. The designers can incorporate a waste management plan and disposal system to remove the smelly waste dumping ground at Gohagoda garbage mountain in Katugastota, Kandy.




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