Daily News Online

Tuesday, 29 June 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Test to Paradise

Meena was ignorant but was blessed with beauty. Her face was her fortune and she had many admirers in the village and offers for marriage.

She hailed from a very poor family, the eldest in a family of five daughters. Her father was a carpenter who strove hard to feed his siblings. Since she was frivolous, she was betrothed at the young age of eighteen to a wealthy businessman twice her age.

Regrettably, after a few years of matrimony, she was widowed. After this, her turning point was very pathetic being subject to many criticisms by her immediate family. Her in-laws knew that the young widow would amass all her husband’s wealth, that they quietly gave her some money and asked her to leave the house.

Meena knew that returning to her parents would be another added burden thrust on them and therefore sought refuge by stepping into the city to find suitable employment. With no fixed abode, she was fortunate to meet Leela at the village fair who helped her to rent out a small dwelling.

Rani was Meena’s immediate neighbour who envied her beauty and she hated her more for the many admiring glances cast by the opposite sex.

Even though Meena had offers for a second marriage she rejected them being very bitter of her first ordeal. As time went by, the money she possessed was now insufficient for her needs. Having tried ways and means to earn a steady income, she was unsuccessful in obtaining employment. Pondering her next step, reluctantly, she tread by engaging in the oldest profession.

Rani was very wealthy, pious, participated in many social activities, helped the poor enormously and sought merit in her doings. She would pray everyday, finish off her household chores as expeditiously as possible, dress to galore and on the pretext of knitting would sit in her verandah to observe the many clients visiting Meena’s abode. This was her daily routine.

In fact, she maintained a diary and kept track of the visitors. Rani gained immense satisfaction and pleasure by noting the happenings at her neighbour’s place and then later enjoying a hearty laugh with her friends at the village well. Poor Meena was unaware of her friend’s vicious tactics.

Meena and Rani having lived their lives passed away. On the day of judgment, God summoned them to recount all the good and bad deeds they had performed on earth.

Rani was very sure that she would go easily to paradise taking into account the many meritorious deeds she had performed. Poor Meena was trembling and sad, she knew she was very bad and God would never forgive her for committing grievous sins.

What was God’s verdict?

“Meena, my child God” said, “I am aware of all the burdens, happenings and the hardships you underwent; do not cry my child, I am sending you to paradise.”

“Rani”, God said, “I cannot pardon you, I am sending you to hell.”

“Why my Lord.” she pleaded.”Please have mercy on me, what have I done!; On earth I helped the poor, did many meritorious deeds and gave many an almsgiving.”

“The reason,” God said,

“Meena was very poor, she had no other way to earn her living, whilst you Rani you spied, counted her customers and back-bited, you have committed a very grave sin which is unpardonable.”

“Also, you were rich, surely you could have helped your poor neighbour, I shall not revoke my verdict, you shall not be forgiven and suffer in hell for your sins.”


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