Rs 12.5m for flood affected
Disna Mudalige and Chaminda Perera
The Government on directive of President Mahinda Rajapaksa has
already granted Rs12.5 million financial allocations to provide relief
for the flood-affected, Disaster Management Minister A.H.M. Fowzie said.
Addressing a press conference at the Disaster Management Centre
yesterday he said with the co-ordination of District and Divisional
Secretariats, arrangements have been made by the Disaster Management
Centre to distribute cooked food and dry rations to displaced families.
Depending on the size of the family, each family is to receive the
dry ration worth Rs 245-525 per day upto one week. "The money allocated
at the moment is not enough to give adequate relief to the affected
people. I hope to present an immediate Cabinet paper for more financial
allocations," the Minister said.
Arrangements will also be made to estimate damages caused to
households, private property and crops. The victims will be compensated.
Grass roots level public representatives, Local Government
representatives and Divisional Secretariats officers are requested to
join hands to provide relief and facilities to the affected people.
The Minister said his aim is to prevent such disasters in the future
by implementing proper plans and strict laws.