‘Professional values code essential’
“Well defined, demarcated and a developed code of professional values
are indispensable for managerial excellence.
Professional values are the guideposts in the highway of managerial
They are the springboards of your professional character, conduct,
behaviour and attitude.
It is the bedrock of your general, emotional and spiritual
intelligence, said CEO CENLEAD Dr. K. Kuhathasan.
Conducting a one-day orientation seminar for the newly promoted
senior managers of the People’s Bank at the staff training college of
the bank recently, Dr. Kuhathasan, CEO, CENLEAD, called upon the
participants to develop a code of professional values aimed at
maintaining a higher level of professional discipline, decorum and
dignity to satisfy the rising expectations of the customers, both
internal and external.
Dr. Kuhathasan said, “Managers should not only develop a personal and
professional vision, mission, goals, objectives and performance
standards for themselves and ofr thier staff based on built on the
organizational vision, mission, goals and objectives, but also develop
personal and professional values based and built on organizational
values” Dr. Kuhathasan said.
Your commitment, dedication, dependability and performance at work
stems from the set of values your cherish and pursue.
A well groomed and code of values will help to win the confidence,
trust and goodwill of your customers. Your charismatic and charming
personality is the byproduct of your values.
Managers with a good set of values are gifted with a pleasing,
pleasant and persuasive personality and they always stand out, he said.
Success demands a steadfast commitment.
What success means to you will depend on the value system you
promote. It is your value system that puts you ahead of others in all
your endeavours.
Dr. Kuhathasan also called upon the newly appointed senior managers
to lead people rather than managing them. |