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Government Gazette

Sarath, Sarath, Tilvin and Mangala: not ‘strange bedfellows’ after all!

There are those who are upset with me for showing up Sarath Fonseka for being a political neophyte, a two-tongued creature who has no clue about what he wants, has a penchant for promising the sun and moon and other things undeliverable, is consumed by unhealthy levels of hatred and revenge-intent and is ready to bed with crooks, traitors, thugs and other insufferable clowns. They complain that I am not critical of Mahinda Rajapaksa. So let me begin with an apology.

I am sorry. I am sorry that not everyone knows that I write to many newspapers and that I have taken all politicians to task at one time or another. I have been very critical of the President and the Government and have never shied away from asking the relevant question at the relevant time. I have taken issue with the President and the Government on a wide range of issues: corruption, tweaking legal instruments for political benefit and other reasons of expedience, non-investigation and/or foot-dragging when citizens, especially journalists have been attacked, refusal to address issues of good governance and constitutional flaws and manifest sloth in addressing once and for all the ‘core issues’ pertaining to minority grievances, namely the veracity or otherwise of the traditional homeland claim and consequently the logic or otherwise of devolution in terms of history, geography and demography.


I can understand people not wanting to vote for Mahinda Rajapaksa because no one is ever fully happy with the status quo. For example, those who were held hostage by the LTTE and barely surviving on a cup of kunji per day were ‘unhappy’ when they got three full meals a day, were assured of security, had access to health services and medicines, were able to see their children attend school instead of being trained to become terrorists, etc. What I can’t understand is why anyone would see Sarath Fonseka as a better choice. I mean, I can understand someone wanting ‘change’. However, one would expect ‘change-want’ to have a direction that is not regressive and a deferment towards those who foisted a war on our society and backed terrorists to the hilt and indeed paved the way for a suicide bomber to almost take Fonseka’s life!

I am sorry that I can’t understand that kind of logic. I am so sorry that I will continue to write about the deep contradictions in the Fonseka camp even as I advocate that those who want ‘change’ keep things real and not get carried away by rhetoric and empty promises.

So let me start with a quote that made me smile this morning: ‘When people are mad they see various dreams and this politician has seen such a dream where over 600 soldiers are being killed by the LTTE. According to his figures, if there are 600 deaths, there may be over 2,000 casualties. Then all the hospitals, cemeteries and funeral parlours will be full. He would have imagined this and celebrating this. He thinks that people of this country are fools to believe his dreams. He must be working on a contract given by the LTTE and the anti-war people in the South who want to see the Army losing the war and the LTTE winning it. He may be on a contract to discourage people who support us to defeat the LTTE. I challenge him, if he really wants to become more popular, he can achieve that by stitching more dresses.’

Who is saying this and who is he/she talking about? Get your smiles ready, ladies and gentlemen: this is Sarath Fonseka talking about Mangala Samaraweera in an interview with the Sunday Observer of December 7, 2008. If you want to check the web version, go to http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2008/12/07/sec04.asp.

Perhaps it is because Fonseka has spent some forty years in the Army that he seems to have very little understanding of things outside the military equation.

This is why he is appearing like rae daniyel dawal migel kind of creature. When he was Army Commander and later Chief of Defence Staff, he was worried about the 10,000 LTTE cadres he believed were in IDP camps. Today he wants them all released. Back then, he saw Mangala and Co for who they were, out and out traitors, today he is happy playing mannequin to Mangala’s creative urges.

He is so much at sea in this field that he does not understand that he can’t say he is Mr. Clean or Mr. Saint when a) he has been involved in shady deals, b) has not had an unblemished record in the Army, having been issued severe warnings for misconduct, especially with regard to misdemeanours concerning a woman, c) he vacillates on promise (with respect to the Executive Presidency and its abolition), d) he suddenly falls in love with those he once castigated for being guilty of treason and e) he is quite comfortable with the fact that his new found friends have themselves a shoddy record when it comes to mismanagement, theft, abuse of state resources and complicity in the Eelam/LTTE project.

Let’s play with Mangala a bit. Take the VAT scam. The Sunday Leader, a newspaper which according to Frederica Jansz has taken a decision to support Fonseka and therefore can be considered the flag-bearing rag of that campaign, has clearly indicated that Mangala Samaraweera was implicated in this shady affair. Not just Mangala but even Mayantha Dissanayake, son of Gamini Dissanayake and a recent recruit to bolster the flagging campaign of the ‘war hero’ whose medals have lost their lustre, has been flagged by the Sunday Leader among the ‘culpable’. I am including the web link; click on it, copy and save the screen before the management of the newspaper removes it from the archives (as it has done in the case of many web pages that would have damaged Fonseka): http://www.thesundayleader.lk/archive/20060402/spotlight.htm. To be continued



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