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Friday, 11 December 2009

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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Restoring long-term peace and stability - Part IV

Text of speech by Disaster Management and Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe at the Key Person's Forum organized by the Small and Medium Enterprise Developers (SMED) Project of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL) and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Colombo. Part III was published yesterday.

One issue that has been repeatedly canvassed was the IDPs' freedom of movement. The Government has consistently maintained that IDPs will be screened and released in a structured and well-managed manner. Indeed since August we have been releasing those persons with special needs. We are hopeful of achieving our target of resettling a majority of IDPs by January 31 next year. The Government announced the granting of unlimited freedom of movement to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Vavuniya District from December 1. This was an additional measure to ensure freedom of movement over and above the day-pass system that was in place for some time to enable IDPs to attend to essential needs while being housed in the welfare centres and relief villages. We noted that less than 10 percent of the IDP population availed themselves of the opportunity to leave the relief villages and welfare camps on the first two days. Those persons - local activists and spokespersons and international office holders - who chose to characterize these centres as 'detention facilities' or worse would do well to note that approximately 50 percent of those who left returned to the centres. This leads to two inescapable conclusions. Firstly, that the IDPs have confidence in the Government's ability to provide essential services to them in these centres and, secondly, the conclusion that they have confidence in the process of return and resettlement coordinated by Government which is proceeding apace and which has seen the return and release of 150,422 persons since August 5, when the process began in earnest. The remaining caseload of around 123,000 will be resettled no sooner the ground is prepared for their return and they make a voluntary and informed decision on their return.

Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe

I will, in passing, mention some other cross cutting issues which have a direct bearing on the restoration of normality in the entirety of the country. Governance issues such as corruption, transparency and accountability have to be restored. The private sector which forms part of the supply side of corruption must also work closely with Government in eradicating the scourge of corruption which adversely affects economic growth, stifles development and promotes inequity. Institutions of democratic governance have been adversely affected by the conflict and they need to be restored. This is especially true of the North where the LTTE did not permit the functioning of these institutions or replaced them with their own version. The sharing of information is one such priority since this is vital in enabling IDPs and returnees to make informed choices. They need to be made aware of the progress made in clearing land for resettlement, the quantum of assistance available to enable resettlement, the services available to them and the options they have to rebuild their livelihoods and restart their normal lives. The Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services Ministry, acting on the advice of the Chair of the Task Force, Basil Rajapaksa, MP, has commenced the publication of a newsletter to provide IDPs and returnees with this vital information. My Ministry has also taken steps to provide IDPs with needed information through a Confidence Building and Stabilization Measures initiative aimed at building better relations among IDPs, host communities and the security establishment in addition to education and training to foster skills needed for resumption of normal economic activity.

We are making a concerted effort to promote and protect human rights. We at the Disaster Management and Human Rights Minister have taken steps to develop a National Plan of Action for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. Work on the first draft of the plan is nearing completion and we expect that it will provide a framework that will enable us to guarantee the rights of all of our people in the years to come. It will also help provide an response to those who are calling for an improvement in our human rights record by demonstrating that Sri Lanka has a plan that will ensure the promotion and protection of human rights at a higher level that what is evidenced today. We also believe that the Action Plan should form part of the context within which concessions such as GSP+ should be decided on. The process of development of the Plan that we have put in place is inclusive as it is comprehensive which brings together civil society, professionals, business and State sector actors in addressing civil and political as well as economic, social and cultural rights.

We also need to engage actively with other national governments and international organizations in a manner that serves Sri Lanka's interests and, at the same time, preserves and protects national sovereignty. They need to be kept informed of the progress we are making in restoring normality and their assistance, where appropriate, must be sought and used for the betterment of our people. In this exercise we need to engage with those elements that remain active and who were part of the LTTE's vast international network. These persons are still capable of spreading misinformation and generating undue and unwarranted pressure on Sri Lanka. They are able to reach senior levels of leadership in Governments in several countries as well as international organizations, media outlets and policy-making forums. We see the results of their efforts from time to time through hasty and ill-founded pronouncements adverse to Sri Lanka made by these personalities. We have, time and again, responded to these accusations and untruths. President, just recently, appointed a panel of independent experts to inquire into such a report collated by the Unites States' Department of State. We will continue to investigate and respond to any credible allegations and will continue to be vigilant in safeguarding Sri Lanka and her reputation.




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