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Saturday, 31 October 2009

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Christian Perspectives

Feast of St. Theresa's Church, Kalaniya

St. Theresa's Church or the Rathu Palliya as it is has been affectionately called for generations, situated on the Biyagama road, with the revered ancient Kelaniya Rajamaha Viharaya as its close neighbour, is one of the four churches belonging to the Kelaniya Mission. The church celebrated the feast of the Saint of Roses on October 4.

Saint of Roses

It was the culmination of a week of inspiring sermons delivered by a number of learned reverend fathers on some of the most pressing problems faced by the youth and adults in the present day society, the teachings of Lord Jesus and our holy mother the church and also the fruitful planning with lots of devotion and affection of the Parish Priest. Rev. Fr. Gehan Ridley Perera, his able assistant Rev. Fr. Pradeep Chaminda, Parish Council members and all other affiliated associations. Vespers was sung on October 03.

St. Theresa’s Church

The route of the procession-Biyagama Road, was gaily decorated with flags and illuminated. As alwas, it was fascinating to see both Catholics and Buddhists exhibiting a sense of togetherness and brotherhood in decorating the route of the procession. The local authorities and the Police contributed their services with dedication.

October 3 was a wet day. Miraculously, there was absolutely dry weather from the start of the procession until its return to the church, with a resplendent Poya Day, Full Moon lighting up the entire place.

I am sure, that both the revered Masters must have been pleased to see their respective flock-one going to the Temple and the other to the church of St. Theresa on this beautiful and hallowed day.

Rev. Fr. Sylvester Ranasinghe, Rector of St. joseph's College, Maradana most graciously accepted the invitation of Rev. Fr. Ridley to celebrate the Festive High Mass.

It was indeed a very thoughtful gesture of father Ridley to have invited Fr. Sylvester. As these were hundreds of old, present and aspiring to be Josephians, belonging to the parish.

That evening the church was once again full, to say thank you. Heavenly Father for making one of your youngest saints so happy along with his friends at St. Theresa-Kelaniya.

Weekly devotions:

Holy Spirit shows the way

I have heard people say "I am tired of living - I can't take it anymore... life is tough... at the end of it. What do we gain?" Did God intend life to be so? At some stage in life we feel this way. There is an answer to this if we really seek God's word and ask the Holy Spirit to show us the way. God never intended life to weigh us down. When we really follow instructions from our Maker, life is filled with joy and an inner peace - come what may.

The word of God says He gives strength to those who are tired and increases the strength of those who are weak. Even young people can go weary and weak but those who wait upon the Lord can have their strength renewed. They will soar on wings like eagle - they will run and won't become weary - they will walk and won't grow tired. This is what God promises to those who wait on Him.

In other words - whatever that is bowling you over should be placed at His feet. As you do this you will gain strength and vitality from within even better than what young people feel. Youth relates to being carefree and happy does it not? The sense of care and responsibility is taken over by God and you are set free, enabling you to trust in God's strength and guidance and understand that He will somehow work all things for good to those who place their trust in Him. Romans 8:28.

When you learn to walk in His light, Christ's words becomes a reality. "Come to me and I will give you rest" - Place your yoke over my shoulders and learn from me because I am gentle and humble. Then you will find rest, because my yoke is easy and my burden is light. This gives us the real picture of Christ actually coming side by side with us and taking over the weight off our burden and bearing it Himself to release us from the sheer exhaustion we are undergoing carrying our burdens. So just cry to Him for help and He will keep to His promise!


Lord, teach me to live my life under your shadow as you show me how my burdens become lighter and my strength is renewed. Yes Lord, as I take shelter under your wings, I can soar in wings like an eagle. Thank you Jesus for thy word - thank you Holy Spirit as you give me inner strength. Amen.

Eucharist Feast at St. John the Baptist Church, Nagoda, Kandana

The Feast of Corpus Christi was celebrated at St. John the Baptist Church, Nagoda, Kandana, recently. The Blessed Sacrament was taken by Rev. Fr. Maxwell Silva, Principal of St. Thomas College, Kotte, in a sailing boat with an image of our Lord Jesus Christ standing inside the boat blessing the crowds. After a holy hour in the church, the crowd left the premises in procession to Nawaloka grounds, Mahabage. In between there was a repository beautifully done by the Alewatte Catholics.

Corpus Christi procession

This repository was constructed on two large cubes of ice and two dolphins on either side. The monstrance was kept on the slabs of ice and Rev. Fr. Kalana, the Assistant Parish Priest of St. Anne's Church, Wattala, chanted a beautiful prayer to Jesus and pleaded with the Lord on behalf of the congregation and after the blessing the procession of nearly six thousand devotees entered the Nawaloka grounds for Holy Mass and final blessing. Rev. Fr. Maxwell Fernando, the chief celebrant at the Mass, delivering the homily said at the Last Supper Christ shared His Body and Blood, He died on the cross and it is this very Christ we brought from the Nagoda Church to this venue. We got to give reverence and worship Our Lord in the tabernacle.

Our Lord's food, His Body and Blood who ever takes will be fully equipped with strength and boldness. Till they die they will be in the life of grace even at their death.

So to receive this sacrament we got to change our lifestyle, we would have to give up jealousy, hatred and whatever weaknesses we possess and try to live a life of spirituality and sanctifying grace take up this challenge and if you do, you will end up with joyful results.

Fr. Preeya Jayamanne, Parish Priest of St. John the Baptist Church thanked Fr. Maxwell and Fr. Kalana for their assistance by participating in the Eucharist service, Rev. Fr. Samit Asst. Parish Priest of Nagoda, the Dominican Nuns of Nagoda and the congregation for their presence and support given in making this feast a grand success. He also thanked the Rev. Thera, of the adjoining temple, the Kandana Police and various others who helped in many ways. The evening ended up with a fire works display.

St. Servatius remembers Rev. Fr. Joseph Rajapaksa

On his 32nd death anniversary:

St. Servatius College was and still is a magnificent seat of learning unparalleled in Matara. It was certainly a proud moment in the history of the college when the Colombo OBA played a key role in organising a ceremony to commemorate the 31st death anniversary on (November 8, 2008) giving the wonderful opportunity of honouring a rare personality of the highest calibre Rev. Father Joseph Rajapaksa, a gifted genius who performed a great service to the people of Galle and Matara. Matara in particular.

Rev. Father Joseph Rajapaksa

This also included the launching of a memorial fund as a tribute to this wonderful human being who served as principal for 18 long years.

He belonged to the galaxy of men who made the greatest contribution as an eminent educationist, teacher and principal in educational arena.

He is best known for the role he played in establishing the college on a sound footing.

The tradition that Servatius had inherited under the former principals was further developed to the greatest heights ever, by him.

In short he was the guiding force behind the emergence of Servatius as a college of world standing giving due place to English. His guiding principle was 'Act well and there all the honour lies'. His sincere effort provided leadership to Servatius in the educational arena.

He hailed from a well known family in southern Sri Lanka, whose roots are found in the reputed Rajapaksa family in Deniyaya, a family of fame for many reasons. He has had his early education at St. Benedict's, one of the most prestigious colleges in Colombo. Later he had his higher studies in UK where he obtained the Bachelor of Arts degree with English honours - a remarkable achievement which made him shine throughout his life. On his return, he served as Principal at St. Mary's, Elpitiya until he came to Servatius in 1947.

A new era dawned to Servatius where he performed his duty with honesty, devotion and dedication.

He was an educator, implementer, social harmonizer, humanitarian and a disciplinarian par-excellence. A great sportsman too. Special mention should be made that Servatius excelled in sports during his tenure.

The illuminating cricket personality gifted to Matara, Sri Lanka and the universe emerged from Servatius, purely due to the strong foundation laid by him.

It was a common sight to find him playing and participating in sports in college grounds, the present Sanath Jayasuriya stadium.

The other most remarkable event to mark the occasion was the souvenir compiled by the faithful old pupils, many of whom are highly distinguished in their respective fields.

It rightly described the services he has rendered. Also their achievements, experiences and interesting episodes gains under him as past pupils.

I am sure the souvenir is indeed a treasure for those who wish to renew the past memories during his time. Reproducing the long lasting comments made (in the souvenir) by his loyal old students would give a better idea of his inestimable contribution to the nation. Following are some of the excerpts of his students from the souvenir.

Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena: I have had the rare opportunity of knowing as a past pupil, the golden era of the college under late Rev. Fr. Joseph Rajapaksa.

The Joe Rajapaksa hall is an unfailing monument to the credit of Rev. Father who contributed his whole salary for its construction.

The hallowed precincts of the college would not have been what it is today, but for Rev. Father who assiduously worked for its progress.

Minister Dullas Alahapperuma: It was due to the vision and far sighted planning of Rev. Father, regarding the future of Sri Lanka that he encouraged the idea of togetherness in working for the Alma Mater which laid the foundation for racial and religious unity among Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities. To him education was all about leading a meaningful life living in harmony. Noble men of his calibre should be born again and again among us.

It was those remarkable years spent under his care and guidance that paved the way for my superior performance to my Motherland with courage and enthusiasm mixed with commitment.

D. M. Patabendige (JP) President OBA (Colombo): It is a well known fact that during his tenure of office as Principal he was instrumental in building up the level of education and discipline.

There is no dispute that Father Rajapaksa's period was the golden era of our Alma Mater, producing good citizens to take the future responsibilities of the nation.

His 32nd death anniversdary falls on November 8.

Vatican synod slams multi-nationals' exploitation in Africa

The Roman Catholic Church on Friday slammed multi-nationals for their "criminal devastation of the environment" as a three-week Vatican synod on the world's poorest continent drew to a close.

In a draft statement, the synod called on these major enterprises "to stop their criminal devastation of the environment in their greedy exploitation of natural resources" in Africa.

"It is short-sighted policy to foment wars in order to make fast gains from chaos, at the cost of human lives and blood," it said, asking: "Is there no one out there able and willing to stop all these crimes against humanity?" A mass in Saint Peter's Basilica on Sunday will mark the official end of the synod, which opened on October 4.

The bishops also decried the rise of religious fanaticism in Africa, saying: "When this religious fervour is misdirected by fanatics or manipulated by politicians, conflicts are provoked that tend to engulf everyone."

The statement also called for "mutual respect" between Christians and Muslims, saying the two faiths had "many shared values" in common and could work together for peace and reconciliation.

It also criticised some countries where Christianity is banned, saying: "Those nations which by law forbid their citizens from embracing the Christian faith are depriving their own citizens of their fundamental human right to freely decide on the creed to embrace." AFP

Vatican exhibit recalls 7th-century missionary to China

The Vatican Museums will pay homage to 17th-century Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, the first Westerner to be buried in Beijing, with an exhibit opening on Friday.

The exhibit marks the 400th anniversary of Ricci's death with Western artworks from the 16th and 17th centuries as well as Chinese objects and paintings, some of which are more than 3,000 years old.

Ricci was considered Europe's ambassador to China's imperial court from 1601 until his death in 1610, when the emperor authorised his burial on Chinese soil.

A fluent speaker of Mandarin, Ricci wore traditional Chinese clothes and went by the name of Li Madou.

He was "a veritable bridge of dialogue and exchange between Europe and China," said Monsignor Claudio Giuliodori, the bishop of Ricci's native Macerata in central Italy.

Ricci introduced the works of Confucius to the West and "established an intense dialogue with the most illustrious literary and culture figures of China," Giuliodori told a news conference at the Vatican on Wednesday.

Giuliodori said he hoped the exhibit, which runs until January 24, would further bolster "friendship with the Chinese people...and ties of communion with the Catholics of this great country."

The Holy See has no formal relations with China, where a "Patriotic Association" formally oversees the country's officially registered Catholics.

China severed diplomatic ties with the Vatican in 1951 in anger at its recognition of Taiwan, which Beijing views as a renegade province. AFP

Most Rt. Rev. Dr. Malcom Ranjith, the newly appointed Archbishop of Colombo was received by the students and priests of the Don Bosco Technical Institute Ethukala, Negombo. The Archbishop on arrival was welcomed by the students of the technical Institute, Priests and brothers of the Salesian Chapter. Here the Archbishop of Colombo Rt. Rev. Dr. Malcom Ranjith being conducted to the Don Bosco Technical Institute. Rev. Frs. Anthoney Human Pinto Salesian Provincer and Rev. Fr. Shiran Karawgodage, Director Don Bosco Technical Institute are also in the picture. Picture by H. Fernando - Negombo special corr.


Jesus Lives Ministry honours founder
A new stamp was issued in memory of Rev. Prof. S. Rajendran, Founder and President of Jesus Lives Evangelical Ministry International on October 28 during the sixth Memorial Thanksgiving Service held at the Jesus Lives Church at No. 401, Aluthmawatha Road, Colombo 15. Foreign Affairs Minister Rohitha Bogollagama, Plantation Industries Minister D.M. Jayaratne and Parliament Members Karu Jayasooriya, Mano Ganesan, John Amarathunge, Western Provincial opposition MP Rosy Senanayake, SLFP Colombo District Organiser Lilantha Perera and Petroleum and Petroleum Resources Minister A.H.M. Fowzie participated.




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