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Saturday, 31 October 2009

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News: Rates reduced due to CB strategy: Catalyst for rapid growth ...        Political: Happy to serve Southern masses - SP Chief Minister ...       Business: ‘Sri Lanka can face the GSP+ risk’ ...        Sports: Colombo - Moratuwa Universities clash on Beira Waters ...






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Government Gazette

Citizens’ mail


With or without GSP+ apparel industry would survive

The dangers and the consequences of the withdrawal of the GSP+ has surfaced again, this time coupled with the caption '17th Amendment implementation will protect country from global flak: Karu' published in several newspapers. There have been many articles by several experts explaining the flaws in this 17th amendment which has got into the Constitution without much thought or any discussion by our incompetent legislators. The fact that the legislature is an elected body of persons who are responsible to the people, by this amendment wants to hand over the appointment of certain important commissions to private individuals who are not answerable to anybody.

The recent victory in the UNHRC in Geneva was won because of the support of the civilised nations. But those nations that moved to condemn our valiant Security Forces as war criminals and having failed in their efforts, are now resorting to economically destabilize our country in several ways including the withdrawal of the GSP+. They have now brought up yet another issue, the resettlement of the IDPs.

Minister Prof. Peiris as reported in the news media has met the leaders of the EU countries to explain the factual situation with the resettlement of the IDP's and persuade them not to use this GSP+ concessions to destabilize the Sri Lankan economy at this time when we have just cleared the country of 30 years of terrorism, considered as an invincible force by the civilised nations and when the government are doing all it can to resettle the IDPs as speedily as possible who are temporarily housed in camps at great cost to the country.

Is it the position of these 'civilised' nations that the government should allow these displaced citizens of this country who has been suffering under the jackboot of the LTTE all these years and ran away from the human shield of Prabhakaran to the safety of our Security Forces, should be released without any care for the pregnant mothers and infants or their livelihood. If they were living happily under Prabharakan, why did they run away with only a few belongings with their children into the safety of the Security Forces as we all saw on television. What about those had core terrorists who may be heroin addicts introduced to drugs by Prabhakaran to keep them tied to the LTTE, now hiding in these camps agitating to be allowed to go free and start their terrorism again.

At one time the apparel industry was threatened by the withdrawal of the Quota System by the USA. But our skillful industrialist with their business resilience overcame this threat and it appears that today business with the USA has in fact increased. Due to the economic situation in the USA a slight drop in exports have to be expected.

We are told that the apparel exports brings in over three billion dollars but nearly 70 percent of this revenue will have to be paid for importing the raw materials necessary to produce these goods. Thus the net foreign exchange revenue is not what matters so much but the extent to which the employment that may be affected if the GSP+ is withdrawn.

Our far-sighted businessmen did not start their industries hoping for the preferential treatment for their export products. This GSP+ may have helped them initially to compete in the EU countries and established themselves as producers of quality products.

The publicity given to the closure of some apparel manufacturers is certainly not due to the withdrawal of the GSP+ as this facility is still in existence. They may have closed down for other reasons. There is no point except for political reasons for spreading panic among the people that the withdrawal of GSP+ 'will cause immense hardships and misery to all people'.

What we industrialists went through to keep our manufacturing businesses without going under, when in 1978 the economy was suddenly liberalized and the flooding the market of the products we manufactured, at dumping prices of poor quality imported products, without giving us time even to refurbish our plant and machinery and compete was a nightmare to say the least. But we survived without laying off a single employee. So will the apparel industry survive GSP+ or not.

Money laundering

Our Government is taking all constructive steps to combat money laundering with strict instructions issued to banks, finance houses, insurance companies etc. to inform the relevant authorities about material transactions made by their customers. There was a time where account holders' consent was necessary to give such information other than on orders from the Courts or the Department of Inland Revenue. However this has been overruled now due to security reasons and it becomes duty of account holders to explain income and payments appearing in their statements.

I suggest the following steps be taken by all customers to clear the doubts if raised by the relevant authority.

a. check the monthly statement regularly and identify the debits and credits with records maintained by you.

b. Since any person could make remittance to another person's account, all unidentified credits in the statements be checked and details be obtained from the bank. If it is remitted directly to the bank the receiving bank have the details. If a cheque has been deposited by another person at the counter the collection bank could obtain details from the payment bank.

c. In the case of unidentified debits there is a possibility that your signature had been forged by the culprits and you not only lose money but also face legal problems if the transaction was used for illegal purpose. Therefore please obtain clarification early.

d. When remitting money to others on request made by your relations whether they are abroad or in Sri Lanka obtain a letter from them in support of the request and if possible the reason also (please note that these types of details are not necessary if you are making statutory payments like Income Tax on behalf of others).

It is true that it is troublesome for genuine people to follow this procedure. However, due to the present situation you have to bear the difficulties and cooperate with relevant authorities when inquiring into these matters.

Spot fines and driving licence

It would be appreciated if the DIG Motor Traffic or The Commissioner of Motor Traffic will look into the dilemma motorists encounter when we are to pay a fine and collect our Driving Licence from the Police Station.

I had to encounter when I was charged on the Gampola, Kandy highway when I had overtaken driving my car a Three Wheeler which was plying on a very low speed probably 10-20 KMH, presuming that it was going to halt I had overtaken on a Single Line, however I had known that the Traffic Police was just a few yards away. My justification to the Police Officer as to why I had overtaken was of no use instead I was charged, anyway I had to accept my offence and surrender my Driving Licence (For the first time) and received a document of proof for the Licence received. I was really misguided by the Police officer attached to the Kandy Police that I pay a fine of Rs.550 at any Post office with the Document provided, but later it was known that I should first collect the fine document from the Police station the Police officer decides and then pay the fine at the post office and then return to the latter Police Station and collect the driving licence.

In fact all this hassle could be really avoided saving the precious time, expenses etc of any Motorist who ever is involved in spot fines violating driving rules. I would like to emphasize the following to the DIG Traffic or the Commissioner of Motor Traffic on behalf of the thousands involved in driving vehicles in Sri Lanka.

1. Spot Fines is welcomed for whatever the charge is based. But an offer or choice to be given to the person concerned to pay the fine at a Police Station convenient to him or her.

2. As at present e.g. if a spot fine is imposed on a motorist at Trincomalee who's a permanent residence is Kandy, he/she has to get back to Trincomalee to pay the fine and get back the driving licence, what a 'disgrace' The time, expenses etc involved going all the way to the Police Station concerned is agonizing considering the present days Cost of Living.

3. In my case too my closest Police Station was Gampola (where I live), Peradeniya and then Kandy but instead the Police officer instructed me to go and pay the fine at the Dawulagala Police far away from my hometown and collect my Driving Licence. Isn't this absurd. Is this Justice?

Stamped envelopes not available

The Ambalangoda Post Office has run short of stamped envelopes for over one month. The Agency Post Office is also not having these envelopes. A large number of people who call over at this PO are being turned away with the stock reply, 'Out of stock'. I do not know whether it is the same situation in the outstations too.

These envelopes are very handy and is of good quality, with attractive advertisements on their flaps. The authorities concerned should take note of this, and supply the Post Offices with an adequate supply of these printed envelopes to avoid shortages in the future.

Maintenance of proper accounts

I write to find out whether there is an accepted method of maintaining proper accounts, or whether the systems adopted defer from industry to industry or from organization to organization.

I am aware, certain establishments maintaining accounts and procedures quite contrary to the accepted AR and FR regulations applicable. However the above positions have never been challenge by any responsible authority who is empowered to do so. Needless to mention this situation deprives the country of the actual revenue she is entitled to, while those responsible continue to operate as above deliberately or through ignorance, not been detected and corrected by the law. The above position is further aggravated by the absence and non-maintenance of proper records and documentation supporting the income and expenditure.

Accordingly, this position benefits the giver, more than the receiver, which position should be corrected by enforcing the law of the land to give to Ceasar, what belongs to him, which is necessary for the development and sustenance of the country.

All those who are eligible should be required to pay their dues in full, for which maintenance of proper accounts should be made compulsory. As far as I am aware, if you expect someone to give what is due to you without your asking for it, you will never get it.

Adults Only films taboo for teenagers

I refer to above titled letter by S.S.B. Subramaniam (August 29) whatever he has said in his letter is quite relevant and important as far as the boys and girls under the age of 18 years are concerned. Teenagers include the boys and girls who belong to the age group of 19 years too. In such cases, those who are of 18 years and above are considered to be adults in a legal sense since they are eligible to exercise voting rights.

Therefore, Subramaniam's use of the term, 'teenagers' needs an explanation of the age group. He could have used the phrase 'the school going children' to limit the use of 'taboo' of Adults Only Films.

However, I would like to add some of my practicable suggestions to be considered by Education Minister Susil Premajayantha who has ruled that teenagers should not watch Adults Only films. I think the Minister may have limited his prohibitive rule to those who are below the age of 18 years. Since those who are of 18 years and above are legally treated as adults.

In my view, may I verify from the Education Minister whether the Government has made any legislation to control the Internet Cafes open to all adults or youngsters, schoolchildren who are addicted to use of Internet services - obscene plays - blue films. The owner of the Internet Cafe does not prevent anyone from using the Internet facilities - whether adult only films or another immorally corrupting websites.

It is high time that the Government should bring all the Internet Cafes under their control and cancel the licences, if the schoolchildren are allowed to use blue films etc.

Just as the Minister of Tourism Development Faizer Musthafa suddenly inspected a squalid tourist hotel and cancelled the licence forthwith, the Education Minister himself should make a surprise inspection of Internet Cafes and theatres to check whether the schoolchildren are allowed to watch Adults Only films or blue films.

Another relevant point to bring to the notice of the Education Minister is that the commercial advertisements depicting half naked beauties exciting the feeling of adults and non-adults.

What drastic action can the Government take to check the commercial advertisers who corrupt the public with obscene way of advertising. The same case is in the TV advertisement too.

The posters found in front of business enterprises have nude pictures of females. The cinema theatres have kept posters with half naked actresses to attract the youngsters too.



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