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But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
- William Butler Yeats



They taught me
not to kill any being
taking meals.
I look at you,
your body, a slender rod
brimming with my blood.
Tell me, are you going to
give that to anyone else?
Don't misunderstand me, mosquito,
I have no option,
I have to think about my clan.

To my son

I see your smile, feel the touch of your hand,
Your voice reaches me from far
As evening falls, I listen to your footsteps,
when you're late,
My hand drops away, now resigned to my fate.
whenever I phone to find out why you're late,
At the first ring you would say mamma,
I'm just near the gate.
You come through the kitchen and inspect the food,
To see what's for dinner
After dinner you say wake me at five thirty,
I have to leave home at six thirty,
There are reports to finish, or a meeting to attend
when I go to clean your room,
You'll say don't clear my table you'll throw things away,
I'm not going forever, I'll be back home to stay,
Your exams made me proud I know,
Although son when you are not near
I do miss you so,
when you're late, I'm awake at night to hear the phone ring.
My heart jumps with joy, from bed I do spring.
The sound of your voice, brings you so near to me,
God Bless you, and keep you, and guide you.


The dawn

Darkness breaks with the sun rises
The sky is lit with fabulous nature's dyes
In the horizon black fades while blue appears
Golden a dawn of another day transpires

The cool breeze hanging around tranquil
Makes the atmosphere so wonderful
Tells everyone to be cheerful
Start the day with an ambitious mind in full

The flowers bloom in radiance hither and thitherSway together in the gentle wind to greet
one anotherShadows of the far mountains and haze around them gatherMakes the site so
gorgeous that shows the pride of nature

The birds the first to get ready for the early catch Butterflies make their way to the
blossoms that matchWaters in the stream looks like the crystals that flash Adds
more splendour to the site in the morning hush

Smoke puffed from chimneys as the hearths are lit
nd meals are being cooked to break the fast
Folk at home get ready for their routines
Gear to start the day with wonderful notes

Sun rays become warmer as it always happens
The haze disappears while serenity fadesChildren set off to
schools and others leave for workplaces
Environs become live with folks rushing on street and fields

Podi Menike

The sight of 'Podi Menike'
The train to Badulla
At peep of dawn
Gathers of my memories
Around you

I, every morn, with my hasty steps
Await down the way
To have a quick glance
And not to ever miss.

I stare, and stare
Not once, but
Until it vanishes
From my vision

I'm in my elevated thoughts
Only for a second
And soon fallen into
A deep, solemn state....

The live dancer

Rhyme and tuned to
melody of music
Your dance on stage
Is live and superb

Fitting apparels
Colourful shades
Make your dance
A bright highlight

Sparkle in light
Your glittering eyes
Flash and spread
Afar afar

Speak in silent
The theme of dance
A lustre to sight
Your charming smile

Clings in tone your
Anklets bangles
a sealed souvenir
Oh! An elegant recital

Desire to be bloomed...

My desires to bloom
In an arid sandy desert,
Spreading sweet fragrance
To soothe withered hearts
are inexplicable...

My desires to be offered
At the feet of the compassionate one
With due respect and devotion
are great and sacred....

My desires to compensate
A mother, whose life was
Full of ups and downs,
are innumerable...

My desires to adorn
The victorious path of a great warrior,
Whose valiant efforts are successful,
are boundless...

My desires to decorate
The tress of hair of a charming bride,
Whose dreams come true,
are pure and alluring....

My desires to be left alone
With a dead hero whose sacrifice
Was noble and great, and
Shed a drop of tear
at his bereavement
are infinite....

My desires to be part and parcel
Of the cradle to the coffin
Of a benevolent in his worthy endeavours
are not diminished....

But... how!
Being miserable, could I be bloomed,
With such fragrance, colour and softness
When hawk-eyes vandals, fence around
With lust and sins
to nip me in the bud....!

Flight offancy

As the flight
Took off
To an unknown destination
I was compelled
To recite a silent prayer
Ensuring a safe journey
As I have never had
Undertaken such a long
And arduous voyage
Necessitating a change
Of continents
And it is quite natural When the plane touched - down
With a jerk
At the imposing Lusaka Airport
I harboured some apprehensions
For a fraction of a moment
Till a bevy of scantly - dressed
African damsels
Welcomed me to their fold
Dancing in unison
To the wild drum - beat
Assuring I gather
A vortex of pleasant
And nostalgic memories


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