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Art of Sybil Wettasinghe

Sybil Wettasinghe is more remembered as the author and illustrator of Kuda Hora, a legendary Sri Lankan children's story which has been read and cherished by many generations of kids. A pioneer in the field of juvenile story writing and illustrating in Sri Lanka, Wettasinghe's stories for children and her delightful rendering of images innovatively brought into life the essence of the tales narrated.

Introducing her own particular style as a book illustration artist as well as a prolific storyteller, her work set off a new genre of story books for children that had a rootedness in a particular indigenous idiom. It unselfconsciously unfolded the local village aspirations and the simplicity of life that is romantically linked to it.

Secret mythology

Referring to the practice of writing, Roland Barthes has noted: ".... imagery, delivery, vocabulary spring from the body and the past of the writer and gradually become the very reflexes of his art.

Thus under the name of style a self sufficient language is evolved which has its roots only in the depths of the author's personal and secret mythology....".

Such speculations invite us to ponder on aspects of Wettasinghe's life to grasp certain nuances and quintessence that is embedded in her work. Wettasinghe grew up in the cozy village environment of Gintota, a small town in the South near the port town of Galle, with its happy childhood memories, and her work provided an extensive canvas for her to recapture the nostalgic reminiscences of its blissful moments.

Nethra Samarawickrama in her biographical note on Wettasinghe writes: "Her autobiography 'Child in Me' provides a richly detailed account of the characters she came across, ranging from stilt walkers who visited the village and recited nadagam melodies and tom-tom beaters who carried the announcements of the temple to kavikolakarayas who conveyed news to the village through their long drawn poetic recitations".

In the 1920s Gintota still had the feel of the rural, and largely operated within a traditional value system and a way of life.

Stereotypical characters

Throughout her work Wettasinghe tries to capture this aspect of rural life, the nature of interactions and relationships within the community and their close proximity to nature.

When reading her work, we are literally and metaphysically nudged to fall in love with her village, its stereotypical characters, their idiosyncratic behaviour and the witty and colourful dialogs that project a harmless, laidback world within which one feels so content to be in.

Juxtaposed against the historical Legacy of Euro - American juvenile stories based on sources such as legendary Grimms' Fairy Tales, stories of Hans Christian Andersen and others spun by many foreign authors that were dominating the Sri Lankan child's imaginary world for a long time, Wettasinghe's world of characters with its localized experiences and episodes certainly provided the juvenile story writing in Sri Lanka a decentring possibility from the European storytelling traditions and their nuances.

If Eurocentric storytelling through stories such as 'Snow white, Cinderella and the Sleeping Beauty' brought to life the narratives of white princess, fire eating dragons, dark wicked stepmothers and European castles stimulated an alien fantasy in the Sri Lankan context, Wettasinghe's Kuda Hora, 'Vesak Lantern' and the Duvana Revula familiarized the urban child with the most joyous possibilities of village life playfully enriched with references to local customs, elements of cultural imagery and the splendour of its natural environment.

As much as Wettasinghe's work tantalized the child's imaginary world, it also provided children's story book writing a new link to a folk storytelling tradition rooted in the Sri Lankan context.

Urban life

While she was sympathetic and nostalgic toward the village that inspired her to romanticize it, she as unhesitant in wittily critiquing the urban life though her works such as Kusumalatha.

This particular orientation also posited the village as pure and urban as contaminated with its familiarity with colonial and western ways of life.

This became a popular genre for many creative works of literary writers, filmmakers and artists during the 1950s and 1960s. The pre and post independent anxieties of finding an 'authentic self within the nation building project revived the interest in the traditional and the indigenous during the decades following 1948.

Literary figures

In this socio-political environment Wettasinghe's work which, largely privileged folk culture, found an ideologically compatriotic audiences and endorsers from the Southern Sinhala art and literary figures such as Martin Wickramasinghe, Chandraratne Manawasinghe, W. A. Silva and Sunil Shantha.

A forerunner of illustration artists in Sri Lanka, Wettasinghe turned women's creative energy into establishing an independent artistic profession that did not have a legacy that as locally rooted. Storytelling was mostly a woman's task within her domesticity of child rearing where lullabies' and numerous stories were recounted to kids by female members of the families.

While some of these were commonly narrated tales from folktales or fairytale that were circulated in society, others are made up or reinvented with variations to keep the attention of the young.

It is through these acts of storytelling that children first became familiar with the social behaviour systems, customs, norms and basics of morality.


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