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Human conflicts on global scale

A closer look:

Based on solid facts and analysis of specific conflicts emanated around the world from time to time are of great importance to learn. L.B. Dissanayake has compiled and collated facts in regard to human conflicts and produced a book titled "An Odyssey of Human conflict".

"An Odyssey of Human Conflicts, is a wisely written book with many examples and events that had taken place in the world history. The author provides a much-needed strategic approach to make aware such events for the benefit of this scholars and academics and interested parties.

The author has also looked at human conflict on a global scale, tracing human conflict from prehistoric times to the modern day. He has outlined some of the major conflicts in history in order to illustrate the fact that human conflict is as old as the human race.

However, terrorism has added another dimension to violent conflicts since the latter part of the 20th century, destabilizing many countries in the world.

In addition to the spread of terrorism the indiscriminate manufacture and sale of lethal weapons, the availability of weapons of mass destruction and the clash of cultures are seen by the author as the threats to humanity in the modern world. He is of the view that the United Nations Organization has to play a more proactive role in order to minimize conflicts between nations and that this World Body has to be empowered by the member nations to be more effective in its negotiations. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is not being honoured by several nations in the spirit in which it has been drawn up, in order to limit the spread of nuclear weapons in the world. The author sees this as a threat to world peace.

The undesirable climatic changes caused by global warming due to high concentrations of green house gases in the atmosphere will result in reduction in the production of food as well as the availability of clean water in the world.

Dependency on fossil fuel has to be reduced drastically in order to contain global warming.

The third world countries will be the worst affected due to climatic changes. Over exploitation of natural resources and uncontrolled population growth leading to the carrying capacity of the earth being exceeded are seen by the author as the other factors that will destabilize the world in the near future.

The author says that his views on human conflict, causes of conflict and their adverse effects on life on this planet are expressed in, An Odyssey of Human Conflict, in order to create greater awareness of the threats to humanity in the 21st century.

The book is concise and readable with a lot of useful information keeping the reader interested to the end. The book is available at Lake House, Vijitha Yapa, Charles Subasinghe book shops and Barefoot.


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