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Government Gazette

SAARC as a vehicle for peace, prosperity and stability

The 31st Session of the SAARC Council of Foreign Ministers successfully ended on February 27 with adoption of the report and the two declarations on terrorism, drug and human trafficking, economy and related matters. The fifth Summit strongly condemned all forms of terrorist violence and expressed deep concern over the serious threat posed by terrorism to peace.

 The President addressing the 31st Session of the SAARC Council of Foreign Ministers

All Foreign Ministers including the Foreign Minister of India emphasized the need for strong possible cooperation in the fight of terrorism.

Everybody spoke with one word and everybody is suffering from this tragic menace, Sri Lanka being the main victim.

Wars cannot be won on the ground alone. The major part of the humanitarian war is based on winning over the international community and the availability and applicability of modern technology which decides the success of modern war.

Facing Resistance

Reports we receive are that we are at last winning the international community over- thanks to the hard work done by the President and the Foreign Minister despite continued resistance from outside and within.

‘Mahinda shuttle diplomacy’ and close and warm rapport with world leaders is paying dividends. The visit to Nepal is part of that shuttle diplomacy.

Today, we are lucky as all factors and circumstances are in our favour.

The President made an aggressive but impressive speech at SAARC covering all the areas where the audience consisted of representatives of 25 per cent of the world population.

He strongly stressed on the need to combat the “Evil Forces” of terrorism. He appealed to all members to redouble the efforts to combat the menace individually and collectively.

How we are placed internationally today is the “litmus test” during this most crucial period when giant India is getting ready for a general election and the UK is on the verge of fielding an envoy for Sri Lanka Ex-parte.

The West was brain washed by INGOS with ulterior interests and different agendas. Mexico attempted to initiate a motion against us in the Security Council and there were reports that UK too was going to back it whilst other countries were carefully observing the situation with concern.

The LTTE is still powerful economically and in reality has some support from expatriates. It is time that we win them over and made partners our development. Still it has the capacity to strike back in some way some day.

These are realities we should be aware of and be ready in the long run. The United Kingdom too has come to its senses and said at the Security Council that Sri Lanka is not in the agenda.

Changing attitudes

Now the West too is using the word ‘terrorists’ and terrorism, after President Mahinda called terrorists as terrorists when the media and politicians in the country and outside named them freedom fighters and combatants.

Sometime back reports on Sri Lanka were biased. But in fairness to the President and the Foreign Minister, the table is now turning to our side. It is hard work and strategy. Some found fault with the Foreign Minister for hosting SAARC by spending a fair amount of funds from our national economy. Today, it is proved that the money spent on SAARC is well worth. The presence of the SAARC leaders in Sri Lanka made the difference in initiating the turning point.

The statement made by Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Sir Jon Holmes answers the questions and concerns raised by the International community which reads as follows.-” The continuing close attention of the international community will be a very important part of this , including security given by the Government. I urge again from those with any influence on the position of the LTTE, to use that influence now. Let the civilian population go.

There is no time to waste. At the Security Council he appealed to all with any influence on the position of the Tigers to use that influence to force them to let the civilians go.

Even the President of the Security Council Ambassador of Japan said “laying down of arms is the only practical and violable way for a solution and peace and freedom of the trapped civilians.”

Now that winning the war on terror is certain, with the goodwill and confidence of the world, our next main challenge is to look after our people trapped and suffering for over three decades under the clutches of LTTE.

Collective Efforts

They should be granted all individual and collective human rights and all kinds of freedom enjoyed by other members of the world. Karuna Amman has made a strong and effective statement that what the Tamils need is “equal rights” and not a separate state.

We are unable to live in isolation as the world has become so small, interconnected and interwoven.

It is a good strategy to help and be helped by immediate neighbours with similar thinking and economic structures and problems.

It is the time for Asians now and it is best to organize to achieve peace prosperity and stability of all member nations of the SAARC.



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