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UN puts record straight

There were many dooms day prophets who were waiting in eager anticipation for the UN to pass strictures on Sri Lanka and much worse at Friday’ Security Council meeting.To the utter dismay of these cassandras the UN unequivocally asserted it would not make a pronouncement against Sri Lanka having satisfied itself on the steps taken by the Government to address the humanitarian issues stemming from the exodus of civilians from the uncleared areas.

This was after it was given a full briefing by UN Under Secretary of State John Holmes following his visit to IDP camps and also his representations that it was the LTTE which has been holding these civilians by force.

But what would put every Sri Lankan at ease is the UN’s stand on the Sri Lanka situation.According to President of the Security Council ,Ambassador Takasu of Japan the Sri Lankan situation was not on the Council’s agenda .

This was despite various reports in the local media that Sri Lanka was to be hauled over the coals with even suggestions of UN troops entering the country.

What was even more significant was the UN President’s remarks to a reporter.In response to a query this was what he had to say “Lanka cannot be compared with other situations, like Sudan where there are implications for international peace and security, as Sri Lanka’s is an internal issue where a Government is combatting a group described as a terrorist organisation by many countries”.

What is even more important was the briefing by Under Secretary General John Holmes did not result in a call for a ceasefire but a general agreement that the LTTE must lay down arms. This more than anything underlines the fact of a major shift in the UN’s perception on the Sri Lanka’s conflict.It is also an indication that it is no longer swayed by various lobby groups of the West nor human rights organisations in arriving at it’s own conclusion vis a vis the Lankan situation.

All this augers well for Sri Lanka whose troops are now on its last lap to finish off the LTTE. Of course as always the UN has expressed concerns on the plight of the civilians. But even here it is now holding the LTTE totally responsible. It is obvious from the UN stand that it now sees the problem in Sri Lanka in a clearer light.

The UN stance is also a stinging defeat to the LTTE lobby groups and certain Western media which was hell bent on blackening the image of the Government and the Security Forces. To some of the local NGOs and their scribes who scarcely conceal where their sympathies lay , this latest UN position no doubt would be bitter pill to swallow.They always kept the UN as a sword of Damocles hanging over Sri Lanka.

The fact that the Security Council had expressed satisfaction on the treatment of IDPs, particularly of plans to send back 80% of these IDPs as soon as possible, following the briefing by John Holmes,is also an endorsement of the Government’s genuine concern for the plight of the civilians.This is in stark contrast to the recent reports in the Western media that these hapless people were being housed in ‘concentration camps’.

No doubt these reports were clearly aimed at turning international wrath against the Government.It had certainly not swayed the UN.

We must now build on this goodwill and strive to further demonstrate the Government’s good intentions with regard to the trapped civilian population.The LTTE with the aid of its sympathizers may go all out to plant horrendous stories in the dying days of the organisation.

Hence there is need for the UN to be constantly kept abreast of the unfolding situation.That the UN at its meeting had also acknowledged the Government’s zero casualty policy too is a plus factor that would set the record straight in this connection.

Now that the main Opposition too had come to the position that the LTTE should be militarily defeated. It should join hands with the Government to see through this last phase of the war. The UNP should desist from masking pronouncements that would be inimical to the Government and Security Forces internationally which would stymie the impending victory.The UN, contrary to popular perception has endorsed the Government’s attempt to defeat terrorism and cleared the air.

Now that the UN has come to terms with the Sri Lankan situation going to extent of endorsing the Government’s handling of the issues. All efforts should be made to retain this advantage.

There is a lot that could be done on the diplomatic front in this regard. A vigorous campaign should be launched to counter all negative propaganda that is bound to surface at this crucial stage and put the Lankan position in perspective internationally.The UN no less should be made the focus of this campaign.

Eradicating inequalities

Sri Lankan example:

There are inequalities in plenty between countries, and within countries too, in most cases. But in our own Sri Lanka there are no inequalities in the healthcare provided by the state.

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Dinesh Turns Three-Score

Boralugoda Ralahamy’s grandson Dinesh Chandra Rupasinghe Gunawardena was born to Philip and Kusuma Gunawardena on the March 2, 1949. His father Don Philip Rupasinghe Gunawardena is known as the Father of Sri Lankan Socialism. His mother Kusuma Gunawardena, was the first and only woman MP to return uncontested to the Parliament of Ceylon.

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SLAF celebrate 58th anniversary:

Defending the Nation from dizzy heights

The entire Sri Lankan nation saluted the Sri Lanka Air Force when gallant airmen who were defending the air space shot down two enemy aircraft which had intruded into the air space of Colombo and Katunayake on suicide missions.

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