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DateLine Thursday, 23 October 2008

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Christian Perspectives

'Adam, where are you?'

'Adam, where are you?' These are words spoken by God as Adam hides himself from God after disobeying Him.

When a child cries out 'Mum, where are you?' we know there is longing in the child's heart to be close to his/her mother - this outcry from God is similar, as Adam had made a serious mistake which resulted in a breach in the relationship of God with man. To put this relationship right the price that had to be paid was brutal. Adam deserved a good telling off, but the outcry from God's heart was Adam, where are you? (don't hide from me!)

God's heart was torn apart as He longed for man to be part of Him and continue with his relationship.

Satan had already been cast out from God's presence from heaven into the earth. When we read the creation account of Genesis, God wanted man to be the crown of Creation and take charge.

The Bible tells us that God wanted man to subdue the earth. The word 'subdue ' itself means that there is going to be a struggle, does it not?

The struggle was not with God but Satan who wanted to spoil everything that God intended as he wanted the power of God, as he seems to forget that he is only a created being and not the Creator - so certainly all power belongs to God the only Creator.

God created man in His image so that a close relationship with man and God would bloom and everything will be in harmony. Right from the beginning God wished Adam will choose right and for this reason places the Tree of Life right in the middle of the Garden so that Adam's focus will be on it and not on the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was placed next to it. God also gives Adam a warning 'do not eat of that tree as it will only lead to death'.

But alas! Adam disobeys and death , disharmony and a whole lot of evil is brought with it as Adam fails to defeat Satan by obeying God which would have resulted in man subduing the earth as God's intention was.

Love and harmony would have prevailed as a result - instead Satan defeats the purpose for which man was created, to bring glory to God. Immediately God had to look for another man to fulfil this purpose.

There was no one to take that place, because the consequence of the fall meant a sacrifice of a pure person without sin had to be made.( Satan thought ' I got Him this time where is He going to find this person?') Thanks be to God, that in Christ , this great requirement was fulfilled.

God, the Son willingly steps down from His glory and whole heartedly accepts the brutal death of an unblemished, innocent lamb of God to put matters right - the 2nd Adam where the first one failed had to fulfil God's purpose for the creation of man in subduing the earth and bringing it back to God. Let me repeat God's heart cry again to you - 'Adam, where are you? ' Life is full of choices for us humans. The reason being that God wanted man to have freedom of choice - but unfortunately the wrong choice meant you are on Satan's side. So, as there is no middle,( not being for God nor Satan) we have to be careful which side we are on.

Life is a warfare - it was so even before we were created as a big catastrophe had taken place in the spiritual world between God and Lucifer the most powerful and beautiful archangel who had failed, and he together with one third of the angels who supported him were cast out of heaven to the earth.

Genesis 1:2 gives us a hint of it:-

But the earth became waste and emptiness and darkness was on the surface of the deep. Where God exists there is light - darkness and waste spells out judgement and judgement had taken place on the pre-adamic universe.

Final judgement awaits Lucifer who is no longer called by the name of an angel but Satan or the devil - but we humans are caught right in the middle of making right choices every step of the way.

How would you define 'right choice'? It is to do what God intended for your life and to please Him to disobey is to rebel against God. I really cannot think of a better reason as to why there is so much evil prevailing in our universe. The scriptures give the best explanation.

Let me just leave you with verses from the Scriptures:-

Scripture No:1

Do not love the world or the things in the world

If anyone loves the world the love of the Father

Is not in him.

For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh

The lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of

The Father but is of the world.

And the world is passing away and the lust of it

But He who does the will of God

Abides forever. 1John 2: 15,16

Scripture No: 2

Because the mind-set on the flesh is enemity against God

it is not subject to the law of God and neither can it be.

And those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

The world and all its system caters to the flesh and therefore

If we indulge in it we are in enemity to God. Romans 8:7,8.

How do we overcome this dilemma?

Roman 8: 1 says: Now there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus

For the law of spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from

The law of sin and death.

You have the freedom of choice - choose wisely.

Sunitha Sahayam

New church building at Padaviya dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Rev.Fr. Clement Waidyasekera OMI, Oblate Provincial Colombo Province inspecting the new building.

The new Church building dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help at Padaviya is nearing completion. The small Catholic community belonging to that Mission hopes to celebrate Christmas this year in the new Church building if they get the generous support from the Catholics living in other parts of the country, the devotees of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Presently the offering of the Holy Mass and performance of other religious rites and rituals are held at the temporary Chapel set up in 1986, in a plot of land, with a mission house and house for catechists to look after the extensive area that covers the boarders of three civil districts Anuradhapura, Trincomalee and Mullaithivu by the late First Bishop of Anuradhapura Rt.Rev.Dr. Joy Gunawardene OMI continues to serve the little flock.

Padaviya Mission of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate which now comes under the Diocese of Anuradhapura was begun 54 years ago in 1954 as a sub-station of Medawachchiya St. Joseph Church.

The spiritual needs of the emerging little Catholic flock was looked after then by Rev.Fr.Reginald de Silva OMI until Rev Fr. Gilbert Perera OMI took over the mission as the first parish priest of Padaviya. Catholic families living at Buddangala, Kavantissapura, Eke Kanuwa, Kahatagasdigiuliya coming within the Parakramapura, Kokilai, Sampathnuwara and Welioya Kiriibbanwewa belong to this Mission.

The present Parish Priest Rev.Fr. Nilushan Fernando OMI told the Christian Perspectives, the construction of the new building is estimated to cost about Rs.10 million taking into account the present high price of building materials in the local market.

He said that although the people of the area were poor peasant families, they have promised to help raise the Church Building Fund by contributing Rs.5, 000 each and added saying that he was very grateful to the Catholics and other men of goodwill living in other parts of the country for contributing their share to keep the faith of the little live in Padaviya, though they live miles away from the Padaviya Mission.

Due to security reasons the roads are closed after 6.00 pm and people who are mostly farmers get back home to spend the nights with uncertainties.

Among the school going age children who help their parents in the plots of land they cultivate to sustain themselves are brilliant children but keep away from further studies as means do not allow them to continue with their education.

This Church is situated at the 18th Mile Post at Padaviya which is 97 kilometres away from the Anuradhapura New Town and 60 kilometres from Medawatchchiya. One could reach this church by traveling in buses leaving to Sripura, Janakapura from Anuradhapura Town.


Lasallian Youth Day 2008 and World

Youth Day 2008 - a resounding success

Sri Lankan Lasallian delegates headed by Brother Pravin Vaz FSC from St. Benedict's College, Kotahena accompanied by Brother Roshan FSC from Diyagala Boys' Town, Ragama, Tyronne Perera from St. Benedict's College, Suren Perera from De Mazenod College, Kandana and Kingsley from St. Xavier's College, Mannar (a Lasallian Institution) were full of praise and admiration for the meticulous preparation and excellent execution of the elaborate plans for His Holiness Benedict's visit to Australia, which had been a resounding success.

Like the Lasallian Youth Day all the other religious congregations too had their respective Youth Day in Australia to coincide with His Holiness Pope Benedict's visit. The Lasallian Youth Day was held in Melbourne and its theme was the same as that of the World Youth Day 'Receive the power, the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and you shall be my witnesses'.

There were 550 Lasallian youth from the four corners of the globe. On the opening day the eucharist was celebrated by some Lasallian old boy priests from New Zealand at the performing arts centre. The keynote address was given by Michael Carr on the 'Challenges of the Youth'.

The following day representatives from all the religious congregations gathered at the Federation Square in Melbourne for a peace march organised by the Oblate youth. It was followed by 'Lasallian Focus Sessions'. The first one on 'Lasallian Vocation' was given by Bro. David Hawke FSC, General Councillor for PARC (Pacific Asian Regional Conference). This was followed by a presentation by the students of the La Salle University of Bethlehem on 'Education under occupation'. The Lasallian Youth Ministry was presented by the La Salle Brothers from Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Towards, the evening the youth listened to a talk on the 'Rights of the Child' by the Australian Brothers. This was followed by various interviews with the Brothers from Australia. The youth were free to ask any question on current problems of the youth in the world, especially in Australia. At the Eucharist, Brother Thomas Johnson Vicar General of the De La Salle Brothers and Brother Michael Broughton FSC from Malaysia addressed the youth. The following day the main speaker was His Grace the Archbishop of Palestine Rt. Rev. Msgr Elias Chacour. The entire programme was animated by a renowned charismatic activist Mr. Jesse Manibusan from USA which was really enjoyable.

There were more than 1,300,000 pilgrims awaiting the arrival of the Pope. Everyone enjoyed the carnival atmosphere, the youth yelling on top of their voices Benedict! Benedict! Vivail Papa! Vivail Papa! Long live the Pope!

Like Christ appearing in a boat on the sea of Galilee to address his disciple His Holiness Pope Benedict (XVI) appeared in a boat at the Sydney harbour. There was a seething mass of humanity to accord to rousing and cordial welcome to the pope.

Furthermore, there was an open air Way of the Cross starting from St. Mary's Cathedral Sydney and ending at the Sydney harbour. There was also a pilgrim walk through the main streets of Sydney for the evening vigil with His Holiness from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. which terminated with the recitation of the Holy Rosary.

On the final day there was the festive Eucharistic Celebration by the Pope at the Randwick Race Course, Sydney which was filled to capacity. His Holiness graciously blessed with city of Sydney and the whole world! All in all, it was a resounding success.

Dr. Baptist Croos FSC

Jesus the Rabbi, model of teachers

A tribute to the teachers

The Catholic Teachers' Day was celebrated on October 5. It is appropriate to reflect on the model of our teaching life: Jesus the Rabbi. May this research article be a tribute to all who have looked up to Jesus as the model of their teaching career. The fond memories treasured of all my teachers in schools, colleges, seminaries and Biblicum (Rome) are renewed in gratitude, as I pen it down.

He spoke to us through a Son

God initiated and maintained during Old Testament times a special revelation in fragmentary and varied ways through the Prophets - i.e. all those through whom God spoke. But in this final messianic age, He revealed His saving purpose through one who is His Son, the climax of His revelation: "In times past, God spoke gradually and in many ways to our forefathers in the prophets; in these last days, he spoke to us in a son..." (Heb 1, 1-2)

Jesus the Rabbi

As God began to speak to His people through His Son, they addressed Him honorifically as Rabbi (Matthew 19, 16). He taught like a rabbi. He preached the coming of God's Kingdom and the consequent need for all Israel to repent. To hammer home His message, He employed many forms of speech from the wisdom and prophetic traditions of Israel such as beatitudes, woes, oracles and parables. In particular. But Jesus behaved at times like a nonconformist rabbi. He cultivated practices contrary to common rabbinic custom. For example, He initiated the call of His disciples and attached them permanently to His person; He easily approached women, included them in His travelling entourage and taught them willingly. Further, He acted out in His own life the loving embrace of a God welcoming sinners home through His table fellowship with the religiously lost or marginalised which could have put Him in a constant state of ritual impurity.

As a Jewish rabbi, Jesus basically affirmed the Law of Moses as God's Will. But He rejected any casuistic fragmentation of God's Will into countless petty commandments and ritual observances. Reflecting the apocalyptic idea that end-time corresponds to primordial time, He sought to radicalise the law by reaching back to God's Will in creation and His original purpose in giving the Law. At the same time, He sought to internalise it by reaching into the human heart to purify the front of all action. This radicalisation of the Law either deepened the thrust of the Law (for example, the equation of angry words with murder or of impure thoughts with adultery: Matthew 5, 21-22.27-28) or rescinded the letter of the Law (for example, the prohibition of divorce in Luke 16, 18; of oaths in Matthew 5,33-37).

Greeted with astonishment

This teaching career of Jesus as a Jewish rabbi amazed His people. "And when the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing (him) were astounded saying, "Whence (are) these things to this man? And what (is) the wisdom, given to him?" (Mark 6, 2). When He returned home after a preaching tour, shock and scandal greeted Him. Why were the fellow Nazarites overwhelmed?

(To be Continued)

Fr. Don Anton Saman Hettiarachchi,

St. Aloysius' Minor Seminary, Colombo.

Parishioners greet Parish Priest

To Rev. Fr. Preeya Jayamanne Parish Priest St. John the Baptist Church, Nagoda, Kandana and Dean of the Kandana Deanary celebrates his 43rd Birthday today

"Please accept our sincere thanks for all what you had done

Really we are happy that within this short time you had come

Every effort you took to make every one feel the Godly touch

Every little act of yours which helped us to love you so much

Yahweh blessed and helped you to make us happy and gay

All at Nagoda wish Rev. Father a very Happy Birthday"

Parishioners of Nagoda, Kandana.

Feast of St. Jude, Indigolla

The feast of St. Jude, Indigolle will be held on October 26 presided by Most Rev. Dr. Oswald Gomis, Archbishop of Colombo.

The festival high mass will be at 8.30 a.m. There will be services at 4.30 a.m., 6 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Catholic Missionaries and indigenisation of the Church

.... continued from last week

It was during the Dutch times that Gokkola was introduced for the Palm Sunday. The European missionaries during the British times could not understand or appreciate what their predecessors had done to set up an indigenous Church. They introduced Western forms and practices and the cultural adaption of the Oratorians were superseded. As a result the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka went back to the Western outlook.

In 1940s, when the administration of the Church began to be indigenised their was a national renaissance. the pioneer of this resurgence was Bishop Edmund Pieris, who wanted to make the Church in Sri Lanka a thing of the soil. With this end in view, Bishop Edmund Pieris edited and presented many works of Fr. Jacome Gonsalvez.

Passion Plays based on the traditional model, and Catholic Nadagams like 'Raja Tunkattuwa' were all performed under the inspiration, guidance and patronage of Bishop Edmund Pieris. It was Bishop Edmund Pieris who introduced plaintive chants on 'Thevram' style at funerals instead of Latin choral singing.

Following the initiative taken by Bishop Edmund Pieris, others like Fr. Marcelline Jayakody Fr. D. J. Anthony, Fr. Moses Perera, Fr. Joseph Adrian, Fr. Henry Rodrigo, Sunil Santha, J. K. S. Peera, Douglas Perera and Tharsee Warnakulasuriya produced outstanding religious art, literary works and hymns that contained both Christian traits and national outlook.

When the Vatican Council II (1962-65) directed that Catholic rituals should be performed in national languages and in an indigenous cultural background, the Church in Sri Lanka was already geared to the situation, so that the changes could be effected without much ado. However, there is a tendency among some who have been influenced by Western thought to discard our wholesome Catholic cultural values that have stood the test of time. There are some who suggest to do away with the traditional passion shows saying that they are an useless emotional exercise and an anachronism to present age found only in Sri Lanka.

On the other hand there are some who introduce extraneous concepts in the name of enculturation. At time fantastic performances are displayed in churches without due regard and respect for the dignity and holiness in the service. To some cultural adaptation means lavishly imitating Buddhist and Hindu concepts and practices.

There are attempts to introduce Bopath decorations to churches. There is a statue of Christ in front of St. Peter's School in Negombo in Hathi Mudra wearing a Buddhist yellow robe. If this is indigenisation, our Catholic priests too as followers of Christ should wear the yellow robes instead of the cassock!

There are some who want an indigenous theology for Sri Lanka. Christianity is God given and not man made. It is universal, transcendental

and supracultural. Christian doctrine cannot be changed to suit different times and different countries. We cannot categories it as Western theology, Eastern theology, Indian theology, Sri Lankan theology or Eskimo theology.

Religion is a powerful force in the formation and development of culture. A religion cannot be taken in isolation without the culture that emanates from it. The Christian culture may intermingle with the native culture in a country to give the Church in that country a distinct outlook. In Sri Lanka too for the last 500 years, the Church has evolved a culture of its own.

In the process of indigenisation what we should attempt is to bring about a synthesis between Christian forms and indigenous culture. The Church in Sri Lanka witnessed a magnificent form of cultural adaptation under the Oratorian priests during the Dutch times.

As Bishop Edmund Pieris vividly puts it "We must catch up the strand where the real craters of Catholic-indigenous synthesis had left it and develop and enrich it to suit modern times and conditions."

(The writer is a former High Court Judge and Vice-President of the Newman Society Alumini Association)


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