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DateLine Thursday, 24 January 2008

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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette






Abuse of Western powers

Hello Louis, look around in your own back yard. You will see who is torturing who.

You will see who is violating whose rights. The fact that you dictate terms to the Sri Lankan Government directly means you dictate to the people of Sri Lanka.

You know ours is a small poor nation of about 20 million people.

But we have dignity. You are basically fishing in troubled waters for whatever reasons rather than helping it. We understand that you are frustrated because the UN Human Rights Office could not be set up as you wished.

And, therefore, you are forced to justify your own mind and stand by accusing us in the same way your Government had wrongly accused the people of Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction.

Perhaps, a few swords or two shown in the Western media was seen as weapons of mass destruction to you and your people at that time.

This is the truth. You believe that your people are the good people and the people of Asia are the bad people. And, therefore for you, bad people should not have any kind of power.

So, for you, it is ok for your people to have nuclear bombs and other weapons to control others, and for us it is not okay.

For you, it is not okay for us to live free of international interferences.

You are directly violating the human rights of the people of Sri Lanka by interfering in our own affairs.

Perhaps you are trying to justify your own job for personal satisfaction and professional advancements in an environment that is conducive to the abuse of Western powers to other small nations such as ours.

You failed to be outspoken about our Government not having any policies to abduct people or torture prisoners and suspected people by using the western methods such as stripping them off, depriving them of sleep, and confining them in dark rooms or in brightly lit rooms and subjecting prisoners to animals such as fierce dogs who bark at prisoners constantly.

Yes, we do not have such methods of torture.

Until 1990, people of dark black or yellow skin were not allowed to marry whites by the laws of Alabama State.

At least we did not have such laws even a thousand years ago.

True, there are abductions, murders and other unacceptable things happening here. But tell me which country does not have these things? Perhaps it is happening here openly unlike in your own country.

First, you please put a stop to these things happening in your own country and then preach to us what you teach.

Have talks with Bin Laden before you ask us to have talks with Prabhakaran.

You define the meaning of terrorists to fit your culture and also reserve the authority to do so. How can we respect such people?


Religions and non-vegetarianism

It behoves me to express my views about the contents of the said article, which will trigger a host of disputable arguments by several doctors in particular, making use of their priceless time and expertise in support of meat eating by citing remarkable paradigms from medical and religious perspectives.

Would they be having the same level of concern on other cultural, social and national issues I wonder.

I have some appalling experiences with several Buddhist monks who were either supportive of this issue or rather indifferent to the same, taking the stand that the Buddha also was not a pure vegetarian.

Some Pundits even cite the last meal of the Buddha as pork offered by Chunda Karmara Putra. They also cite one of the ‘infamous’ demands of Devadatta - that monks should totally refrain from meat consumption, which they blissfully and cynically affirm as the Buddha had cast this off stating whoever wants to consume meat may do so and the rest may do otherwise.

Once a Bhikku argued with me that fish do not have a complex nervous system so eating fish could be justified as fish endure less pain when being killed.

I personally believe that these are made up stories to shield our own culinary pleasures.

I live in a country where Christianity and Islam occupy pivotal roles in the field of federal and State politics.

Nevertheless nobody endeavors to rationalise killing of innocent animals for their own gastronomical contentment.

In one television programme titled ‘Animal cruelty’, it was shown how chickens were kept alive in order to save refrigeration costs even after being de-beaked. These and other nightmarish scenes from the meat industry have been reproduced on scores of television programmes and in articles requesting people to desist from eating meat.

Nobody was agitated or infuriated by these programmes and never talked about the value of eating meat.

We human beings think that we own the whole world and the animals. There is a growing concern that many heart attacks have a direct link to meat consumption and reading the arguments of these particular doctors supporting the cause of eating meat appalls me.

Some are interested in eating ‘humanely killed’ animal flesh. Some are interested in humanely raised meat. Killing an animal even under the auspices of humane treatment is a contradiction of terms that we can’t get beyond. Meat is still meat. When we buy meat, we support the cause.

My questions are: Do we have a right to take anybody’s life? I mean to deprive the right of living in this world? Would we allow carnivorous animals, who are also God’s creations, to stray around our streets and eat human beings as they wish?

God, if he ever existed, did not create us (homo sapiens) as food for these beasts. Did He?

Come on! Lets fight for everyone’s’ right to live and not for our gastronomical rights.

Oh Anagarika Dharmapala thou should’st be living at this hour!


Public grievances

The worst inconvenience suffered by the public is that they do not get replies to their letters from Government Departments, local authorities, Statutory Boards and other Government sponsored institutions, nay even an acknowledgement.

Discipline has gone to dogs and the staff officers, in fear of Trade Unions make excuses for their miscreant subordinates instead of giving them deterrent punishment and the rot goes on till thy kingdom come.

The ribbons in computers are worked to death and some letters and statements come in such faint ink that elders and those who have weak eyesight have to struggle to read them.

I wish to tell the newspaper editors not to resort to smaller types when they do not find sufficient space in newspapers, but rather omit uninteresting articles instead.

In many teledramas, the acoustics are so bad, we cannot understand what the actors speak about and it is all the more worse when the music and other sounds like the chirping of birds are not stopped while the actors speak.

The prices of goods are rising to dizzy heights day by day. The manufacturers and traders do not show the prices in their advertisements in the press and the electronic media in many cases. Why doesn’t the Consumer Affairs Authorities prosecute them?

These are only some of the deficiencies, irregularities and mistakes through which the public suffer.


‘English Class for Me’

The above programme telecast daily on a private TV Channel leaves much to be desired. Somebody who knows his or her English (A teacher of English would be best) should go through these ‘English Classes’ before they are beamed.

I had noted down so many mistakes in these ‘English Classes’, but unfortunately I cannot trace the list just now. Anyway I watched the programme on December 7 and I was appalled to see the word ‘forest’ being spelt as ‘Forrest’.

Even in their theme song there is a shot of the Sun, and the song goes on ‘there is a sun’, as if there are so many of them.



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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