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DateLine Tuesday, 11 September 2007

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News: Consensus sought on noise laws ...        Political: No legal basis for demanding dissolution of Parliament - Minister Maithripala Sirisena ...       Business: LIOC to export lube oil from Trincomalee ...        Sports: Swann and Wright for Sri Lanka one-day series ...






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette






Who's responsible for dog bites?

The measures suggested under the proposed law will be defective and ineffective because there are more stray dogs, with no one responsible for the dogs than owned by owners.

Also you cannot hold any one responsible unless there is a mechanism to register the ownership of the dogs properly with numbers or any other mechanism to pinpoint responsibility of the ownership. Also you will be looking for ownership only after being bitten by a dog and the damage is done.

Who will be in such sound of mind when bitten by a dog to look into the identity of the dog when screaming in pain and agony wanting to go to a hospital in a hurry.

Also, all who are owners of dogs are not financially sound to pay compensation to victims. Moreover, it will have to go through a legal process taking a long time.

Once a stray dog bites someone in a place not familiar to the victim, who will claim ownership of a dog? Please visit the rear side of Hotel Buhary on K. D. David Mawatha, Maradana, Colombo 10 to see how many stray dogs are feeding on the hotel's waste and how many strangers were bitten by dogs there.

I think such legislation is a futile attempt and is just going to remain only on paper. Let those who care for dogs more than humans, come out with some practical, meaningful, less cumbersome procedures to reduce the dog menace.


Tax collection

I am happy to note that the Department of Inland Revenue is organising seminars on 'Tax awareness programme', in important towns. Tax collection plays a major role in the budgetary collection giving the following benefits:

(i) Control of inflation
(ii) Allocation of funds for important projects
(iii) Stimulate economy growth
(iv) Maintain equal distribution of income and wealth of the people
(v) Render better services to the poor people (medical etc.)

I quote below the following additional steps to be taken by the Department of Inland Revenue, to increase revenue collections.

Trade chambers - It is better to have monthly meetings with recognised trade chambers, with the view to settling problems envisaged by the taxpayers. Trade chambers also act as promoters of tax collections;

Positive thinking - The advertisements that appear in the media show only a negative thinking for e.g.: Words such as 'Revenue officers are watching you, is this money after the payment of taxes' are not very impressive.

It is better to tell the good aspects of tax collections, so that people could be encouraged to pay their taxes; Monitoring of tax files - Opening more and more tax files does not serve any purpose.

Files should be properly monitored and tax queries are settled within a short time for e.g.; for the Year of Assessment 2004/05, finality should reach on or before March 31, 2006. This will help the people to clarify any doubts which is fresh in their minds and also assist for a better programme in the future; New Companies Act - In accordance with the new Companies Act, I observe more companies are being formed.

Definitely every new company that is formed (private or public) should have a tax file. Utilising the information gathered from the Registrar of Companies, the Department should investigate as to whether proper tax files are maintained by all companies.

Inspection - It is better to send a team of inspectors regularly to every trade centre to check whether the tax payments are up to date. They should check even the Provincial Council tax payments.

It should be noted that a company should have a Provincial Council tax file, Income tax file and VAT file, in accordance with the limits of turn over and net income. There cannot be any company without having these commitments. Therefore, inspectors should verify from time to time whether tax payments are updated.

Disguised income - It should be noted that there are several trade organisations who conveniently avoid tax payments because they do not issue receipts for e.g.; consider an eating house, small boutiques - since there are no receipts issued, they could very well suppress the income.

Other categories of persons are professionals - dance, music teachers, other tutors, food suppliers etc. Nowadays in every town, there are suppliers of meals on wheels and they have a considerable market amongst the working class.

Similarly, private bus owners' actual income cannot be verified in the absence of documents. So, it is better to have a programme to bring all these disguise earners into our tax net.

In India, there was a regulation that any payment more than Rs. 50,000 should be made by cheque only. This step reduces the velocity of circulation of money and also helps the authorities to identify the income earners. We have to resort some method to assist verification of income;

Culture - It is better to develop a culture in the people's mind that the payment of taxes is a service to the nation.

Those who pay their due taxes only could be called patriotic and those who evade taxes are to be called traitors; I consider it necessary to mention here, in 1970s in Nigeria under the military regime, every person had to carry with them the latest 'tax paid card' (Sri Lankans carry the National Identity Card only) in the event of failure, they face the danger of being shot to death. It should be understood that several developed countries had realised the importance of tax collection and it is high time for us to give importance to this fact.

S. R. Balachandran,
The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka

Corruption at Colombo's Central Mail Exchange

The Central Mail Exchange in Colombo isnot only the nerve centre of the mail services but also the nerve centre of corruption in the Postal Department.

In the past, when the employees were disciplined and the officers handling the administration were competent and knew the rules, overtime quotas and limits were approved annually. But since 1995, that has not been done. The workload has come down and the staff requirements are less but overtime is incurred as prior to 1990 without the approval of the higher authorities. This is robbery.

Employees do not report for work on Saturdays. Their absence is not felt as there is no work. The staff is listed as a matter of routine. Though they do not report for work on Saturdays, their presence is marked on Mondays and the Saturday allowance is claimed.

That has the backing of those who deal with attendance registers for which they are looked after. The superiors are compelled to turn a blind eye to such dishonesty and robbing the Government as even the Ministry does not act against the employees.

A large number of employees claim overtime without being at work. Employees on rotational duties leave three to four hours early pending the arrival of the successor. The result is that work is affected.

The monthly overtime expenditure in the Central Mail Exchange is about Rs. 15 - 16 million when the amount can be reduced by fifty per cent.

The Department claims that the services are run at a loss. Postage is increased to cover up such unwarranted expenditure.

The malpractices should be stopped without increasing postage and bringing the Government to disrepute.



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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