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DateLine Wednesday, 11 July 2007

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Episcopal Consecration of Ratnapura Bishop today

Bishop Cletus Chandrasiri Perera OSB

CONSECRATION: The members of the Sylvestro Benedictine Order (OSB) with a 162 year record service in Sri Lanka, will praise the Lord today, July 11, for the gift given to the Order in person of Rev. Fr. Cletus Chandrasiri Perera O.S.B, Conventual Prior of the Monastery of St. Sylvester in Kandy, whose Episcopal Consecration as new Bishop is taking place at the Church dedicated to the 12 Apostles, in Rome. “Through the Cross to the Light” (“Per Crucem Ad Lucem”) will be the motto of the future shephard of the flock.

President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Sri Lanka Rt. Rev. Dr.Vianny Fernando who is also the Bishop of Kandy, will preside over the ceremony as the chief consecrator. His Lordship Rt.Rev.Dr.Malcom Ranjith will also be present.

Rev.Fr.Cletus will be the Second Sinhalese Bishop of the OSB and the Third Sri Lankan to be elevated as a Bishop from this Order. The first Sri Lankan OSB member elevated to the Bishopric was Rev.Fr.Bede

Beekmeyer, hailing from Matara District. Fr.Bede, born on October 11, 1813 was the OSB Bishop in Kandy from 1912 to 1936.The second Sri Lankan OSB Bihop was Leo Nanayakkara.

A native of Polgahawela and born on November 26, 1917, succeeded Bishop Regno OSB, fondly referred to as the `Coolie Bishop’. Bishop Leo known as the Champion of the Marginalised was also the first Bishop of Badulla.

Bishop Cletus will go down in the history as the Third Bishop of Ratnapura Diocese which covers an area of 4,968 with a population of

1,787,938 persons and Catholics numbering 19,532, with 34 priests and 70 religious. At the time of his nomination he was residing at Monte Fano, Ampitiya, Kandy.

He is the third Bishop of Ratnapura as Rev. Fr.Ivan Tilak Jayawardene, a lecturer on Liturgy at the Ampitiya National Seminary, nominated on January 20,2006 to be the Third Bishop of Ratnapura but requested the Holy See to withdraw his name despite all arrangements were ready for the Episcopal consecration on April 8, 2006. His request to withdraw his name was on the basis of his ill-health. Thus he was not made a Bishop.

Apostolic Nuncio’s Colombo Office in a statement released on July 6 said that the Holy Father has accepted the request made by Fr. Jayawardene to recall his name as Bishop of Ratnapura, due to ill health and also has decided to appoint Rt.Rev.Dr.Herald Anthony Perera, as the Apostolic Administrator of Ratnapura diocese until a new Bishop is named.

On May 4,2007, Pope Benedict XVI made the solemn announcement of appointing Fr.Cletus Chandrasiri Perera O.S.B., Prior of the Monastery of St. Sylvester in Kandy, Sri Lanka, as Bishop of Ratnapura filling the vacancy created by the moving of the Ratnapura Bishop as Bishop of Galle.

Born on September 6,1947, as the second son to late Paththamestrige Joseph Eliot Perera and Kovilage Roslyn Silva, Don Cletus Chandrasiri Perera hails from Seeduwa. He has a brother elder to him and a sister and a brother younger to him.

He had his early education at the Dvisamara Maha Vidyalaya, Seeduwa and entered St.Sylvester’s Monastery, Ampitiya on January 4,1964 as a postulant and took his First Religious Profession on February 28,1965.

Rt.Rev.Dr.Paul Perera, Bishop Emeritus of Kandy ordained him to the Sacred Priesthood at the Cathedral of St Lucia, Kotahena, Colombo on August 4, 1973. Entering the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, University of St. Anselmo,Rome,from 1978 to 1981 he obtained his B.Th (Rome), Licentiate in Liturgy (Rome) and Diploma in Philosophy.

Fr.Cletus served as the Hospital and Prisons Chaplain in Kandy and was the Assistant Pastor at Fatima Church, Pandiwatta, Kundasale, (1973 -1976) and served at St. Anthony’s Shrine at Wahakotte from 1976 to 1978. He also served from 1981 to 1984 as the Pastor of Sacred Heart Church at Rajagiriya, Kotte, Colombo.

In 1984 he was sent back to St.Anthony’s Shrine at Wahakotte as Parish Priest and he served in that capacity until 1992 in which year he was nominated as the Vicar General and the Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Kandy.

He also served as the Diocesan Youth Coordinator, the Parish Priest of St. Anthony’s Cathedral, Kandy from 1992 to 1998 and then was transferred to Sacred Heart Church at Katugastota and served there until 2002.

He was the Diocesan Director of the Legion of Mary as well and was the Conventual Prior of the Congregation in Sri Lanka from 2002. He has served the Kandy Diocese as the General Manager of the Catholic Private Schools from 1992 and was holding the post at the time of his nomination as Bishop of Ratnapura.

Ratnapura Diocese

With the creation of the new diocese of Ratnapura, Rt.Rev.Dr. Malcolm Ranjith who served the Colombo diocese from 1991, as Auxiliary Bishop for about five years from August 31,1991 to 1996 December, assumed duties as the first Bishop of the Ratnapura on January 5,1996.

While he was serving as the shepherd of the newly created diocese the Holy See on October 1, 2001, elevated Him as Archbishop of Umbrigtico and(Adjunct) Joint Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelisation of People in Rome.

While serving in this capacity in April 29, 2004 Pope John Paul II appointed him the Papal Nuncio to Indonesia and East Timor. He thus became the first Sri Lankan priest to hold a Vatican Diplomatic post. From there he went to Rome to assume duties as Secretary to the Curia on Liturgy and Sacraments.

The Ratnapura Diocese fell vacant with Archbishop leaving for Rome. The Ratnapura diocese was, with no shepherd for nearly two years and the administration came under Very Rev. Fr. Ruban Perera. On January 29, 2003, His Holiness Pope John Paul II named Rev.Fr. Harold Anthony Perera,Director Philosophate at the National Seminary of Our Lady of Sri Lanka, as Bishop Elect for Ratnapura diocese.

After the consecration ceremony held on March 18, 2003, at Kotahena the new bishop took the administration of Ranapura Diocese on March 22,2003 during a religious ceremony held at the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral.

When the Diocese of Galle fell vacant due to the retirement of Rt.Rev.Dr.Elmo Perera, the Bishop of Galle, from January, 2005,the Holy See decided to move Ratnapura Bishop Rt.Rev.Dr.Herald Anthony Perera, to fill the vacancy in the Diocese of Galle. With His moving to Galle as its new Bishop, on February 15,2005, the Ratnapura diocese fell short of a bishop once more.

The OSB Order

St Benedict was born in 1177 to a noble family of Guzzoloni at Osimo and in 1227, in a desert place called Grotta Fucille, and he built the monastery of his Order. From there he moved to a mountain overlooking the town of Fabriano in the Marches and was gifted with a land on which he assembled his first monastic community, the heritage of St.Benedict of Montefano in 1231.

In 1247 he obtained from Pope Innocent IV at Lyons, a Bull confirming his Order. He died at the age of 90, on November 26,1267. After about 600 years the monks of the OSBs, stepped out of Italy to spread the dhamma proclaimed by Jesus Christ.

Sylvestro Benedictine Order chalking 776 years of service to the Catholic World offered its service to the missions through the Propaganda Fidei, and sent the first OSB missionary Fr.Joseph Maria Bravi on August 14,1845 to Sri Lanka (then Ceylon),during the Papacy of George XVI.The first OSB group was led by Rev.Fr.Giuseppe Maria Bravi and were working in the Vicariate of Colombo from 1849 to 1857.

The OSB’s moved to Kandy when the Propaganda Fide created the Vicariate of Kandy in 1883 during the times of Vicar Apostolic of Clement Pagnani.

Fr. Bravi once in Sri Lanka was serving the Church as a Missionary was raised as Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of the Southern Vicariate of Colombo comprising the present dioceses of Colombo, Kandy,Galle and Badulla in 1849 and was ordained a Bishop, Due to his initiative the Order accepted and adopted Sri Lanka as a mission land and the monks came into serve in the island.

In 1863, the Holy See appointed Dom Hilarian Sillani OSB to succeed him. His serving period has come to be called as the Golden Era of the

Southern Vicariate. It was during his time the first Catholic English Journal “The Catholic Messenger “ was started. He died in 1879 in Rome. The Third OSB to serve the Southern Vicariate was the Vicar Apostolic of Colombo Mgr. Clement Pagnani.On August 15,1883 Mgr. Pagnani offered the Farewell Mass and moved the newly carved Kandy Diocese.

During the 28 year service as the First OSB Bishop of Kandy he built a number of churches, Presbyterium of Catholic clergy and increase Catholics in numbers. With his demise in 1911 Mgr Zaleski, the Delegate Apostolic was keen to have a bishop of the soil and his choice was Dom. Bede Beekmeyer serving the Cathedral and was named ‘Prince of the Diocese’.

In 1936, Dom Bernard Regno filled vacancy caused by the death of Kandy Bishop. He was known as the ‘Coolie bishop’ for his selfless service to the estate poor plantation workers.

The second Sri Lankan to adorn the Kandy see was Fr.Leo Nanayakkara OSB. With the resignation of Bishop Regno in 1959 Bishop Leo took over Kandy. He moved to Badulla as its first Bishop. He was thought to be last OSB to serve Sri Lanka and the Universal Church. But the appointment of

Fr.Cletus, has changed that thinking.

Individual security in an Islamic perspective

SECURITY: Human beings world over are deeply concerned of their personal security. Islam ensures optimum security to the individual Muslim in particular and the entirety of humanity in general. Islam envisages good behaviour, piety, kindness, service mindedness and above all trust in Allah and complete surrender to His will is the precondition for divine security.

To obtain and enjoy the Bliss of Allah’s security cover, the Holy Quran and the way of life of Prophet Muhammad (Sal) namely, the sunnath have guide lined certain acts of religious nature.

Firstly to follow the teachings of Quran in action and to recite at least a section of it, daily and continuously. This recital must be done without any break. The recital of Quran in any given time of the day or night will qualify one for his security from Almighty Allah.

Secondly: Acts of Sadaqah or charity done for the sake of Allah and not for any personal gains is another source that would grant Allah’s security for an individual. In Islam in accordance with hadees the charity done by the right hand without the knowledge of the left hand will ensure and secure man from the wrath of Allah and, in turn granting him the protection of Allah.

Thirdly: The Dua (Prayers of request) of a believer or Mumin is very much liked by Allah and he will be too eager to fulfil the request of a true Muslim. The Dua supersedes all forms of supplication and enables the individual to obtain divine grace.

As the Prophetic saying goes the appeal or Dua of an oppressed person will receive immediate response from Allah and there is no curtain between a person’s Dua and his Lord.

Fourthly: The security of a person will be enhanced through Zikr the thought of the creator. This Zikr can be performed individually or collectively. The Holy Quran says ‘Ala Bi Zikrillahi Thathmainnal Quloob’.

The tranquillity of the mind is in the thought of the Lord.” For individual security the Zikr can be done by one self any time at any place or at any given situation and implies the same for collective Zikr. In reality Zikr is an act of pondering the glory of Allah, His Grace, His mercy, His power, His Oneness in the multitude of the society of humanity.

A significant statement of the Quran says: “Those who say Allah is my Lord (Rabb) and be steadfast in it, He will send Angels (to protect) “Be not Afraid and do not feel sorrow” this encouraging statement of the Quran is an assurance of security.

This pledge was in fact displayed in the battle of Badr and like minded situations which proved divine security. In Sahihul Buhary, Muhammed (SAL) the Prophet was reported in one of his traditions that Almighty Allah has appointed Angles to protect the believers, other than the ascribed angles, he has entrusted two Angles from subah to Asar and another two from Asar to Subaha to look after the individual security of a believer like the sentry changing duties in palaces and the like divine security system is ensured and arranged by Allah through his angles.

Hence to qualify for Allah’s security a Muslim must recite and follow the Holy Quran, do charity for Allah’s sake, supplication of Dua and exercise of Zikr or the thought of Allah always in continuity and sincerity. These acts if done in continuity and with sincerity will receive the eternal bliss of Allah’s security for the Muslim, Ummath.

Feast of Rosa Mystica on Friday

FEASTS: The feast of Blessed Mother Rosa Mystica falls on July 13 and the world celebrates the feast for the 60th year, this year. In Sri Lanka the feast will be celebrated at Wattala Galwetiya Holy Rosary Church, St Francis Sales Church, Dalugama,Annai Velakanni Church at Kochchikade and several other churches in the country.

At Galwetiya procession with the statue of Blessed Mother Rosa Mystica will parade at 11.00 am within the town and once back in the Church recitation of the 15 decade Holy Rosary followed by Festive Holy Mass. At Dalugama at 5.00 pm recitation of the Holy Rosary and Literny followed by festive High Mass at 6.30 pm. Rev.Fr. Charles Hewawasam, the Administrator of the Shrine of Our Lady of Matara will be the chief celebrant.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, appearing to Pierina Gilli for the first time showed her miraculous powers and through her appealed to the world for prayers as the world was moving towards destruction. Pierina Gilli was born on August 3, 1911 in a small village called Montichiari at the bottom of the Alps mountains,Milan city, northern Italy.

Mother Rosa Mystica appeared to Pierina while she was working as a nurse, in a hospital. The Divine Mother was wearing a violet dress and had a white veil around her head.

Once Pierina asked the Blessed Virgin Mother and she had revealed herself as Divine Mother Rosa Mystica. She is the queen of heaven and earth. On one occasion She asked Pierina to make a statue of her, and place it near the Fontanelle, the water spring.

Pierina made the statue and blessed by the Holy Father, it was installed near the water spring. Mother Rosa Mystica then began appearing on the same spot on the First Saturday of every month.

The Virgin Mother asked Pierina to give water from Fontanelle to the sick and many people affected with incurable diseases and to those possed by evil spirit. They all were cured.

She asked Pierina to pray the Rosary to obtain blessings and the only way to reach the Omnipotent. She wanted 13th day of every month to be a day of special prayer and penance.

Grand flag hoisting ceremony of Iyappan Swami

GUIDELINES: To be born as a human being is a rare and distinguished gift bestowed upon a life which is based on its good and bad deeds. However mankind confronts enormous devastation in today’s world and are left to lead a helpless and difficult life. From where are living things born? Why are they born? Where do they go afterwards? These are questions even the scientists are unable to find answers for.

To lead a moral lifestyle, our ancestors introduced a set of guidelines which insist the youngsters to engage in moral practices demanding them to be meritorious, virtuous and help the poor.

Virtues inherited from our ancestors have been accepted, honoured, preserved and have been passed on to the next generation over the years. The Temples are one form that reflects these moral path the human beings are bound to follow.

Sri Iyappan Swami when instilled in the minds of all human beings, wipes out all sorrow and has emerged as a laudable god to be associated for a peaceful living during this Kaliguga era.

The opportunity blessed to erect an Iyappan temple in Aluthmawatha, Modera is considered by the devotees as a gift. The foundation stone for the temple was laid in 1962 by famous South Indian singer, Jesudas.

The construction work was completed and the Kumbabishekam was held on July 15, 2002. The particular temple has been built in accordance with the building plan of the Sabarimalai Sri Iyappan Sastha temple in Kerala district in India.

The statue in Modera temple has been built by the grandson of the sculpture who made the original statue in India. The temple in Modera has been built in a peaceful and beautiful location creating a sense of serenity.

There are 18 steps with the Main God, Iyappan and corresponding statues of God Kannimula Ganapathi, Mangel matha, Karuppanna Samy, Nagarajah Samy and Kanitha Samy.

The daily poojas take place according to the set of norms. The annual festival of the temple along with the flag hoisting ceremony takes place in July. Whoever who is observing the fast for Iyappan Samy for 41 days and are unable to travel to India to complete their fast, now have the opportunity to observe their rituals at the Modera temple.

On Saturdays there are Bajan programmes with the participation of a big crowd of devotees. On Sundays there are Sunday classes.

When observed flawlessly with sincere dedication, God Iyappan can be extremely miraculous and would fulfil all requirements of his devotees and help them live a peaceful life.

This year the ceremony started with the flag hoisting ceremony on July 10. The festival goes on for nine days with different ceremonies devoted for different Gods. The programmes will be conducted by Brammasri Kandaru Mahesvaru Thanthri.

On the final day, for the Water-cutting ceremony the decorated statue of God Iyappan will be taken by an elephant in a procession, in Kerala style, to the Modera estuary. This is a beautiful scene to view.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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