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Government Gazette

Challenges and opportunities in the use of renewable energy

ENERGY: When nuclear fission power was first becoming a commercial reality, the fossil fuel dominated the electricity generation industry and the budding nuclear power industries basked in the glow of numerous promises and said electricity would be almost free or at the very least, like water then was not worth metering.

Water has since become an expensive commodity today, referred to as "White Gold" and is now widely metered. Today, the basic problem of nuclear power of ensuring reliable energy at reasonable cost, both in money and environmental terms, get progressively more difficult. Electricity is not free. It is most expensive and tapped resources are as scarce as they always were.

The decision of The Minister of Power and Energy, John Seneviratne, in presenting The Sustainable Energy Authority Bill in Parliament is very commendable considering the importance of developing all economically viable renewable energy resources available in Sri Lanka Globally it was agreed that each country decide on a policy of reaching 10 per cent of power generation using non conventional renewable energy by the year 2010.

Sri Lanka lagging behind this global target is no surprise, considering a delay of two decades to produce the first Coal fired power station.

However, its determination to reach 10 per cent of its power generation of 400 MW by 2016 as disclosed by the Minister of Power and Energy in Parliament should be welcomed by all renewable energy promoters.

I wish to now elaborate on the steps taken by other countries to attain this goal of 10per cent by countries the world over . Even our neighbouring country India has taken positive steps in this direction.

Climate change and global warming

Growing evidence has convinced most of the scientific community that some degree of climate change is taking place.

There is no conclusive proof that indicates whether the cause of the climate change is a small glitch in the Sun's output of energy, or whether it is due to the activities of human kind or both. But the media and everyone slip easily into the use of phrases like "greenhouse gases" and "global warming".

Greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere has doomed the planet Venus to have the hottest planetary surface in the Solar System, which has resulted in a hellish atmosphere both physically and chemically.

There are an increasing number of signs that the nature of the Earth's surface is beginning to change. At no time in modern history has energy played a more crucial role in the development and well being of nations than at present.

The source and nature of energy, the security of supply and the equity of distribution, the environmental impacts of its supply and utilisation, are all matters which have to be addressed by suppliers, consumers, governments both rich and poor, industry academia and financial institutions.

The discussions held in Kyoto and Johannesburg have increased the awareness of renewable energy. Much effort is still required to make an appreciable impact on the adoption of renewable energy as a major source of energy supply world wide.

Contributions made at various forums look optimistically at renewable energy technologies, both those well established and those that are still a long way from making a commercial impact. Wind power, passive and electronic solar energy and certain new methods in the use of biomass have moved into the normal commercial world.

Technologies such as waves, ocean, thermal and tidal energy and the hydrogen economy have not, as yet; but the prospects are still good and the potential benefits are enormous.

Update on renewable energy

When considering global peace and posterity and the contribution renewable energy can make, the question that we are posed with is whether it is possible for renewable energy to meet all our energy demands globally?

Given that four fifths of the world economies come under the designation of "Developing Country", and that they are found in the geographical areas which have an excess of 3000 sunshine hours per year, then by the year 2050 the answer could be Yes.

Presently Solar thermal applications such as water heating, processed heat, crop drying and thermal generation are all well established, and to a lesser extent ceramic making, metal melting and water desalination.

Large hydro schemes are found in South America, Asia and Africa. Geothermal applications are well established not only in Europe but also in North and South America and to a degree in Africa.

Biomass usage for heat and electricity generation, energy crops and residues, liquid gaseous and solid fuels constitute 5 per cent of total prime energy while the ratio increases to 15per cent in the developing world.

It is worth mentioning that if we compare CO2 emissions from electrical power plants, we find that using coal or oil to generate produces 1110 gm of CO2/kwh; using Gas reduces the figure to 600 gm of CO2/kwh but using biomass reduces dramatically to 16g of CO2/kwh (Ref. World Renewable Energy Congress VII Cologne 2002).

On the photovoltaic front which is perhaps the most publicised, use of renewable energy and thanks to space exploration, we find that cell and panel efficiency of both Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon has increased substantially.

Monocrystalline average efficiency is 17.5per cent and Polycrystalline average efficiency is 15.5 per cent while in the thin film technologies the stability and reliability of amorphous silicon has achieved an average efficiency of 11 per cent.

It is possible to buy a PV system for US $5/Wp (Peak Watt). The UK government allocated US $15m to be spent on PV applications within buildings, while the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, USA, Spain and Japan have all created incentive schemes to provide PV usage.

The real success story in renewable energy lies in the Wind Energy industry. The cost of electricity produced from wind power has in some European Countries fallen as low as 4US cents/kWh which is cheaper than from gas. Europe remains the main market for wind power, followed by USA and India.

Globally, the growth of wind power during 2001 was in excess of 30per cent. If this growth rate were maintained, Europe would have 22 per cent of its electricity supplied from renewable sources by 2010, and globally by 2020 wind energy will produce 12 per cent of electricity equivalent to 1200 GW.

In order to achieve this, US $5.2bn must be invested immediately and rise to a peak investment of US $6.7bn by 2020. The present installed cost of wind energy, has been reduced to a value of US $675/Kw. Denmark represents one of the most successful suppliers of wind energy utilisation.

UK a representative of European Community (EC) Countries has its energy sources being shared by 38.9per cent from natural gas, 29.1per cent from Coal, 26.5per cent from nuclear power, 1.5per cent from oil, 2.8per centfrom renewable and waste , and 1.2per cent miscellaneous .

However EC has deemed that the percentage of electricity production from the renewables must increase to the proportions specified and achieve the targets by 2010.

Wind energy applications and economics

During the twelve years from 1990 to 2002, World Wind Energy capacity has doubled every three years. Wind Energy capacity in 1990 which was 2000 MW has reached 25,000 MW in 2002.

The growth rate accelerated in 2001 by 38 per cent. The representative prices of windfarms and wind turbines and electricity generation costs depend on factors such as location, the size of the machines and size of the windfarm.

The growth curve suggests that for every doubling of capacity that the prices fall by 15per cent. The steady decrease in costs is due to the move towards larger machines. In 1992 the cheapest machine was rated at 300 Kw. In 1996 it was about 500 Kw and now around 900 Kw.

At present the prices of the largest turbines are dearer than those around the 1 MW mark Large turbines means taller turbines which mean they intercept stronger winds, and this further enhances the attractions of large machines. The minimum price of wind turbines is about (300/sqm. of rotor area. Most wind turbines have ratings around 450 W/sqm of rotor area with a benchmark price of around (670/kW.

Operational Costs fall with the increase in turbine size. The data obtained from German wind installations show that the prices of insurance and guarantees both halve approximately as the ratings increase from 200 to 600 Kw. Total costs fall from around (25/kW/year at 250 Kw size to around (13/Kw/year at 1500 kW . On Shore "balance of plant" costs typically add 50per cent to turbine costs bringing the total around US $900-1000/Kw.

At Off Shore however additional costs can almost double the turbine costs bringing the total to US $1100/Kw upwards. There is a consensus that the installed costs for offshore wind is now in the region of US$1400 to US$1600/Kw. The advantages of off shore in many locations is that the wind speeds are higher, leading to a greater energy productivity.

Estimates of installed costs range from US$50/Kw which roughly is the lowest cost for on shore, to US$1500/Kw in a typical offshore cost. For an on shore farm at US $1000/Kw , declining from around 9.5 US c/kwh at 6.5 m/s to about U 4.5 c/kwh at 9 m/sec.

As the capital costs dominate the calculations, off shore prices at same wind speeds, and US $1500/Kw are about 50per cent higher, and prices on shore, at US $750/Kw are about 25per cent lower. At the high wind speed end these latter prices come within the range of generation costs for a thermal plant.

The future

Wind industry has delivered impressive reductions in cost and productivity over the past twenty years. Energy generation prices are now almost on par with those of the fossil fuels. If wind energy capacity continues to double every three years or so, accompanied each time by a 15per cent reduction in wind turbine production costs, there will be a 30per cent reduction in prices by 2008.

Forecasting electricity prices from the thermal sources of generation is more difficult, but, at worst generation costs from gas will stay level at about 3 US c/kwh with gas prices offsetting gains from lower plant costs and higher efficiency.

At best therefore, wind and gas prices might "Cross Over" around 2008, and at worst around 2009. Also new technological developments especially in power generation will have the potential to improve the efficiency of energy recovery.

Biomass industries

Energy from Waste.

Biomass includes a wide range of chemically stored, solar energy resources, all originating from plant material. Conversion into useful energy services and products can be undertaken using a wide range of technological pathways.

Biomass products can vary in scale from simple combustion in domestic open fires to bio fermentation processes for the treatment of organic wastes of a community, to a fully commercial complex thermo chemical reactors in the form of 100 MWe combined heat and power station.

Traditional biomass currently contributes to 12-13per cent of global primary energy demand, but based mainly in the non sustainable annual burning of 2x109 t of firewood, 1.3x109 t of crop residue and 1x109 t of animal dung.

Removal of this material from the land, robs the soil of recycled nutrients, exposes it to wind erosion, reduces the organic matter content and reduces the soil rooting depth.

There are generic environmental issues relating to the biomass base. The USA has fallen behind much of the world in the use of biomass and other renewable energy forms to produce electricity and steam. Instead the USA has embraced coal for energy production.

Currently over 52per cent of US power is fuelled by coal. CO2 emissions for US coal fired plants are estimated to be 2.3 million tons per year. CO2 output of USA has increased by 20per cent since 1990 and millions of tons of sulphur in the form of SO2 to SO3 are emitted every year.

Wastes from municipal and industrial services represent an increasingly important fuel source that can be used to produce heat and power. These types of wastes are produced worldwide wherever there are centres of population.

Using these wastes as fuels can have important environmental benefits. It can provide a safe and cost effective disposal option for wastes that could otherwise pose significant disposal problems.

The use of waste as a fuel helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions through displacement of fossil fuels. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas, 21 times more damaging than carbon dioxide.

Produced by biodegradable waste and residues such as bagasse , ricehusks and sawdust when diverted from landfill and used as a fuel. If landfill gas is collected and used as a fuel (rather than be allowed to escape to the atmosphere, methane emissions are avoided).

Any energy that is recovered from biodegradable waste can be regarded as renewable energy. It comes from plant material (either directly or in the case of animal wastes or paper indirectly). As plants grow they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When this biomass material is used as a fuel, the CO2 is returned to the atmosphere in a "carbon neutral" cycle, and the biomass is used to displace fossil fuels.

Instead of being left to decompose naturally, it will actually help to limit the emission of CO2 and methane into the air. There are many ways of combining waste disposal with energy recovery. The UK's landfill gas industry is today one of the most developed in the world. For the last 15 years, landfill gas has provided UK companies to convert a potential hazard into a source of renewable energy.

As the industrialized nations make moves towards reducing emissions to the atmosphere in an effort to stem global warming, landfill gas is fast becoming one of the chief areas of activity, for developers, providing, as has been proved in the UK, a low cost, reliable baseload with clear environmental benefits. Around 600 MW landfill gas capacity is likely to be commissioned.

Combustion with energy recovery

Waste combustion with energy recovery is an established way to the disposal of wastes. It decreases the volume of waste and allows for the recovery of metals and other potentially recyclable fractions. After further treatment, most of the remaining residue can be combined with other materials and used as an aggregate material.

Any residue that is landfilled is biologically inactive and does not generate potentially harmful emissions. The heat recovered from these plants can be used to generate electricity or can be used for industrial heat applications.

The size of energy from waste plant is designed to meet the waste disposal needs of the community taking into account the potential for waste minimization and recycling. Plants that generate electricity can typically process between 20,000 and 600,0000 tons per year and from this they can generate 1 to 40 MW of electricity.

Power is produced from these wastes by using the steam raised in the combustion process to drive a steam turbine to generate electricity. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is an attractive option when there is a market for the heat. This could be a factory or district heating system for a small community.

Advanced thermal technologies

When the waste stream is of a uniform nature, for example if it has been processed into a homogenous fuel it is more suited to the more "advanced technologies" such as gasification or pyrolisis.


Gasification is one of the newer technologies that is increasingly being used for waste disposal. It is a thermo-chemical process in which bio mass is heated in an oxygen deficient atmosphere to produce a low energy gas containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane. The gas can be used as a fuel in a turbine or combustion engine to generate electricity.

Gasifiers fuelled by fossil sources such as coal have been operating successfully for many years. But they are now increasingly being developed to accept more mixed fuels, including wastes.

New gas clean-up technology ensured that the resulting gas is suitable to be burned in a variety of gas engines with a very favourable emissions profile. Gasifiers operate at a smaller scale than an incineration plant.


Pyrolysis is another emerging technology, sharing many of the characteristics of gasification. With gasification, partial oxidation of the waste occurs whilst with pyrolysis the objective is to heat the waste in the complete absence of oxygen. Gas, liquid and char are produced in various quantities.

The gas and oil can be processed, stored and transported if necessary and combusted in an engine, gas turbine or boiler. Char can be recovered from the residue and used as a fuel, or the residue passed to a gasifier and the char gasified.

Landfill gas

Energy can also be recovered from waste that had already been landfilled in the form of landfill gas (also referred to as biogas). In a process anaerobic bacteria break down the organic fraction of the landfill in the absence of air, generating a mixture of gases comprising mainly methane and carbondioxide and oxygen, nitrogen and many hundreds of trace compounds and gases as well as water vapour and waste products.

The biogas can be collected by drilling wells into the waste and extracting it as it is formed. After cleaning, it can be used in an engine or turbine for power generation, or used to provide heat for industrial purposes situated near the landfill site such as brickworks.

Landfill sites can develop commercial quantities of "landfill gas" for up to 30 years after the waste had been deposited. The gas is normally collected from a series of vertical boreholes that have been purpose drilled into the site.

I mentioned earlier that methane has a greenhouse gas potential of approximately 21 times that of carbon dioxide and although methane is eventually oxidised in the atmosphere, the uncontrolled release of landfill gas contribute significantly to emissions of greenhouse gas and thus global warming.

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated that landfill gas contributed to between 20 million tones and 70 million tons of methane to the atmosphere in 1990.

Estimated emissions of methane from solid waste disposal within the 15 European Union Countries rose from 7,144,000 tones in 1990 to 7,223,000 tones in 1994 representing the largest single source of methane and around 33per cent of the total, in the E.U. So removal of methane emissions and conversion to carbon dioxide provides a valuable contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. A typical 1 MW landfill gas project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 30,000 tones/year.

Anaerobic digestion

The biological processes that take place in a landfill site can be harnessed in a specially designed vessel known as an anaerobic digester to accelerate the decomposition of wastes. Anaerobic digestion is typically used on wet wastes, such as sewage, sludge or animal slurries but the biodegradable fraction of municipal wastes can be added to wetter wastes to increase the biogas output.

Solar electric power

Solar Electric power has demonstrated its effectiveness and holds exceptional promise for electrical generation throughout the world. Its technology makes it suitable for central station installations of Gigawatt proportions as well as smaller, remote electrification applications of the 100 Watt size.

Solar is an extremely cost effective way of generating electricity in remote locations. For industrial services that require small amounts of power or for isolated homes, grid connection is often impossible or far too expensive.

Solar is a clean alternative that will dramatically reduce maintenance costs. Photovoltaic products are proven. But in order to fulfil the technology expectations of this millennium of producing significant portions of the world's electricity needs it will require phased up developments in R&D, through manufacturing.

The traditional concept of a solar cell is that of a solid state (semiconductor) device which produces useful electricity (direct current and voltage) from the sun's energy via the photovoltaic effect. Various solar modules and designs exist that can be integrated into traditional residential architectural plans.

The direct current electricity generated in the solar modules, is converted to alternating current (AC) that can be used by most standard appliances. Some new solar modules have built in inverters.

Batteries are important if you want to store electricity. But you can eliminate them if you are connected to your local electrical utility power gird as is prevalent in most developed countries.

Solar Photo Voltaics (PV)

Solar PV is a new and exciting technology which should not be confused with solar thermal systems. Thermal systems are used to heat water, whereas solar PV actually generates electricity.

PV technologies have significant long-term potential to provide sustainable energy for the world's needs. World PV Sales continues to grow at a rate of 20-30per cent per year and it is estimated that the world production in 2001 nearly reached, the 400 MW mark. Solar Cell module shipments continue to increase 25 to 40per cent annually.

The industry roadmap calls for a 25per cent annual growth (surpassed over the past 4 years worldwide) in meeting the expected demands for PV products over the next 20 to 30 years. This rate of growth equates to a doubling of the capacity every 3 years.

The market in UK is still small with only about 5 MW installed. In fact UK's level of PV power installed per capita is low compared to the other countries like Japan, USA, Switzerland, Germany and Australia which are at the top of the rankings. One could say that we are in the solar age.

PV offers much promise as PV generators are silent, clean in operation, highly reliable, low maintenance and extremely robust, with an expected life time of at least 20 to 30 years. They are also very modular and can be adapted for many locations or easily extended.

Market sectors

The most established market sector for PV is in the power supply for communications, remote sensing, signaling and research centres, whereas the alternatives may be unattractive for reasons such as the pollution and noise caused by some generators, the difficulty of transporting fuel to an isolated location and maintenance costs.

PV is also widely recognized as a solution to the problem of powering millions of homes and farms in developing countries, where relatively small power supplies are needed to provide lighting, radio and TV, telephones and light industry as well as clinics and schools.

The electricity can be used to directly power an appliance such as a pump or refrigerator, or it can be converted to AC to power any conventional electrical appliance. For use at night, the energy can be stored in a battery, or as water stored in a tank or as cold in a refrigerator.

The modules can be assembled in any combination to produce different voltages and power levels. A tiny unit can power a satellite phone, a large array of modules can generate kilowatts of power for a field hospital or a village.

The third sector is in the use of PV in buildings including those in less sunny climates such as Western and Northern Europe. PV has a huge potential in this sector offering a number of advantages.

When integrated into the fabric of the building, it can displace other materials, saving some costs. It needs no extra land and it generates at the point of use, thus reducing transmission losses.

When you bring solar power into domestic housing projects, you are literally providing landowners with their own power station right there on the roof. When used for domestic electricity supply, it will displace purchased electricity and export surplus to the network, as will be evidenced by the meter readings.

The rapid growth of building integrated PV in 'grid connected distribution' represents primarily PV in buildings. The installed capacity in 20 reporting countries carried out in a survey is growing rapidly.

This survey excludes developing country markets. But there, the emphasis is on rural, off grid, solar home systems which together account for probably less than 100 MW compared to 700 MW included in this survey.

Off grid electricity continues to grow significantly in real terms due to international agency funded programmes. However the building integrated PV is the real star in terms of growth.

In theory, if a PV installation replaces the more expensive conventional building materials, it can be shown to be fully economic. In practice this is not generally the case at present, unless there is a considerable incentive available for the installation.

Governments that are keen to encourage growth in the PV industry stimulate it by taking the technology a step closer to full commercialization This is the stance adopted by the nations which lead the field in per capita installation listed in the survey. Funding for R&D and per capita spending here is also led by these nations with around 50per cent of the world total originating in Japan.


On incentives in 1996, the 70,000 Roofs programme in Japan was subsidised 50per cent to buy a US $ 11/W systems down to US $ 5.50/W. The present subsidy is 10per cent to get to the same US $5.50/W system. This indicates the price reduction due to increase in production.

The UK government recently announced a three year solar PV grants programme of Å“ 20 million. Part of this money is offered to domestic home owners who want to generate their own clean electricity, provided the applicants meet certain criteria they could receive up to 50per cent of the cost of their solar system. Similar incentive programmes are carried out in USA, Germany, Switzerland and other EU Countries.


Current cost of an installed PV system varies considerably depending on the supply route chosen and the scale of the project. PV modules are already a worldwide market and ex factory prices are about Å“ 3000 per Kw in bulk.

The installation, including wiring and a DC/AC inverter and network connection will double the cost. However costs have fallen dramatically, and further reductions to a quarter of today's level, with out a major technological breakthrough.

PRODUCTS used in the early building projects using PV were standard industrial modules that did not integrate with the buildings. But today there is a much greater choice. Large area modules can be made to fit standard facades and cladding systems of larger buildings.

With new development in R&D, a variety of roof tiles and sheet materials with new sheet materials are in the market and they are purpose - designed mounting and integration systems to improve appearance and weather proofing as well as to make the installation process easier.

Recent UK installations have used PV that is mounted on tiles, integrated into glass slates which are indistinguishable from real slates at a distance. Products such as sunslates and solar shingles can be fully integrated and look like normal roof tiles. These can replace existing roof coverings, or be introduced to the roofing structures of homes under construction.

Solar heating systems

The use of solar technologies and systems to provide electricity for lighting and for hot water and heating can contribute significantly towards the worldwide demand for an increasing level of energy supplied from renewable sources.

As with all sources of renewable energy, the use of solar thermal systems can reduce our dependence on fossil fuel and help to combat adverse environmental impacts such as climate change and poor air quality.

Many of the technologies for producing hot water using the energy of the sun are already established. While new technological developments will help to maximize the cost effectiveness of energy recovery.

Solar collectors is the heart of a solar water heating system. There are three main types
(1) Hot Plate
(2) Evacuated tube and
(3) Concentrating (parabolic) collectors. Solar water heating systems can be direct systems, active or passive.

In direct systems, potable water is simply circulated through the solar collector and the resulting hot water is returned to a storage tank ready for use. In an indirect system heat from a special circulating fluid is transferred to potable water in the hot water storage tank via the 'heat exchanger'.

Both types of systems can be either active or passive. That is fluid can be circulated with or without the use of an electric pump. These pumps have a very small power requirement and may be powered by small photovoltaic panels.

As applications in the use of solar energy reduces the consumption of fossil fuels, it can make a significant contribution towards reducing the harmful impacts of using conventional sources of energy. Solar Water Heating Systems can be used for a wide range of applications.

Although in the past the provision of domestic hot water to individual households in Europe had been the main market, the technology is now increasingly being applied to larger buildings and establishments that demand large quantities of hot water such as shower blocks, kitchens, hotels and laundaries Solar heating is also ideal for providing hot water to accommodation sites at remote locations without a mains supply.

Active (pumped) indirect systems are used most often for larger facilities. At the opposite end of the scale, unglazed direct systems for heating swimming pools are particularly cost effective.

The United States utilises 800 GW of electricity and 100 GW goes from PV. Followed up with the September 11 terrorist attack serious thought is being given for PV technology.

A conservative calculation has shown that the sun shining on a photovoltaic system within a 100 mile square area in the South West dessert or a 17 mile square in each of the 50 states of United States of America will be sufficient to provide all the energy required by the Country.

It will be of interest to see the oil reserves in the World, and the impact PV is driving as a catalyst to reduce the use of fossil energy.

Oil reserves in the world 
Oil Reserves         Consumes
Saudi Arabia 26%    	USA 26%
Iraq 11% 		Japan 07%
Kuwait 10%		Germany 06%
Iran 09% 		Russia 03% 
UAE 08% 		Venezuela 06%
Russia 05% 		Mexico 03%
Libya 02% 		USA 02% 

The fear of war and terrorist attacks have now made governments the world over to rethink and make maximum use of the technological developments in the field of Renewable Energy.

Sri Lanka should have planned for the future to have 10% of renewable energy by 2010. But now it will be in 2016.

The rapidly expanding functions of the Renewable Sector worldwide is comparable to that of the oil and gas sectors in the early 1970s. This positive role continues today and the UK content in domestic oil and gas project is around 70per cent.

The experience gained from 40 years, on oil and gas will undoubtedly contribute to the development of renewables. As part of the climate change strategy the government policy on renewables in countries in the European Union, UK, USA and other countries worldwide has been to establish a target for Renewables Obligation of 10per cent of the total electricity supply in each country, by the year 2010, recognizing the renewable's contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

This will be achieved by the requirement placed on electricity supply companies to source an increasing proportion of their supply from "green energy". Companies failing to do this have the option of buying out of their "obligation" at an initial US$42.5/MWh, with such monies paid distributed among those companies that did meet their obligation.

In such a scenario, wind power will be an obvious winner offering as it does rapid deployment of electricity generating plant at the lowest prices, anywhere in the European Union. The world's largest wind farm came on line in US in March 2002 with a capacity of 300 MW.

Wind power is a technology that has very wide support especially in UK, with offshore and onshore wind the most strongly supported.

Energy from waste makes up a useful part of an integrated waste management system. Furthermore, renewable and greenhouse reduction targets require the exploitation and support of all available clear technologies Landfill gas clearly offers a large potential for the development of projects in countries where carbon certification will provide a degree of financial support to the investment required.

Although the value of carbon ranges from less than US$1/tonne to over $ 5/tonne, it is estimated that worldwide potential for landfill gas will grow to 9000 MWe by the year 2010 allowing the development of a carbon market which may have a value of $ 1 billion.

Future for PV will be high profile projects and will undoubtedly encourage the take up of PV systems from countries world wide. With advances made on R & D and efficiency levels, the potential for overseas market will be large and USA and UK will benefit from these markets.

Technological development and cost reduction will progress. However there will be a need to continue to identify and reduce the numerous regulatory and institutional barriers that exist - such as network connection issues, national and international standards, accreditation and training for the growing industry, access to finance in developing countries and to support R & D. R & D plans for the next few years have been set up by various governments in the developed countries.

Twenty five years ago the PV industry was predicting price reductions in 2001 which have been met.

Today with new solar - to - electricity conversion technologies in the laboratory and manufacturing and market distribution mechanisms, gearing up, further comparable reductions are predicted over the next 20 years, A recent report from the UK's Cabinet office, on 'Renewable Energy in the UK - Building for the Future of the Environment' states that PV could become an important and cost effective option for decentralized power generation in the UK, probably by 2020.

The Drivers of Renewable Energy are

* Energy Diversity and Security

* Cost and Practicality

* Pollution and Emission Control

* World Growth Sector

We could see the need for the Renewable Energy that the World expects from the year 2000. Governments the World over rich and poor countries are going a big way towards attaining this goal.

Renewable Energy Plan of India up to 2012 has been planned. We in Sri Lanka too should have planned for Renewable Energy till 2012. We are aware that various agencies in Sri Lanka are involved with renewable energy projects for mini and micro hydro, wind energy, from waste, and solar photo voltaics.

But the government should have a plan and ensure that 10per cent of the country's capacity in energy is added on using Renewable Energy. Research has been carried out in the developed countries.

What is necessary is a commitment from the Government of Sri Lanka to keep in line with the world energy scenario capacity up to 2050 and ensure phased up development by giving incentives and also exemption from customs duties for photovoltaic equipment. Such action will definitely help to reduce CO2 emissions and use of fossil based energy.

We expect Sri Lanka will not lag behind on Renewable Energy development projects and will ensure transparency in the selection of such projects up to 50 MW and will join other world governments and take the challenge to make use of a planned Renewable Energy Programme to add at least 10per cent (400 MW) to the total electricity capacity by 2016.

We hope the New Sustainable Energy Authority to be formed will be manned by professionals who are capable of attaining the identified goals and targets and will electrify others into action.

If the new Authority give a Friendly atmosphere to the various stake holders and also ensure that the projects selected are both technically feasible and economically viable with benefits accruing to the country at large then the Sustainable Energy Authority will definitely be a beacon of light to be emulated by other institutions.

The writer a Consulting Engineer is a Past President of The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka and a former Vice Chairman of The Ceylon Electricity Board He is an Internationals Steering Committee Member of The World Renewable Energy Network (WREN / Council (WREC)


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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