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DateLine Wednesday, 2 May 2007

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Government Gazette



UNP on LTTE's second air attack

The media release coming from the UNP headquarters condemning the LTTE attack is laughable.

It was the UNP's CFA that armed the LTTE with the air capabilities making our air space insecure. If not for the CFA, the LTTE would have been by now only a rag tag outfit.

Whilst saying that the UNP would do utmost to relieve the nation from this danger, the irony is that the UNP has the audacity to criticize the Defence Secretary for not taking adequate steps. Can the UNP detail out what steps to be taken to destroy the LTTE's new danger their 'air capability'.

When the first air raid was conducted by the LTTE, Lakshman Kiriella and the UNP wanted Gotabhaya to resign immediately.

This is the second move by the UNP to tarnish the good image of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa giving undue advantage to the LTTE. The LTTE tried to remove him by the failed assassination attempt whilst the UNP has taken over the LTTE's task to remove him by hook or crook as Gotabhaya has become a threat to the LTTE.

The UNP added that it was essential to realize the real capability of the enemy and take steps to defeat them. How come the UNP's molly coddling Tiger baby suddenly became the enemy?

The UNP is also critical about the security given to Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa.

I request all UNP MPs to give up their security assigned to them by the Government, so that they can be used productively against the LTTE terrorists.

However, I agree with the UNP on one issue saying that the Government should not be complacent with merely missing the targets by the LTTE. Eventhough the Air Force boasts saying that they can handle any LTTE air strike, so far they have failed to prove it in both these incidents.

The LTTE air attackers managed to escape without a scratch to the aircrafts and to the terrorists who manned them.

Action is greater than mere words. It's time that the Air Force go all out to destroy their air capabilities by blanket bombing of the whole area.

Australia, via email


Sri Lankans glory

As a Sri Lankan who is now a naturalised Filipino, I stayed up every night until 6.00 a.m. to watch Sri Lanka play. They were superb and played the game like it should be played - enjoying it and being genuine sportsmen. (Reference DN April 30).

I was so proud of my Sri Lankan heritage and was touched by the honesty of Sangakkara when he told the umpire the catch he had taken was not out after he dropped the ball and the smiles on the faces of Dilhara Fernando and Mahela Jayawardene when Dilhara dropped a very difficult chance from Gilchrist off his own bowling. The skipper knew his bowler had done his best. That shows his good leadership.

Our supporters in the West Indies were ladies and gentlemen in every sense of the word and their behaviour was classy in comparison to some of the boorish Australians.

As for a few of the Aussie players and their abrasive and arrogant manners, the less said the better.

The post match comments of Jayawardene and the sporting action of our players congratulating the Aussies was another display of decency and class that should make all Sri Lankans proud. Perhaps the Australians can learn a few things from us.

In the end, it was not at all an even field. The Australians batted on a perfect wicket in bright sunshine while Sri Lanka was forced to bat in the rain, on a wet wicket an outfield and much of the time in very poor light.

The Australians are a great side but Sri Lanka are the greater cricketers and the bigger gentlemen and sportsmen by far.

Congratulations. God bless Sri Lanka and all its people and God Bless our cricketers. Let's win four years from now. But for the present you came into the homes of millions on television around the world and in the process won their hearts.

Ronnie Nathanielsz,
via email



It was very obvious, that Sri Lanka got the raw deal in the World Cup finals due to various reasons such as reduced overs, rain and bad light. (Reference DN 28).

Why couldn't the cricket officials play the game on two different days in order to provide fairness to both the teams? In the eyes of world cricket fans, Sri Lanka are the 'True Winners' of World Cup 2007!...Not Australia!

via email



The Government of Tamil Nadu are finally waking up to the LTTE terrorism. They enjoyed harbouring, pampering and spoon feeding the Tiger cubs from day one. So now it is time for retribution. They are getting a taste of their own medicine. What goes around has to come around. (Reference DN April 30)

Hatred is not in the minds of the Sinhala people. We are too generous and have been tolerating this nonsense from the LTTE for too long. Now is the time for the Government to tell Tamil Nadu this has to stop. Sri Lankan forces are blamed for everything by Tamil Nadu.

They never even think that the LTTE is cable of any crime. The LTTE does not care for the people of Tamil Nadu, they only want to achieve their goal even at the cost of their own people. The LTTE is very welcome to go back to their own Motherland - Tamil Nadu.

The peace loving innocent Tamils in Sri Lanka can live among us in peace and harmony as brothers and sisters. Let us all pray for that day. It is coming soon.

via email


Can death penalty be justified?

I am appalled at the high-flown and jaw breaking language of the above subject written by the good Doctor Ruwantissa Abeyratne, in the Daily News on April 16. Could Dr. Abeyratne express in simple language what he intends to convey to the public about the death penalty.

He confuses us more when he writes about some disjointed comparisons about Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, about genetic and reproductive technology, cloning human embryo and cloning dolly, the sheep.

Then he confuses the layman more when he writes about moral immediacy. About countries like Russia and China who execute criminals, not only for murder but rape, robbery with violence, embezzlement, bribery, molestation of women, drug trafficking and even pimping.

Could Dr. Abeyratne iron out the disjointed confusing comparisons and explain in simple language, so that the average reader could understand whether the death penalty is justified or not.

Australia, via email


Special counter for disabled people at airline check-in counter

I am a senior dependent on a wheel-chair because of my chronic ailments. I have been a long time resident in Canada and I travel to the land of my birth twice a year and each time I travel, I have been confronted with a problem, namely, the airline personnel take me to the immigration queue so that I could take my turn for clearance and then baggage pick-up.

I have in the past politely complained about this kind of treatment for passengers with wheel-chair assistance etc.

I am 75-years-old having excruciating pain in both my knees coupled with other medical problems. I am positive that people like me (there may be many others too) could exceptionally be sent to the Officer-in-Charge or to a different counter at the airport.

The same procedure should be applied for embarkation from Colombo. The SriLankan Airlines check-in counter personnel also refused to give preference to wheel-chair passengers thus keeping the porters waiting until my turn comes through.

I am writing this letter in the sincere belief that my grievance will catch the eye of our President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Canada, via email


French leave

If every minister and MP paid surprise visits to Government offices, and cautioned late comers or absentees without leave, in the first instance and informed the head of department for a second violation, more and more public servants will be 'motivated' to actually work for their salaries. (Reference DN April 30)

They should also inquire from members of the public at these offices whether they being dealt with expeditiously. They must 'abolish' tea-breaks - these are not allowed by the Establishments Code.

via email


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