Spectre of civil war haunts Palestinian areas
THORNY ISSUES: A call for fresh elections in the Palestinian
Authority areas by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has triggered
fierce and prolonged armed clashes between the Fatah and Hamas groups
and raised the spectre of civil war in the region.
If the thorny issues at the heart of the call for the polls go
unaddressed by the leadership of the rival groups, the chances are that
the political polarization between the main power contenders in the
Palestinian Authority areas would take on an increasingly bloody
The current strife in the region, jeopardises hopes of shoring-up an
administration of national unity in the Palestinian areas, which when
proposed held out the promise a few months back of ending the rift
between the principal arms of the Palestinian Executive - President
Abbas and the Hamas-led government which came to power on a popular
mandate in March this year.
GAZA CITY: A Hamas militant takes position during clashes with
Palestinian security force loyal to President Mahmud Abbas in Gaza
City, December 19. AFP
Although generally viewed as hardline and uncompromising on
Middle-East conflict issues, Hamas has over the months shown signs of
adjusting to political realities in the region and of following a less
confrontational policy in relation to Israel, although it is yet to
recognise Israel.
Therefore, the current round of strife between the Fatah and Hamas
groups should be seen as threatening the few gains which have been
achieved in the recent past by way of containing the Middle East
As should be expected, these developments on the ground have an
international dimension which should not go unaddressed.
This consists in the backing Abbas is currently enjoying from the
West who are inclining to a "two-state" solution to the Middle East
In fact, British Premier Tony Blair is currently visiting the
Palestinian areas and has called for international support for President
Abbas, who is widely seen as a political moderate.
Early next year, the US Secretary of State Condolleezza Rice too
would visit the Middle East in a diplomatic tour which would showcase US
interest in Middle East developments.
What has precipitated Abbas' decision to call for fresh elections is
mainly the financial boycotting of the Hamas regime by the West, which
in turn has forced a financial crisis on the fledgling administration.
Besides, efforts at forging a national unity government between the
Fatah and Hamas groups have foundered.
Abbas was quoted saying in justification of his decision to call for
fresh elections that "early presidential and parliamentary elections"
would enable people to "decide on an acceptable programme to preserve
their national interest .... and put an end to the siege and crisis."
While a policy of national reconciliation and moderation needs to be
pursued by the warring groups in the Palestinian areas or risk plunging
the region into an Iraq-type wasting conflagration, the West needs to
follow a policy of rapprochement with the Hamas administration.
An effort by the West to internationally isolate the Hamas government
would only further radicalize it and incline it to perpetuate a hardline
policy on the Middle East conflict.
Besides, a financial boycott of the Hamas government by the West
would only increase the hardships of the Palestinian public and have the
effect of radicalizing the latter too.
An increasingly anti-Western outlook on the part of the Hamas
government and the Palestinian people would prove an obstacle to
bringing a political settlement to the Middle East conflict.
So, a through - going rethink is necessary on the part of the West in
relation to radical regimes, such as that led by Hamas.
Rather than relegate them to international outcast status, the West
would do better to dialogue with them with the aim of narrowing
ideological and other vital differences.
Admittedly, this is no easy task. It is certainly no quick - fix
solution to the intractable problem the Middle East is presenting.
Nevertheless, there is no getting away from the need for a "civilizational
dialogue" between the West and its detractors for the purpose of taking
the war-hit parts of the world along the path of reconciliation. A
confrontational approach on the part of the actors would only aggravate
divisions. |