


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Barking dogs seldom bite

We, Sri Lankans are quite familiar with the Sinhalese idiom 'Burana Ballo Hapa Nokai'

Many an event has already spoken to the truth of the above adage. It needs no re-statement. Now who is the dog? The dog is non other than blood thirsty Prabhakaran, the real vampire who has been manifested due to a sin of Sri Lanka. Oh! what a pity? How can they be dogs? They are now spreading their tentacles of terrorism throughout Sri Lankan land under the convulsions of claymores.

You should have fathomed the ground reality. Now the LTTE is cutting their path of destruction by themselves.

In my opinion, what they want to create their so-called Eelam are international acclamation and money.

Thanks to the expatriates of Sri Lanka throughout the world, the LTTE will never gain it. But the Tamil diaspora is showering money on the LTTE with the greatest reluctance. So that is the international community should take steps to address this before the blame is laid at their doors.

Proscribing should be rendered through deed as they tell. Countries in the international arena, specially Norway should bring the LTTE to heels to quit their modus operendi of whopping unreasonable taxes on the people of the North and East.

But to call out this plethora of troubles, the countries of international forum should put the LTTE much more under their pressure before this germ turns into a damp squib.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has already made his mark as a straightforward leader who sweating blood to come to a possible consensus through the medium of dialogue.

Why is dialogue so important? Because he is enormously experienced and knows that dialogue is the blood vein of democracy. But the LTTE's incompetence to enlighten this language made Mr. Rajapaksa to put the gun-language into practice.

The LTTE has just eloquently spoken to the whole world of their feebleness vis a vis the Sri Lanka Armed Forces by embracing the debacles through the Muttur and Narya Kovil fights.

The LTTE should come to know that cock won't fight with the sophisticated guns of the Sri Lanka Army.

To replace their immense debacles they shot at unarmed Kethesh Loganathan to death who valued peace only. They hammered on Pakistan HC spreading and setting an ideal example for their obnoxious audaciousness beyond the Indian Ocean once again.

They are just only barking. What they gain through this audacious and swashbuckling effort? Only exposing their true nudity by unfastening the camouflage of 'Liberation'.

Now they are very much weakened in their military power. It candidly unfolds to the fullest through their desperate attempt to hold their cadre who are feeling from their claws hostage.

But the leaders in the seats of power should focus their urgent, acute attention on the defence of the south which may be the pandemonium of demonic suicide bombers.

No one should allow them to bathe Sri Lanka in tongues of fire to war. If the LTTE has a military power, why they are attacking and absconding. The very fact itself endives their cowardliness.

Is it an enormous thing to do an army with 150,000 trained manpower and with its modern sophisticated gun power to intercourse with an army with 8000 capacity of hit and run swashbucklers.

The LTTE is just barking over and over again. Because they enjoyed the rights of the comprehensive agreement by gaining synonymous acclamation akin to Government in the international scene through the CFA. But they are now losing it due to shooting from their hips.

Sometimes they may be totally ignorant to be sensitive to criticism as this matter has been given the publicity over and over again in the print media.

It is high time for them to return to the negotiating table without splitting hairs.

They should ascertain that the barking is not the answer for this crisis and they should come to a democratic main stream of politics not at the nick of the time; but now. In other words, the last possible moment may be impossible because the crisis may be on the edge by that time.

Helpless Prabhakaran should fathom that the jungle law was nullified many moons ago, it means at the very first stage of human civilization.


No food shortage in Muttur

I am not trying to pass judgment on these killings. A few questions and elusive answers that baffle me are penned in the belief that someone will provide the answers.

On August 6 there was no food shortage at all in Muttur.

What was the necessity for an 'Action Against Hunger' group to be at Muttur on this particular day?

What and where was the daily work they were engaged in during the two weeks immediately preceding that fateful day?

When were these 'Aid workers' recruited to this charitable organisation?

From where were these workers recruited and on what basis and on whose recommendation?

Who funds this organisation?

The town of Muttur has a majority population of Muslims and a considerable percentage of Sinhalese and Tamils.

In a country with an ethnic population distribution of 74 per cent Sinhalese, 18 percent Tamils and 7 per cent Muslims. what made it possible to recruit all 17 aid workers in a group of 17 (100 per cent) from the Tamil community?

Does this organisation (as is apparent) give preference to the Tamil ethnic group?

Is it not likely that this organisation is in fact a LTTE front funded by the LTTE themselves?

What are the credentials of the two French males who were supposed to be with the group of 17 who were killed?

With the recent revelations in the USA, is it not likely that grave concern should be expressed by the international community on the bona fides of the alleged workers.

K. B. WICKRAMA - via email

South African team's early departure

Reference to the letter published on August 31.

As a Sri Lankan living in South Africa, I did enjoy your letter in a mean way. But I must say that they did not leave because of the bomb blast, but they were threatened by some Tamils in South Africa to comeback.

It looks like they have got many letters to the newly formed South African Embassy in Sri Lanka demanding them to comeback to South Africa.

Though our Tamils living in South Africa are getting on well among themselves in South Africa, the pain is more with the South African Tamils probably because they get money from the LTTE. So, I would look at it in a more fair manner.


Irresponsible statements

The recent statements issued by the National Peace Council and Christian Bishops on the escalation of violence in the North East published in the Daily News is unfair and irresponsible as they implicitly impute equal guilt on the Government and the LTTE for the escalation of violence and the humanitarian problem arising from it.

Surely the proportion of the number of violations of the CFA by the LTTE, as confirmed by the SLMM, far exceeds the number laid at the door of the Government.

And who cast the first stone after the CFA was signed? The whole world knows (hence the reason for the banning of the LTTE by the developed nations) that this terrorist outfit is hell bent on unleashing death and destruction, despite the commitment to desist from acts of violence, disregarding the possible harm caused to the civilian population.

Those responsible for these irresponsible utterances, instead of condemning the brutality and malfeasance of the LTTE are only promoting their cause.

Have they forgotten the murder of the 600 policemen who surrendered after a pledge of release given by the LTTE, the more recent instances of imminent death to 700 unarmed members of the Forces en rout to KKS and Trincomalee, the massacre of about 100 Muslims in Mutthur, the blasting of a bus carrying 70 civilians in Kebbitigollawa?

One begins to wonder if the NPC is toeing the line of Norway being a beneficiary, whose CFA almost forced on the previous Government is responsible for the current state of undeclared war by the LTTE which very recently attempted unsuccessfully to invade the Jaffna peninsula.

Norway has so far failed to rebut the allegations made by various parties about its role in training LTTE cadres and funding them.

It is time Norway does or quit gracefully.

LEO FERNANDO - Battaramulla

Widows and Orphans Pension

I read two letters appeared in the 'Daily News' of July 12 and August 1 under the caption Widows and Orphans Pension. The two writers had exposed the necessity of providing relief to age-old unmarried female orphans.

The suggestion for the Government to continue the payment of orphans pension to senior spinsters is a welcome proposal.

I am aware that age-old senior spinsters who were living with their aged mothers until their deaths are undergoing immense hardships without proper income for their existence. Some such senior spinsters had sought the shelter of homes for the aged.

As a consolation to age old senior spinsters who are isolated and living in the wilderness payment of orphans pension will be a blessing in disguise to them.

It appears that the Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs has requested the Director of Pensions take necessary action at the earliest to arrange payment of orphans Pension to such elderly spinsters.

K. A. J. F. DALPATHADU - Negombo



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