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Government Gazette

Political parties, groups condemn Kethesh killing

COLOMBO: Leaders of political parties and organisations vehemently condemned the assassination of Ketheshwaran Loganathan, Deputy Secretary General of the Government Peace Secretariat by LTTE gunmen at his residence in Dehiwela on Saturday night.

Describing the assassination as a great shock to him personally, Tamil United Liberation Front Leader V. Anandasangaree said: "Prabhakaran must now come out of his den and tell us what he wants and how much more blood he requires to quench his thirst. No man with any sense will kill a person like Kethesh, a perfect gentleman and a great intellectual."

"His demise is a great loss to the Tamil community in particular and the country as a whole. A soft spoken man, he was acknowledged by many as the best choice for the very important post he held.

This type of killings will not help Prabhakaran and his gang. Ultimately he will find only Thamilselvam as the sole representatives of the Tamils.

How can Prabhakaran still call himself as a freedom fighter?" Anandasangaree queried.Minister Douglas Devananda also condemned the assassination.

"Prabhakaran we have shed enough blood. It is enough now. Please leave us alone to look after ourselves without being looked after by your ruthless goons. Ketheshwaran and I were close friends. He was an intellectual par excellence and a great negotiator."

Tamil United Front Leader Dr. K. Vigneshwaran said Ketheshwaran has been assassinated by those who do not want a peaceful solution.

"Ketheshwaran was an intellectual who knew no other way but peace. There are a very few Tamil intellectuals left in Sri Lanka now who could speak what they think is right and Ketheshwaran belonged to this minority.

"Ketheshwaran never expected this because he honestly believed that he was doing his part to solve the crisis. He was one person who could effectively portray the true voice of the Tamil speaking people," Vigneshwaran added.

PLOTE leader D. Siddhartan reacting with shock and grief said Ketheshwaran was a symbol of peace.

"He fought for what was true. This barbaric act comes on the eve of another such inhuman killing which took place one year back, the assassination of Lakshman Kadirgamar. These killings are the work of forces opposed to peace because these men stood for peace," Siddhartan said.

Meanwhile, Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) head Ulf Henricsson in a statement strongly condemned the assassination.

"After having worked with Ketheshwaran, and last met him on Friday, August 11, the message of his death came as a shock, not only to the SLMM but also people longing for peace.

"Taking part in his experience, his well founded arguments and his professionalism has been a pleasure for all people who got to work with him. There are no words strong enough to condemn this vicious and cold blooded murder of yet another statesman living for peace."



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