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Government Gazette


Curbing crime under Mahinda Chinthanaya

I refer to Dr. Reffai's letter 'Due punishment is a must in your issue of 8th instant, 'Goshaka's article in your issue of the 7th, and your own editorial 'Police, please wake up' of July 6.

All of which deal with what in your own words is aptly described as a problem which has grown to a complexity which seems to be defying all attempts at containing it and considering the current crime rate, some would even say that the problem has assumed monstrous proportions.

Having studied the law on this mater for upwards of 20 years, we beg pardon of you to say that the problem is of no complexity at all. It is as simple as two and two make four.

And besides, it has nothing to do with the Police, either: the buck rests with those who lay down the law, and ultimately with Parliament itself.

On an umpteen number of occasions, both your journal and other sections of the national press have made generous accommodations for our views that offered a clear dissection of the law and, under it, the nigger in the woodpile that triggers the crime wave. No one took notice, and it is utterly unlikely anyone would do so now-upon only hearing our word.

But this was proffered before the aptest authority to hear it, the Presidential Commission on Law and Order chaired by Retired S. C. Justice S. W. B. Wadugodapitiya.

We have reason to think they were inclined to accede to our diagnosis, and also our prescription for change, which is sine qua non if crime is really to be curbed. Their report was handed to the previous President, which was nearly 3 years ago, and alas, from there it has gone into cold storage.

It is to be hoped that the new Chinthanaya of President Mahinda Rajapaksa would look at it with keener sympathies for victims of crime evinced from the complaints arising all round, even as mentioned in this letter, and he would take immediate action to order release of the report to the public, which may then realize the inside story of the crime wave, and what steps should be taken to curb it.

Meanwhile, we would also humbly request Dr. Reffai and others anxious about the prevailing state of dissolution of law and order, themselves to address the President towards the same end.

S. Costa - President,
Kandy Litigants' Association


LTTE barbarism has hit a new high

Subidcham Comment: We highly commend the Editorial of the Daily News of Saturday July 12, 2006. Amidst all kinds of reports and the utter misinformation campaign shamelessly being indulged in by the LTTE, the Daily News has focused on the entire ordeal to which the Muslims in particular have been subjected to in the current conflict in the Trincomalee District.

Even Rauff Hakeem who in 2002 indicated that the LTTE should be considered as the sole representatives of the Tamil-speaking people and was a signatory to the CFA has come to realize the kind of atrocities the LTTE has been committing against the Muslims who are also Tamil-speaking people.

Those who entertained any idea that the LTTE is a political institution must begin to realize that this is furthest in their ideas and goals.

The LTTE has been riding on the Tamils under false pretext only to set up a mafia state, a smuggler territory in South Asia, Sicily-style.

The Editorial has also referred to the silence of the Catholic bishops who have consistently showed their partiality towards the LTTE; even their appreciation.

These bishops have also been silent on the issue of child soldiers.

When the time comes for the final reckoning, the Catholic Church adherents among the Tamils will have a great deal of explaining to do.

via email


Whither the UNP

Another Tamil intellectual who tried to bring peace to the country gave his life for the liberation struggle of the blood thirsty murderer in the Vanni jungle hide-out.

The United National Party which is identified as the party which got independence for Ceylon is directly supporting this liberation struggle.

It is high time someone who knows the original UNP of DS, Dudley, JR, Premadasa, Lalith and Gamini takes over the party chasing away Ranil, Jayalath et al.

Ranil should swallow his (his only) Cease Fire Agreement without praising it as a manthra from dawn to dusk and go and live with his International community (if they accept him) without bringing more disaster to this country with his treacherous acts.

Ranil will go down in history as the first leader in the world who whole heartedly supported the enemy of his country and nation by deed and word.

Colombo 6


Gathas recited in Pali

This is with regard to the letter by one Abeyratne in the Daily News of 18.07.2006 about his valuable suggestion that at least some of the regularly recited Gathas - the Five and Eight Precepts that Buddhists recite when they go to the temples at ceremonies or at home are in the Pali language be translated to Sinhala.

This is because when they are recited parrot-like and are mispronounced they may give different meanings, as mentioned by the above writer.

Besides their pronunciation and enunciation is a hallmark of that language. Yet another reason is that many of those who are recite them do not know their meaning.

For some, this may be taken to be a verbal charm or incantation - which they are definitely not. There are a few monks who administer Pansil in Sinhala and at times the Jayamangala Gathas are recited in Sinhala; but there is no uniformity or general acceptance.

It is therefore, hoped that the Maha Sangha and other Pali scholars will give consideration to this matter and with the stamp of authority of the Ven'ble Sangha Nayakas, an acceptable, simple Sinhala translation be accepted that could be recited in a devotional tone and manner as is with the practice in Pali.

Tissa Amarasekera -


Stamp duty on credit cards

I refer to letters written by L. H. S. Peiris (July 3) and S. R. Balachandran (July 6) on the above subject. I fully appreciate what Mr. Peiris says as he is an experienced banker being the former chairman and GM of the People's Bank who knows the pulse of the people.

Actually stamp duty and debit tax changed for credit cards amounts to double taxation which the credit cards users never expected. In fact now I rarely use my credit card.

Mr. Balachandran says that people operate bank accounts mainly to avoid carrying and keeping cash with them and it is for that same reason people use credit cards. So why double taxation? Mr. Balachandran's proverb is also not very appropriate. It should have been 'Penny wise Pound Foolish'.

There are other ways to collect revenue for the Government. For instance the Government can impose stamp duty on House Rent receipts which are now exempted. So, I propose the relevant authorities especially the Minister of Finance to consider and withdraw the stamp duty on credit cards.



A new product, perhaps

I write to wish the principals, Mr. Abeygunasekera and Ms. Ravel every success in their venture.

I have hunted in the jungles of Sri Lanka and been involved in wildlife studies in all of the National Parks there before migrating to Australia with my son Wayne in 1971 and so I am understandably excited about what this company is about: Wonders from the wilds.

Many years ago while hunting together with an old friend of my father's, Mr. 'Coogee' Silva we came upon a little village where for the first and only time in my life I was offered a product of the wilds that proved to be a great tonic.

It was a bottle of red liquid about as thick as kithul treacle and very pithy in flavour - the sort of taste described in Sinhalese by the word 'kahata'.

Anyway, the villager who sold it to me called it gam mahalu or gun mahalu and assured me it was one of the most effective pick-me-ups in the world. He said it was the sap taken from a certain rare tree in the deep forests and that it was obtained in more or less the same way as natural rubber was.

With the gullibility of youth and the feeling of invulnerabilty that goes with it, I was always ready to try anything exotic regardless of risk to life and limb. I paid six or seven ruppees for it and to my amazement found it to boost my energy and keep it high particularly while playing strenuos sports like hockey.

I would be interested to know if the company has investigated the possiblities of harvesting, testing and marketing this product. I might add that I obtained it somewhere in the South of the island close to the Kataragama/Demaliya area.

via email



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