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Government Gazette

TV criticism of Govt's economic policies will not deter forward march - Minister of Urban Development

AVISSAWELLA: Some media institutions get their economists to express wrong views about the Government's policies through their TV channels and bring discredit to the Government, said Minister of Urban Development and Water Supply Dinesh Gunawardena when he opened the 'Lak Sathosa' shop at Avissawella.

He said their aim was to mislead the people and make them believe that the Government's policies were not beneficial to the people.

The Minister said they must understand that these statements and expressions cannot deter the forward march of the Government based on the Mahinda Chintana.

He said that the re-opening of the CWE shop which was closed during the previous regime is a victory to the people of this area. This will help the poor consumers to buy their essential goods at a reasonable price and balance their home budget.

The Minister said that the President has taken several steps to put down the cost of living. This is one of them.

He said that this is not an oil producing country. "We have to import and distribute it at a reasonable price. This is a great challenge to our economy."

The Minister said that thousands of pensioners in this area who do not get salary increases can breathe a sigh of relief because of this CWE shop where goods are sold at a lower price.

CWE Chairman Nihal Jayawardena said that this is the 30th CWE outlet opened by this government under the reorganisation program. The first shop was opened recently at Negombo.

He said that they expect to sell 15 kinds of commodities at a lower price.

At present we have only 300 employees but expect to give an excellent service to the people. WPC Member Sumit Vijayamuni Soysa also spoke.

The Ven. Mahopadya Werahera Ariyawansa Adhikarana Sanghanayake Thera delivered an Anusasana.

Hindu, Islam and Catholic religious dignitaries and Deputy Speaker of Parliament Geetanjana Gunawardena also participated.



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