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Government Gazette

Raging waves throw people to the Catholic cemetery

MORATUWA: As a result of a violent storm at sea and resultant erosion those dwellers living along the coast, whose shelters were washed away by the raging waves, put up temporary shelters in the Catholic cemetery at Koralawella, Moratuwa.

Subsequently, a survey was done by the local authority and cards were issued to the squatters, with a view to transferring them to a government property. But due to an election at hand the scheme was swept under the carpet.

Since then, the Catholic church has been seeking, assistance of every Government to find a solution to this problem of squatters in the cemetery and to find alternate accommodation for them.

In addition to the previous squatters, at present several permanent houses, carpentry workshops and even a boutique has come up in the cemetery.

A Christian cemetery is a hallowed ground where the departed faithful are laid to rest. Those, whose dear ones are buried visit the cemetery for graveside prayers.

Every year on November 2, All Souls' Day the day set apart for the dead, parishioners gather at the cemetery for Holy Mass offered for the departed souls. The cemetery a holy land is blessed yearly. Today, the Koralawella Catholic cemetery is desecrated and it is sacrilege. It is an eyesore to the thousands of commuters who use the new Galle Road.

When unauthorised structures even on ones own property are demolished by the Municipal Council, how come unauthorised buildings in a cemetery exist, for so many years, under the very nose of city fathers?

Over to you, Hon. Minister in charge of Town Planning and the Mayor, Moratuwa Municipal Council, for necessary steps to clear the cemetery for use of Catholic burials. Those who lie in the graves in this cemetery for so many years may be turning in their graves for the injustice done to them.



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