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Government Gazette

Enduring and standing the test of time

PERSONALITIES: Reading through a 'special' little book, it was stated that certain names of people or acquaintances from the past, can elicit a variety of responses, some to bring feelings of joy, some of sadness, some bring positive responses and some negative'... but perhaps the ones that are etched in the minds of most people, are those who have been caring and loving, those who have brought blessings instead of curses, love instead of hate, peace and joy, not trouble.

To them we could truly be thankful for an exemplary, good, inspiring and motivating life. Most certainly there may be many who come to mind and we thank God too, for such wonderful people!

In this photograph, the present Principal of Royal College, Colombo, Upali Gunesekera, an Educator and Administrator of a high calibre, is seen with two former Royal stalwarts, Gamini Salgado and the legendary Eddie Gray, (shortly before his demise in Melbourne, Australia). They were there to extend their generous support and appreciation in love, to their great college.

Eddie's amazing school record as Head-Prefect, Captain of Boxing, Rugger and Athletics plus other sports like swimming, water polo, rifle-shooting, hockey and later into motor racing, golf and life saving - made him worthy of all the important roles he played, in the Old Boy's Association in Melbourne, until his dying day!

Year after year, Eddie would visit Sri Lanka patriotically (although domiciled in Australia since 1979), more on 'goodwill missions' to offer his loved country and his Alma Mater all the 'goodies' of foreign assistance, in various forms from the old loyal Royalists in Australia.

Having represented Sri Lanka at the 1948 Olympic Games, in London and the Commonwealth Games in Auckland in 1950, as a Light Weight Boxer, he then served for many years on the Executive Committee of the World Controlling Body, in any Olympic sport.

In recognition of all his proud achievements, Eddie received the honour of carrying the Olympic torch in 2000, when it passed through Melbourne on its way to Sydney.

His greater claim, is that he is the only Sri Lankan, who witnessed the winning of Sri Lanka's only two Olympic medallists, one was at the 1948 Olympic Games in London, when Duncan White won a Silver Medal in the 440 yards Hurdles and then at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, to see Susanthika Jayasinghe win a Bronze Medal in the 200 metres!

His wife Yvonne, who lives in Melbourne with their three sons, would bear ample testimony and attaches deep value to these true facts!

Perhaps it is Gamini Salgado, now pushing 82 years of age, yet fresh and flourishing, who could well say - "Old age is a matter of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!!" In a highly distinguished manner, Gamini has acquired much and worked effectively behind the scenes.

While in college, he captained Royal Cricket in 1942 and was the vice-Captain of the 1941 Rugby team that beat a strong Trinity team by 11 points to 3, after 21 years of successive defeats Royal was captained by Dr. M.N. Jilla, backed by classy players like Summa Navaratnam, (Asia's fastest man in 1948), H.C. Aldons (Triple International), Dr. Larry Foenander, Gamini Salgado, Myles Christoffelsz, just to name a few.

Trinity was led by S.B. Dissanayake and had the likes of African-born Michael Kagwa, R.B. Reith, C. Dhanapala, E.R. Jenkins. In 1942, Gamini obtained a billet on a Tea estate with one of the best companies, namely Ceylon Tea Plantations where he 'careered-on' for 23 years! In the meantime, he married Irene (nee Goonewardene, a stylish tennis player) who produced 'Twins'- with a six-minutes difference between a son, Gihan (now residing in Canada) and a daughter Iromi, who lives with them in Colombo 7.

While he was yet Up-Country, Gamini Captained the Central Province Cricket Team in the early-fifties, against a few visiting foreign teams and also played rugby for the Ceylon Barbarians. Around 1965 he moved down to Colombo, to accept a Directorship at George Steuarts Agency, which kept him occupied for a good 18 years.

Gamini had throughout been closely associated with Eddie, (who was a few years senior in age) and even timed his 'furlough' (vacation) in 1948, to coincide with the Olympic Games in London, where he spent memorable moments watching Eddie and two other boxers Alex Obeysekera and Leslie Handunge, bring credit to Sri Lanka.

To confirm Eddie's dedication, enthusiasm and innovative flair, in 1967, he meticulously organized the Asian Boxing Championships at the newly-built Sugathadasa Stadium, which was a roaring success. It has not been held in Sri Lanka since then!

To help the deprived and encourage those in need, was his real desire. Together with Dr. Quintus de Zylva, a passionate lover of this beautiful island of Sri Lanka, (the country of his birth) and as Sri Lanka's Cricket Board Representative in Melbourne, they have granted massive financial assistance to train selected, good, talented potential sportsmen and sportswomen, extending to them sports equipment and medical aid, particularly for Cricketers, Athletes and Boxers.

Apart from many others who have been 'down-under' to enjoy these benefits, two outstanding sporting personalities, namely the mighty Cricket champion, Muttiah Muralitharan, Sri Lanka's greatest spin bowler and a world record breaker, plus a scintillating sprinter woman athlete, Susanthika Jayasinghe, Olympic medal-winner, could speak volumes, with sincere gratitude, for the generous 'helpings' they have received, in numerous ways.

As a renowned writer once said, "You cannot escape the advancing years. Youth stays long enough only to strengthen our shoulders for the burdens ahead. Life leads inevitably to the evening time - but the best things, are the oldest things - things that have endured and stood the test of time!" It was a blessed old age and a glorious sunset for Eddie!



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