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Government Gazette

Unite for peace

WE HOPE President Mahinda Rajapaksa's call for all Sri Lankans to unite with him in his efforts to resolve the ethnic conflict would have the desired effect.

For, a united effort to bring peace is a principal challenge facing Sri Lanka and unless and until all Sri Lankans rally around a just and honourable solution it is difficult to see ourselves overcoming the crisis at hand.

President Rajapaksa's approach to resolving our conflict is epitomised in the All Party Conference called by him. The rationale behind the APC is to evolve a solution which would win the wholehearted backing of all our important Southern-based political parties and forces.

What is being aimed at in this exercise is a Southern consensus on resolving the ethnic conflict which the LTTE and other sections of Tamil opinion would be compelled to seriously consider.

Thus far, the LTTE in particular, has been balking at the issue of cooperating in finding a solution by pointing to the fact that there is no Southern consensus on resolving the conflict.

If the South wholeheartedly supports the President's efforts at finding a just solution, the LTTE would be compelled to cooperate in the search for peace because it could no longer give the convenient excuse that the South is disunited on a political solution.

Therefore, the time could not be riper for a united effort in the South at resolving the conflict by political means. Let us all support the President's efforts at arriving at a just and honourable solution, for, time is of the essence and Sri Lanka cannot be allowed to suffer any longer.

However, the President would not be resting content with only finding a Southern consensus on ending the conflict. He has in no uncertain terms called on the LTTE to join the search for a settlement. There is bound to be broad agreement on the President's view that the "LTTE cannot resolve the problem by killing people."

This is a truth which should not go unacknowledged. Further killings and bloodshed would only dim our peace prospects steadily. Violence would only drive the sides farther apart and harden attitudes relentlessly.

To the extent to which attitudes are hardened, finding a solution would prove an uphill task.

In this context, the LTTE would need to consider the suffering of the Tamil people.

The majority of the latter hope and pray for a political solution which would end their years-long agony. However, continued recalcitrance on the part of the LTTE would only destroy such hope.

If the LTTE is a genuine espouser of Tamil interests they would grasp the hand of reconciliation extended to them by the Government.

President Rajapaksa has also thought commendably by characterising the sought-for solution as a 'Sri Lankan model'. In other words, the political settlement would be unique to Lanka and would not be based on the experiences of any other country. This approach would help end many a misunderstanding on this question.

The ethnic conflict is uniquely Sri Lankan and accordingly a solution which meets our specific requirements ought to be found. This solution would be like no other.

Taming the Tigers

In Sri Lanka, the terrorists, who first brought suicide bombing to the world are intensifying their reign of terror. Despite a cease-fire, recent weeks have seen a series of brutal atrocities perpetrated by the LTTE, popularly known as the Tamil Tigers. 

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About time, a ban on LTTE - June 2

EDITORIAL: In the 30 years of its existence, the LTTE brazenly used Europe as an extended backyard for its war against the Sri Lankan state. It grew roots within the large Sri Lankan Tamil communities that had settled in those countries after fleeing the conflict back home, and it exploited them to build itself financially and politically.

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How to trim the fat in public sector enterprises

Today, virtually every enterprise whether public or private faces massive change. Unfortunately, change is extraordinarily difficult in the Public Sector Enterprises and all attempts to initiate and implement changes have failed and thus some of the large States owned enterprises have become a more of a burden to the tax payer and the consumer than a benefit.

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