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US to urge other world powers to act against Iran

RUSSIA: The United States will press other major world powers on Tuesday to consider targeted sanctions against Iran as an April 30 U.N. deadline loomed for Tehran over its nuclear programme.

World crude oil prices topped $70 a barrel on Monday, the highest level for nearly eight months, as Iran's pursuit of its nuclear programme heightened market fears Washington might take military action against Iran.

But U.S. talk of laying the groundwork for possible force is widely expected to be dismissed when the U.N. Security Council's five veto-wielding permanent members - the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia - meet together with Germany.

Russia and China strongly oppose sanctions or the use of force. Apart from the United States, the others - including Britain - oppose military action.

Iran said last week it had enriched uranium for use in its power stations, increasing tensions in a standoff with the West which suspects Tehran is trying to build an atomic bomb. Tehran says its nuclear programme is only for electricity generation.

The United States, which already has a broad range of sanctions on Iran, said it wanted the Security Council to be ready to take strong diplomatic action, including so-called targeted measures such as a freeze on assets and visa curbs.

Meanwhile Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned Tuesday Iran will "cut the hand of any aggressor," and insisted the country's military has to be equipped with the most modern technology. "Today, you are among the world's most powerful armies because you rely on God," Ahmadinejad told a parade to commemorate Army Day.

"Iran's enemies know your courage, faith and commitment to Islam and the land of Iran has created a powerful army that can powerfully defend the political borders and the integrity of the Iranian nation and cut the hand of any aggressor and place the sign of disgrace on their forehead," Ahmadinejad said.

Moscow Tehran, Tuesday, Reuters, AP



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