


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Aftermath of the S.C. Judgement - appoint Commission of Inquiry

The Supreme Court Judgement has put the record straight. Even without a proper complaint by Kabir Hashim, the UNP MP, the Attorney General had sanctioned an investigation by the CID against the then Prime Minister (now the duly elected President of the Republic) on an alleged criminal offence of breach of trust/misappropriation, designed to prevent him being nominated by his political party to contest the Presidential Election, 2005 and to have him despised by the public as a corrupt individual.

This was designed to gain an undue political advantage for the UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe at the same election. A newspaper was fully behind this pernicious plot. A shame on the 'free media'! The effect of the news that received wide publicity had a demoralising effect on the general public.

As the vicious plot progressed, rumblings were heard to the effect 'we will never vote for him'. Ranil Wickremesinghe on his campaign trail was gleefully pronouncing 'we will soon find out as to whose pocket the Tsunami donations went in'.

This is the height of cheek that a responsible/respectable leader would ever indulge in! Had the Judgement been delivered before the Election, Ranil would have seen to his dismay how the plot boomaranged on him with even fewer votes for him.

Now that the full facts of the plot have been bared, what is the punishment for Ranil and his henchman Kabir Hashim. Why are the vociferous spokesmen for the UNP on any public issue silent in this instance? Ranil's conduct being the meanest for a political leader, he stands condemned before the public opinion of this country!

The diabolical plot had been craftily hatched by the UNP enlisting the support of Chandra Fernando, the IGP; Lionel Gunatilaka, DIG/CID and Attorney General, among many others to thwart justice! This is perhaps the first instance that a party in opposition had got the official machinery put in motion against a Party in Office! It had succeeded in bringing undue influence on the legal and law enforcement Departments of the State towards achieving the ulterior motive!

The official sanction to go ahead with the purported investigation was given by Attorney General. With a trained legal mind and so many years experience on the job he should have seen through the design. Did undue influence 'corrupt' his mind? After all, the allegation was against the Prime Minister in Office.

He should have been more circumspect. His assistant the Deputy Solicitor General in resisting the grant of leave to proceed and interim relief on the Fundamental Rights Application showed a similar enthusiasm to carry forward the 'unlawful' investigation!

Is it not a crying shame for the law enforcement officers of the State, the A G, his subordinates and the top rung of the Police Department to have engaged in this sordid affair?

It seems quite funny that a former Attorney General to have acted as the Counsel for Kabir Hashim, full aware of the background to the case. It is equally funny that a former State Counsel of the A G Department to have pleaded in the lower Court that the then Prime Minister be produced before Court as a 'suspect'.

If a Police Constable was found guilty by a Court, he will eventually face a Departmental Inquiry and suffer punishment. But in the case of top rungs of Police there is no such practice as they were beyond reproach!

In the judgement, the Attorney General nor his subordinates have been found fault with. However, their unsalutary participation in this trumped up investigation will not exculpate them from guilt. By their conduct, as clearly demonstrated in the judgement, they have brought disrepute to the public service thereby denigrating them in public confidence!

It is therefore timely that a Commission of Inquiry be appointed without delay to probe the misconduct of the officers of the Attorney General's as well as the Police Department in order to reestablish the now lost public confidence in these services.

A. C.,

'Water is sacred'

I read with interest an article by Lionel Wijesiri entitled Water is sacred (March 30).

He has pointed out that for Muslims water serves above and beyond all purification. In this context I wish to quote a few verses on water from the Holy Quran. According to it "Every living thing is made from water" (sura 21 verse 13). It also stated that all life begun in water.

This is the conclusion to which the latest findings in Biological science points to. It is declared as "Allah has created every moving (living) thing from water". Of them are some that creep on their bellies and that walk on four (sura 24 verse 25).

And finally in sura 25 verse 54 it is stated as follows "It is He (Allah) who has created man from water. He (Allah) has established relationships of lineage and marriage: for your Lord has power over all things.

Zam-zam water is described as blessed water-well in Makkah. According to authentic Hadith: Angel Jibreel dug if for the sake of Ismail and his mother Hajara. Some of the virtues of Zam-zam water according to the saying of Prophet of Islam are: Zam-zam water is blessed and can be a cure for diseases.

It also benefits that for which it is drunk. It is blessed. It is nourishing food and a cure for illness.

Colombo 10

Restoration of the Roman arch found underground in Colombo cemetery

The Department of Archaeology recently unearthed a roman arch belonging to the Portuguese era being a ruined parts of the Church of our Lady of Deliverance built in the 16th century. It was suspected up to recent times that it is a tunnel leading to the ancient Jayawardenepura the Capital Kingdom of Kotte.

This archaeological source was established by corroborating with the writings of S. J. Perera and Don Peter on the 'History of Ceylon under the Portuguese' where these ruins could be identified as parts of this Church that existed in Marahenpita now known as Narahenpita or Colombo 5.

The same chronicles reveal that there were 13 shrines devoted to St. Mary during the time of the Kotte period under the Portuguese. This arch has been built by cabok. The plastering and the mortar are now destroyed by sun and shower.

There is a well by the arch that gives way to a staircase cut on cabok soil very clearly visible even today. The huge arch of about 20 feet radius stands with majesty underground. It needs urgent attention of repair and maintenance which is now exposed to water and sunshine for further decay.

Out of the Roman arches found during the Dutch and the British periods in Colombo, this one remains the oldest in the island and going back to the age of the Portuguese. The Roman architecture found in several places in Colombo is almost facing extinction due to bad planning for town expansion.

The excavations at Jawatta cemetery has been undertaken by the Department of Archaeology and is in the process of preparing an estimate for rehabilitation work. This Ministry of Christian Affairs with the cooperation of St. Peter's College is working towards a rehabilitation scheme to develop the site.

This project not only signifies the religious value but it also has a tremendous tourist potential local and abroad. Therefore, it is up to the travel community taking advantage of this effort to assist by the project as a tourist destination in Colombo.

The response of the travel community is solicitated by St. Peter's College which is the patron of this project for future development.

Colombo 4

Polls and what follows

What is evident and emphatic of the recent mini poll is that people all voted for one common need - meet the basic necessities in their living environs despite party politics, manifestos, famous slogans etc. The most basic issues in the country are clearly stated in a recent editorial in the Daily News.

Most of Pradeshiya Sabhas including their big brothers, UCs, are not more than dumping grounds for garbage today. According to a top rank woman officer attached to the Environmental Authority, waste only remains in one's mind. (Kunu Thiyenne Hithe).

Whatever it implies rubbish deposits so freely every nook and corner creating stench, mosquitoes and various health hazards.

Many a road are at a shocking state. Markets, dispensaries are really ineffective, no street lights at night.

This is the picture of almost all rural areas in the country today.

As found in the President's vision these newly elected PC members should address these fundamental issues from the grass-root level in order to re-awaken the country from its slumber.




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