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Government Gazette

PM to address annual Boao Asian Economic Forum

COLOMBO: Governor of the Southern Province Kingsley T. Wickramaratne, and member of the Advisory Council of the BFA China, will attend the 5th annual Boao Asian Economic Forum, the first NGO headquartered in China. A membership of 26 Asian and Pacific countries, Heads of Government, the private sector and professionals in Asia Pacific meet to discuss and come to terms and to speak with one voice at world forums such as WTO, ILO, UNCTAD and WIPO etc.

The Southern Province of Sri Lanka and Hainan Province of China have a sister-city agreement between the two provinces for economic and cultural exchanges. During the tsunami of 26th December, 2004, the Government of Hainan contributed 500,000 dollars to build a friendship park and waterway.

This would be designed and built by Chinese labour in the same mould as one of their traditional parks with giant wheels in the shape of dragons, pandas and Chinese lanterns creating a totally Chinese environment. This is going to be built at a six-acre site allocated at the Gintota River which would be the new entrance to the Greater Galle City Project. And it would also have boats in the shape of dragons on the waterway of the Moda Ela.

On April 22, at the Sofitel Hotel, the Governor of the Hainan Province and the Governor of the Southern Province will host a breakfast meeting and spell out the mechanics and the design for the future of the Hainan-China Park. The Chief Guest would be Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake.

He will address the opening ceremony which is being chaired by former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke.



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