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Tsunami Focus Point - Tsunami information at One PointMihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

So say shall we all

INDEPENDENCE DAY, many question what one can put to his/her pen on our ritualistic celebration of the independence day. Symbolically celebrated with all the political vanity at Galle Face and formally celebrated in few governmental agencies. What does the common man feel about it? Oh great its just a holiday where we can take some rest, or if the day falls on a Friday or Monday it will be the coolest retreat one can get.

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The Lion Flag and its message of harmony

SRI LANKA steps into the 54th anniversary of regaining independence from Britain. In fact the country was ceded to Britain on a treaty called the Udarata Givisuma in 1815, and with that episode the total control of the administration went into the hands of the British.

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58th Independence Day Celebrations

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Navin determined to bring more glory to Sri Lanka

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