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Over 130 arrested in pre-dawn swoop

Over 130 persons were arrested yesterday morning in a pre-dawn swoop on suspected terrorist hideouts and crime cells in the Western Province North by two special police teams deployed by Western Province North Deputy Inspector general of Police Asoka Wijeyatilleke.

According to the investigations conducted by DIG Wijeyatilleke 61 suspects who were arrested are wanted by several courts in the Western Province. These courts have issued open warrants for their arrest earlier.

Four suspects who were arrested in the raid were wanted in several criminal activities committed in the Gampaha, Kelaniya and Negombo police areas.

DIG Wijeyatilleke said that the search operation was conducted on the direction of IGP Chandra Fernando who instructed his senior and junior men to arrest all suspected persons irrespective of their connections.

According to the intelligence reports reaching the IGP indicated that criminals and terrorists groups were planning acts of disruption during the festive season.



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