Budusarana On-line Edition
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Sunday Observer


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Government - Gazette
Tsunami Focus Point - Tsunami information at One PointMihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

SLMC votes with Govt. :

'Mahinda Chintana' budget passed by overwhelming majority

The maiden budget of the UPFA Government under President Mahinda Rajapakse was passed in the Parliament yesterday with a 104 vote majority at the second reading. President Rajapakse as Finance Minister presented the budget on December 8.

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Dallas sworn in amidst fanfare

UPFA National List nominee Dallas Alahapperuma was yesterday sworn in as a Member of Parliament before Speaker W.J.M. Lokubandara.

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Imperial Teas captures global tea market

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Asia watch: Phantom of ethnic violence visiting West

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Lankans go down tamely

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