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India's moving gesture

THAT the ties between India and Sri Lanka are in a new high was further established when India sent two senior cabinet Ministers to join in the final farewell to the late Lakshman Kadirgamar.

The presence of both Union Cabinet Ministers Shri Pranab Mukherjee and Shri Natwar Singh, understandably, were very much needed in New Delhi on their all-important 59th Independence day celebrations falling on the the same day.

Yet the Government of India have been graciously thoughtful in signalling to her neighbour in yet another hour of need India is with us - as they have been on many occasions in the past.

This is most reassuring at a period of time when Sri Lanka needs all her friends to overcome her array of difficult problems.

While Sri Lanka certainly is grateful to those many other friendly countries who sent senior representatives to be with us in our hour of a national sorrow, India's moving gesture needs to be particularly noted and appreciated.


Dr. Kanagaratnam and the Jaffna Cancer Unit

IT IS reported that N-E provincial Governor Tyronne Fernando declared open the Cancer Treatment Unit at Tellippalai, some three weeks ago. This unit will no doubt be a boon to the people of the Northern Province and will significantly reduce the work-load on the Maharagama Cancer Institute.

Our premier cancer hospital in Maharagama could not meet the needs of the entire country was appreciated by a few insightful health professional several decades ago.

Foremost among them was the late Dr k. Kanagaratnam, who had an illustrious career in the Health Department and was the first Superintendent of the Colombo Group of Hospitals which included the then greatly expanded and revamped General Hospital (the present National Hospital, Sri Lanka).

On retirement in 1958, he settled in his home town and soon thereafter inaugurated the Jaffna Cancer Society.

As the secretary of this society in the 1970s I became intimately aware of Dr Kanagaratnam's most vigorous and passionate campaign for the establishment of a cancer treatment centre in Jaffna.

He met the top health bureaucrats, all the Jaffna MPs and a succession of Health Ministers - he reasoned, argued, appealed and pleaded with all of them till his death in 1980.

Then in 1983, the health authorities gave the green light for the establishment of a cancer unit in Tellippalai but it did not become fully operational; the civil war intervened and most of Tellippalai became part of the High Security Zone.

With travel between Jaffna and Colombo virtually at a stand still, the plight of the cancer patients, especially the poorer ones, became even more dismal.

Now almost 45 years after Dr Kanagaratnam started his campaign, the unit has been resurrected, equipped and staffed, at least partly.

Let us hope it will remain functional and be a memorial to his foresight and pioneering work. It would be most appropriate to name this unit the Dr K. Kanagaratnam Cancer Centre.

- DR R. NATKUNAM, Australia.

Is it safe to consume soya?

WHILE most Sri Lankans have less experience in eating tofu Soya milk, many rural populations have now been exposed to TVP, which is popular and are available in flavours of their own choice. Recent reports on Soya and its products are conflicting.

While the Japanese and the Chinese after consuming Soya for years and have benefited, researches and scientists are still suspicious over the good and the bad of Soya.

In 2003 when the 'one woman's story on Soya' took public interest, a few medical experts squashed the bad effects on Soya by giving the good side on consumption of Soya. While Soya is claimed to be a gift to the mankind from China, researches have shown conflicting reports.

Large number of plants have hormones called Phyto-oestrogens, which have oestrogen like activity. Researches have found that the Soya too has a phyto-oestrogen called isoflavones. Studies have shown that these isoflavones can reduce the incidence of mammary tumours.

It is strongly believed that Soya contains anti-carcinogenic properties and also fights heart disease. Studies have also shown diets rich in Soya could protect prostate cancer in men and further reduce a Pattern boldness.

On contrary to the above reports recent research papers have shown that substances such as goitrogens could inhibit thyroid function and even cause cancer. There is also a school of thought that the Phyto-oestrogen present in the Soya could induce breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Recent research showing genistein which is a plant chemical present in Soya could damage the sperms of human, which in turn could effect the fertility in women. Though the implication of genistein in the Soya is questionable, it is of grave concern.

Prof. Athula Perera's article on 'Genetically Modified Organisms' (DN June 5) has created further suspicion to the vegetarians over the originality of the Soya. More and more reports are emerging about the dangers of GM foods and crops making it harder for countries like US to sell their GM products.

Soya meat is so cheap one has to worry about the originality of the product. It is now very important for nutritional experts to study the matter and enlighten the public.

- Dr. A. Nandakumar, Hatton.

Kadir, the great Sri Lankan son

KADIR the Great, son of Sri Lankan soil

Felled by a cowardly gun, many people could not foil

Another life taken, and usual platitudes galore

Thirst for blood is unquenched, they yearn for more.

Strong words full of sound and fury

We will not give in however gory

Path of peace is 'being unarmed and talking'

But the hiding enemy keeps us stalking!

Lion of Trinity, gracious and great,

Lion at heart, you knew your fate.

But unlike some of Sinhala kind

You did not flinch nor excuses find.

Earning at Oxford lasting fame,

You left behind fragrance in your name.

You made Mother Lanka very happy and proud,

Very few spoke with voice so clear and loud.

Kadir, the colossus entered the world stage

Earning the wrath of traitors and the Tiger's rage.

You earned our respect for courage and grit,

Threat or no threat, you would not quit!

His message was heard loud and clear,

In all corners of the world they lent an ear,

Sri Lankans are not barbarians they are portrayed to be

Warm, friendly and caring as any nation can be!

A recent statement that you made

Showed that you are neither naive nor afraid

Asking Norway to review its role,

As it is now no better than that of a mole!

Peace at any price is not for you,

Appeasement and genuflection was strange to you.

A united Sri Lanka being your aim,

Anything less was not fair game!

Honest Sri Lankans whatever their hue,

Will honour you barring the few.

Accomplishing what no other did for Mother Lanka

Made the world look up and ask "Is he from Zeylanica"?

Your name and fame are forever engraved,

But not in the minds of the wicked and depraved,

If your wish is to be born in heaven

In a carriage you will be taken by angels driven!




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