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Unrighteous conduct

ALL right-thinking persons are certain to have hanged their heads in shame on seeing the bedlam on Monday evening in the heart of Colombo when swarms of unruly elements brazenly broke the law of the land in an attempt to storm the President's official residence.

Not a thought seemed to have been spared for the norms of 'Right Conduct' as these hot heads threw themselves on the barricades, hell-bent on unleashing destruction and sowing the seeds of racial and religious hatred.

Ven. Pandith Moragolle Jinaratana Nayake Thera, head of the Sri Abhayaraja Pirivena, Urapola, Pilimatalawa, has put these dark developments in the correct perspective by focusing on how they are in complete violation of all religious ethical principles.

For instance, the frenzied mob took easily to violence and made short work of the law of the land, whereas all religions admonish mankind to refrain from violence and from the taking of life. In fact, the preferred approach of all religions is to resolve contentious issues by peaceful means, such as the conduct of negotiations.

This is the approach of the State too, but those who ran amok in the city on Monday stood this principle on its head by succumbing to some of the basest instincts in the human personality.

Among the home truths spelt out by Ven. Jinaratana Nayake Thera was the admonition that the clergy of the land should advise the Government on how best the problems facing the country could be resolved, rather than betray the principles of their faith by resorting to savagery and violence.

As quite rightly pointed out by the Ven. Thera, the underlying motive for the disgraceful scenes of Monday was the need on the part of some political forces to secure their short-term ends by ruthlessly stirring religious and racial hatred in the land. The simple-minded are easily led astray by these crass opportunists.

We are glad that the Government is getting into the act of firmly combating the barrage of disinformation about the Tsunami Relief Council that these opportunistic elements have let loose among their followers - many of whom give all indications of being credulous and naive.

We say this because the head or reason needs to control the baser drives of man. The need of the hour is a cool, analytical grasp of the issues at the heart of the Joint Mechanism proposal. To run berserk at the instigation of one's "leaders", rather than settle down to this important pursuit, amounts to tarnishing one's innate humanity.

We take this opportunity to call on the critics of the Tsunami Relief Council concept to act with a strong sense of responsibility. Vituperative comments directed at the President could help stir the baser drives of their followers but this is no substitute for a reasoned assessment of the proposal.

The Government guided by the President is duty and conscience-bound to implement the Joint Mechanism proposal, for this is the correct course to adopt. The above-mentioned critics would be merely kicking into their own goal by taking a path which is divergent to that of the Government because they would soon find themselves in the political wilderness as the country marches on.


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