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Theory of multiple universe systems

by Piyasiri M. L. Hettige, Founder, Dhamma Vivarana Movement

Although no detail description or clear definition of the terms Vinnana, Sansara & Karma, which are associated with all Life Forms, are found in the Tripitaka to enable us to formulate an evaluaiton of their energy composition or characteristic properties. It is clearly evident that they are constitutents of Multiple Ethereal Universe Systems, that co-exist within this Material Universe, which, we are all familiar with.

Apparently they are not bound or restricted by time, space or effected by Earth laws or phenomena such as gravity, magnetic fields electricity atmosphere etc., which leaves us no alternative but to accept them as permutations and combinations of Astro-Mental Energy fields that defy even solar radiation and are governed by a complex pattern of cosmological principles clearly understood only by the Buddhas.

However with the present levels of Technology advancement it has become possible to come up with Scientifically acceptable (but non-quantifiable) definitions of these terms so that we can correctly interpret the meaning of the Buddha's Message through the Dhamma and face our own Sansara with the confidence gained through Dhamma Wisdom.

Before we proceed further it is essential to estbalish what is exactly meant by the term Life. In the Dictionary several vague descriptions are given, but herein, we are only interested in the Buddha's clear definition of 'Life', which could be summarized thus: Life results with the combination of Nama, Rupa and Vinnana in various states of interaction between Mental and Physical Energy unique to each Plane of Existence, within the Material Universe.

Nama means Ethic Identity or Name of the Vinnana Plane of Existence which has its own code of ethic standards, thus in the Human Vinnana Plane of existence the 'Nama' of the ethic code is 'Human'.

In the Plant Domain the Plant type code of ethics is apparent, similarly in the Animal Domains the Animal type code of ethics prevail. Rupa Means Form either Material or Ethereal. Humans, Animals and Platns hae material forms, while Devas, Prethas etc., have ethereal forms with different degrees of luminance according to theri latent mental energy levels.

Vinnana is defined and discussed in detial later in this paper, as such it will suffice to mention that without the appropriate mental energy supplemnt from the Vinnana, which is vital to activate the Ethic Conscousness of the Nama-Rupa no life continuum can tke place. The moment the Vinnana dissociate from it the Nama-Rupa component dies.

There will be a school of thought that will ask what has the Vinnana got to do in Plant Life? The answer is clear, the relevant Vinnana category in this case is a Passive (Mono track) Vinnana Energy Field that imparts only the Ethic Conscioiusness to the Plant so that it can manifest its growth properties accordingly.

In order to fill in the void thus created, probably, intentionally by modern scientists that turned a blind eye to what could be termed the most vital issue of Harnessing the unlimited capability of the Human Vinnana (Trans-Sansaric Consciousness), because thes ecientists, influenced by western religious institutions, feared that proper investigaiton of these concepts might bring to light startling and hitherto never dreamed of revelaitons confirming and consolidaating the teachings of the Buddha and the Dhamma.

The following hypothesis is thus presented as a first approximation which could be improved upon later by future intellectuals with Dhamma Wisdom or Arahants:

Identifying multi-dimensional parallel universe systems that exist.

The literal explanation of the term Universe is documented as all space and matter that exists.

Yet no meaningful explanation is made of the limitless mental energy and synergy force fields that are now known to co-exist and control this matter and space, which we have to recognize as pure cosmic mental energy fields, which we will denote as those of Pure Nana Force fields (Ultimate Consciousness) and those of the Vinnana (Trans-Sansaric Consciousnes) as Astro-Mental Energy Units.

Therefore it has become essential to recognize these innumerable, interdependent, ethereal/material universe systems, which co-exist within this matieral universe.

Hypothetically they could be categorized as follows:

Ethereal universe system consisting of pure nana mental energy.

The ethereal universe of the pure nana force fields (Ultimate Consciousness which are made up of minute particle of Pure Mental Energy, herein termed as 'OM' units) with Cosmic Mental Energy Force Fields which are Multi-Dimensional and contorls and condition all matter and space that exists in the Material Universe.

Ethereal and material, universe systems of combined mental and physical energy.

(a) The Multi-Dimensional, Ethereal, Vinnana Universe Systems as well as their Sansaric Universes of each Vinnana powered by interchangeable, life stimulating mental energy/synergy resonance patterns which enable life within this universe. Which the Buddhas referred to as Infinite Sansaras associated with Re-becoming.

(b) The four dimensional material universe which consists of all space and life supporting matter together with life modulating physical energy determinants such as air, earth, fire, water, gravity etc.

Note: Interactions between the Pure Cosmic Mental Energy Force Field particles 'OM' of first named Universe Systems with the Physical Energy of the Material universe give rise to the Sansaric Universes of the innumerable Ethereal Vinnana (ASTROM) Mental Energy Universes described as Item (a) in the above Categorization.

Analyses of the Infinite Concepts of Vinnana, Sansara and Karma, whose area of activities are restricted to the combined mental and physical Universe Systems in the above categorization.

It would be a great folly to try to analyse these subjects independently of each other as such the Vinnana, Sansara and Karma can be defined as inter-linked and inter-dependent, variable, entities whose interaction could be satisfactorily portrayed using the reversible equation; VINNANA - SANSARA KARMA NANA. If we define the units of vinnana as V-mental Energy and those of KARMA as K-mental Energy and SANSARA as S-mental Synergy (syntonic sympathetic energy) and the Absolute units of vinnana energy as astro mental energy.

Then the Absolute values of each side of the above equation will be represented in astro mental energy units. Thus the interaction between Sansara (Purpose Aspiring synergy) and Karma (Cause Effective Cyclic Mental Energy) will always result in astro mental energy powered nuclei which are eternally coupled together within the Sansaric Universe of the Vinnana and able to interact with the elements of Material Universe to create Life or Living Organisms.

However if the impurities or defilement mental energy of karma is limited to a level below the requirements of an active vinnana, a passive vinnana results and if the defilements are totally eradicated the astro-mental energy of the vinnana reverts back to its original undefiled form of pure cosmic mental energy of the mental energy force fields Nana (Ultimate Consciousness), and the 'Astom' Unit reverts back to a pure 'Om' unit, which thus is the attainment of the 'State of Nibbana' (No re-becoming) for that Vinnana.

According to the above definition, the Vinnanas are composed of astro-mental energy, which are a defiled or contaminated derivative of the pure mental energy 'Om' that exists as the minute unit of a force fields of the ultimate.


It is the presence of these impurities which enable the Vinnana thus formed to create a purpose oriented Sansara of its own. Incorporating the information contained in the Tripitaka Texts and based on the above hypothesis we can proceed to define these concepts as follows:

Definition of Karma (Cause Effective Cyclic Mental Energy).

Karma could be defined as a universal order composed of mental energy which transcends Time and Space and is composed of bi-directionally motivated Positive Mental Energy (Good Karma), Neutral Mental Energy (Neutral Karma) or Retrograde Mental Energy (Evil Karma) which act as the Sansaric Fuel that determines the Ethic status power of the sansaric life cycle which that trans-Sansari Consciousness (Vinnana) could sustain during a particular manifestation.

Technically we can explain its function by representing it as a Karma Chakra (Wheel of Karma), which is always coupled together with the Sansara Wheel by the 'Modem' Vinnana (TSC) which functions as an accumulator cum synchromesh which can store and transfer the bi-directionally motivated Kusala (Good '+ve') or Akusala (evil, '-ve') Karma power to the Sansara wheel as required to maintain or generate Sansara Chakras and capable of influencing the Vinnana according to its Nature and Power to generate sansaric manifestations in any of the known realms of existence oscillating between births as Human, Celestial, Demon, Animal, Still to be Born, or those in Hell. No Time or Space Limitations.

Definition of Sansara or Infinite Sansara (Purpose Aspiring Synergy)

We can define the Sansara (PAS) as a reciprocal Universal Order which is Time and Space dependant, and composed of Syntonic Sympathetic Mental Energy that supports extra-terrestrial multi-life form cycle generated by each Trans-Sansaric Consciousness (Vinnana), within a preset purpose or ethics oriented astro-mental energy network.

The duration of life thus activated being dependant on the Energy demands of the particular purpose oriented Vinnana Plane of Existence selected, while the period of duration and quality of life of the life form thus generated depends on the stored Karma Mental Energy levels contained in the Vinnana.

A More technical definition would be as Sansara Chakara (Life form Cycle) which is always coupled to the Karma Chakra (Karma Wheel) by the Vinnana (TSC) which acts as the Master Synchromesh which distribute or transfer the motive power of the Karma Chakra of a Vinnana to maintain a life form within a pre-set framework while maintaining the capability of generating still further life forms for that Vinnana in any realm of existence according to the Karma (Sansaric fuel) reserves available for exploitation.

Definition of Vinnana (Trans-Sansaric Consciousness)

The Vinnana (measured in Astrom units) is a multi-dimensional universal order that transcends time and space, with its own astro-mental energy storehouse.

It can replenish its energy banks through complex interactions between cause effective cyclic mental energy (Karma Nana) and purpose aspiring (Synergy) or Syntonic Sympathetic Energy (Sansara Nana) that combine in variable proportions under preordained conditions to produce mental energy resonance patterns that stimulate sympathetic vibrations within a preset framework, termed the Sansaric Universe of each Vinnana, and effect the manifestation of a particular life form for a specific period of time, dependant on its inherent energy levels, anywhere in the Universe.

The Vinnana could be categorized into two: (a) Active Vinnana or active consciousness. (b) Passive Vinnana or passive consciousness. It is only during a human manifestation that the Vinnana can activate the most significant of its multiple capabilities, that of activating its own astro mental energy powerhouse for self generating the astro-mental energy requirements for immediate as well future needs of its Sansara Universe.

One of the primary functions of the Vinnana, is to install the 'Ethic Code' containing consciousness in to any life form it activates, thus in a human Sansaric manifestation it will bring to the fore front the code of Human Ethics that are relevant from its data banks.

Now since the ethic code for each manifestation is different from another it is the Sansara-Nana which is denoted as Purpose Aspiring Synergy for Purpose Aspiring Sympathetic Energy that enables the Vinnana to activate the Ethic Code of the life form it supports.

A Graphical Illustration of the possible random interactions which could occur as a result of the Sansaric Paths traversed by any Vinnana in the different Vinnana planes of Sansaric existence according to the dictates of the Karma (Sansaric Fuel) availability is presented above to clarify their interaction further.













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