Daily News Online

Wednesday, 19 October 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


Condolence motion:

House mourns three more departed colleagues

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa presided when Parliament met at 1 pm yesterday. After the presentation of papers and oral questions, the House took up condolence votes of ex MPs late N Denzil Fernando, H G P Nelson and late Mervyn J Cooray.

Chief Government Whip and Water Supply and Drainage Minister Dinesh Gunawardena: I present the condolence motion of ex-MP late Denzil Fernando. He represented the Negombo electorate. He was born on March 23, 1921. He served as a teacher for a short period. Later he worked at the Food Department.

He entered Law College and in 1952 and took oaths as a lawyer.

He contested the Negombo MC in 1953 and was elected as a member. He again entered the Law College and qualified as a Senior Counsellor in 1959.

He was a father of four children. He became the Mayor of Negombo in 1960 and a rapid development was witnessed in this region under his leadership.

He entered Parliament for the first time in 1967, and became the Industries and Scientific Affairs Deputy Minister in 1977 in the J R Jayewardene government. He became Industries and Scientific Affairs Minister in 1984 and undertook many initiatives for the development of the industrial sector.

He lived for 89 years and expired on July 21, 2010.

Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe: I came to know Denzil Fernando ex-MP during his early political life. He was an active member of the party. He was a talented member of the UNP and we worked together while being in the Opposition. We were both holding deputy ministerial portfolios at the same period.

However, we often got together as MPs of Gampaha district on numerous social work of the region. He led a very simple life and was a strong Catholic.

I should also mention about his honesty. He did not earn a cent from politics.

Prime Minister D M Jayaratne: Late Denzil Fernando was a minister as well as a deputy minister. He was a strong UNP member, but he worked harmoniously and friendily with all other politicians. We recollect him with respect and make this opportunity to express our grievances on his demise.

A H M Azwer takes the Chair.

Karu Jayasuriya (UNP): He was born in Negombo and later became a lawyer by profession. Since his desire to extend his service to the people surpassing the limits of a lawyer, he joined politics. He later became a Cabinet Minister. He worked for the development of local industries and economic development.

John Amaratunga (UNP): Late Denzil Fernando was a lawyer, senior councellor and a minister. He was a fellow member of us who represented the Gampaha district.

He entered politics from the Negombo Municipal Council.

Ajith P Perera takes the Chair.

John Amaratunga (continues): He was a very honest person and there was no question at any time against his honesty.

Local industries and corporations revived under his administration and leadership. He also provided facilities for the fishermen of the area.

A H M Azwer (UPFA): I got to know late Denzil Fernando in 1967 and later we worked together on many occasions. He looked into the needs of the Muslim community in the area. He had no evil thoughts or malice. I happily recall how we worked together on various occasions during his political career.

He entered politics in 1953 as a member of the Negombo MC.

Jayawickrama Perera (UNP): He always preserved the respect and honourable status of an MP, unlike the undeserved behaviour of some MPs in the House today.

A H M Azwer takes the Chair.

Jayawickrama Perera (continues): He was a very humble and down-to-earth person. He was very self-disciplined.

Late Denzil Fernando had an ambition to became the Industries Minister and he realized his dream during his political career.

Estate Resources Deputy Minister Sarath Gunaratne: As a parliamentarian and UPFA national organizer of Negombo, I would like to speak a few words about late Denzil Fernando. I admire his character very much. His political life was an example to all politicians.

A H M Azwer (in Chair): I too join with the sentiments expressed by both sides of the House and request the Secretary General of Parliament to send copies of the condolence speeches made in the House to the family members of late Denzil Fernando.

The House then took up the condolence motion of ex-MP late H G P Nelson.

Agrarian Services and Wildlife Minister S M Chandrasena: I present the condolence motion of Polonnaruwa district ex-MP late H G P Nelson. He was born on October 1, 1930 in Tangalle in Matara. He was the father of seven children.

He was the Chairman of the Polonnaruwa Urban Council in 1965 and initiated a drinking water project with the support of the Central Government. He entered Parliament in 1977 from the UNP party.

He served as a parliamentarian until 1989 and was the Trincomalee District Minister. He expired on September 9, 2010.

I was deeply saddened over the demise of late Nelson. I associated him for a short period, but I realized that he was a real leader of the farming community in Rajarata. He always went back to his seat in Polonnaruwa, soon after the sittings of Parliament.

Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe: I got to know late Nelson at a meeting in Hingurakgoda. He was a resident of Polonnaruwa and after entering politics, served as the UNP national organizer for Polonnaruwa.

When he entered Parliament, he was entrusted as the Minister of Trincomalee district. This was not an easy task.

Prime Minister D M Jayaratne: Late Nelson was a very good friend of mine. We both worked together on many occasions. He did a lot to uplift the Polonnaruwa district. He did not seek party differences and helped anybody who encountered difficult times. I have my doubts as to how many will act in this manner today?

Karu Jayasuriya (UNP): Late ex-MP Nelson was appreciated by the people of Polonnaruwa and he was elected to the Urban Council. Later, he was invited by late Prime Minister Dudley Senanayake to be the UNP organizer for Polonnaruwa. It is reported that he distributed cooked food to the people during the period of a food shortage. He won the Polonnaruwa electorate with the highest preferential votes that a candidate had ever obtained. He represented Parliament for 27 years. His children are following in the footsteps of their late father.

Land and Land Development Deputy Minister Siripala Gamlath: The people of Polonnaruwa appreciated him as the mayor who developed Polonnaruwa to the present standard. During the floods in 1978, Polonnaruwa faced a catastrophy. But H G P Nelson took measures to give a new lease of life to Polonnaruwa.

During his period of 26 years in Parliament, he rendered a great service to Polonnaruwa. During 1989 period, his boutiques and buildings were set on fire.

Gamini Jayawickrama Perera (UNP): Late ex-MP Nelson was a great politician with honest qualities. Late President J R Jayewardene called him Lord Nelson. Nelson had cultivated a remarkable relationship with the people in Jaffna. When he was returning to Colombo from Polonnaruwa, he used to bring a load of curd to be delivered among his friends. He was an exemplary politician.

Deputy Chairman of Committees Murugesu Chandrakumar takes the Chair.

R Sampanthan (TNA): I came to know him in 1977, when we both were elected to Parliament. He came from the deep south and settled in Polonnaruwa. He worked with commitment to win the affection of the people and was elected to Parliament.

Social Services Deputy Minister Chandrasiri Sooriyaarachchi:

In 1977, he was my teacher in politics. I am still able to remember a rally that was held in Aralaganvila to which late President J R Jayewardene participated. H G P Nelson requested for the development of the Mahaweli zone to uplift the living standards of 50,000 families. He was the pioneer to that project. He took measures to uplift most areas in the Polonnaruwa district.

Dayasiri Jayasekara (UNP): Ex-MP H G P Nelson rendered a great service to the Polonnaruwa district as well as to the UNP. Polonnaruwa produces a massive amount of paddy. His argument was that the paddy farmers in Polonnaruwa were not properly paid for their contribution to the nation. So he took measures to solve their problems by providing them with water.

Petroleum Industries Deputy Minister Sarana Gunawardena: Late Nelson was born in Thangalle. He initiated businesses in Polonnaruwa. He commenced businesses that could reach the public. He supported the poor people in Polonnaruwa district in various ways.

Dilip Vedarachchi (UNP): Ex-MP H G P Nelson, we are able to remember, provided facilities in Thangalle to groups of people who went on pilgrimages from Polonnaruwa. I can remember he brought a vehicle full of clothes for the fishermen of Thangalle when he went to see his parents.

Niroshan Perera (UNP): He joined the UNP in 1956. Then he won the Polonnaruwa district seat in 1977 to be elected to Parliament, defeating his opponent Leelananda. It was a significant win as the UNP was unable to win Polonnaruwa district until then.

Dunesh Gankanda (UNP): Late H G P Nelson's son who is a member of North Central Provincial Council, was one of my friends since my school days. I knew Nelson as a great politician.

Sajith Premadasa (UNP): He engaged himself in politics knowing the responsibility of a politician properly. He strived hard to create a comfortable environment where the poor people who suffered throughout their lives could live happily.

John Amarathunga (UNP): I saw H G P Nelson as a giant in the UNP. He worked as a minister during the regime of J R Jayewardene as well as Premadasa.

He never forgot to treat anybody who visited Polonnaruwa district from Colombo.

Murugesu Chandrakumar (in Chair):

Now the motion on late Mervin J Cooray will be moved by Minister Reginald Cooray.

Minor Export Crop Promotion Minister Reginald Cooray: The late Mervin J Cooray was born on July 16, 1938. After his studies, he initiated his career as a planter. His son Sujith Cooray was elected to the Western Provincial Council.

Mervin J Cooray was elected to the Wadduwa Urban Council. Once he was arrested for being engaged in party politics.

He was elected to Parliament in 1983, when a seat fell vacant in Parliament. He was again elected in 1988 at the General Elections. He served his area as Deputy Minister of Power and Energy during the Premadasa regime. He created more than 10,000 jobs. He created several villages through 'Gamuda' programme for homeless people.

He had a love for sports. He was appointed as President of the National Volleyball Federation in 1992. He served the people with dedication.

Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe: It was difficult to get a seat for the UNP from the Agalawatta area in the Kalutara district. But he was the organizer in that area. He went everywhere as the Power and Energy Minister during UNP regime. He took the initiative to construct an industrial village in the Panadura area.

We worked together in the field of education. We also worked together to develop the Modara Industrial Zone. He was engaged in organizing the party since 1994.

A H M Azwer (UPFA): Mervyn J Cooray was a very close friend of mine. He had a very open heart and wished to live happilly. In his political life, his aim was to work for the people. He was also very close to the Muslim community in Kalutara. He was also a good sportsman.

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa takes the Chair

Karu Jayasuriya (UNP): Late Mervyn J Cooray, loved people and mingled closely with them. He led a simple life when in power and even when he lost power. He started his political career in 1966. He served the country until his demise. He represented Parliament from 1984 to 1994. He provided his support for the improvement of the living standards of the fishing community.

Palitha Thewarapperuma (UNP): Late Cooray entered active politics in 1966 and he chose the UNP for his political career.

He had to face numerous challenges during his political life. He faced those challenges bravely and determinedly. He was appointed as Power and Energy Minister later and extended his service to the whole nation.

Ajith P Perera (UNP): Late Cooray was a humble and honest politician who represented Kalutara-Panadura area. He had a very smart appearance like that of an actor. When he was Power and Energy Minister, he worked with special interest to supply electricity to rural areas in Kalutara, Panadura and the whole country.

Sajith Premadasa (UNP): Mervyn J Cooray had a very close association with former President Premadasa. He served the public to his best. He enlightened the lives of ordinary people and always attempted to make people happy.

John Amaratunga (UNP): I was deeply saddened when I heard the demise of Mervyn Cooray. His service and character was appreciated by many of the members of this House. I also wish to join with their sentiments.

Joseph Michael Perera (UNP): Mervyn J Cooray was like a brother to me. He was a senior politician who rendered yeoman service to Panadura and Kalutara district. He was an example to all politicians and was loved by all.

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa in Chair:

I too wish to join with the sentiments expressed by both sides of the House and request the Secretary General of Parliament, to send copies of the condolence speeches to the family members of late ex-MP Mervyn J Cooray.

The House then took up the second reading on the Coastal Conservation (Amendment) Bill.

Social Services Minister Felix Perera: The Coast Conservation Act is presented with amendments to curb marine pollution and to take measure for coastal conservation and management. With these amendments, the coastal resources management is added to the coastal conservation. The designation of the Director of the Coastal Conservation Department has been changed to Director General.

Moreover, special management areas can be declared after the approval of the Bill. Accordingly, Madhu Ganga and the Negombo Lagoon have been recommended to be declared as special management areas.

The first conviction fine is also upped to Rs 5,000 - Rs 25,000. The fine for the second conviction has been increased to Rs. 50,000 - Rs. 100,000.

It is seen that the coastal belt comprises 24 percent of land and 32 percent of population in the country. About 65 percent of the Urban population are living in coastal areas. About 80 percent of tourist hotels are situated in this region. Therefore this is a highly important amendment which had been agreed to by both sides during the party leaders' meeting.

The coastal zone of the Coastal Conservation Department has been also extended from these amendments. Another 100 m coastal stretch has been added in this manner. These amendments have also vested powers to the minister to compile a management plan for coastal conservation.

Sri Lanka owns a sea area that is 8 times larger than its land. We can be proud of the fact. Coastal pollution is a very timely topic that had needed much attention.

Uncontrolled sand mining has expedited coastal erosion. There are problems that we must solve by following environmental friendly approaches.

We must love the coastal belt. This has also provisioned the Authority to declare marine national parks. In many foreign countries, there is no coastal stretch. We have to protect and take advantage of our coastal belt since we have beautiful beaches.

Joseph Michael Perera (UNP): We have no objection towards the amendments brought to the Coast Conservation Act. However, I see that time is not enough to debate on such an important Bill which affects the whole country.

The Fishing industry is invariably connected to the coastal conservation. Housing projects, tourism and industrial sector are also connected with the coastal belt. Discharge of industrial effluents is a major concern related to this topic.

This Bill consists of a large number of amendments which must be discussed widely. The amendments have proposed to establish a coastal conservation and coastal resources consultative committee. This is a very good move.

Ports and Highways Deputy Minister Rohitha Abeygunawardena: We always think it timely that coast conservation is being brought under the Defence Ministry. We have seen unauthorized constructions being built along the beaches. The conservation of the coast is compulsory for the development of the country.

The conservation of beaches directly is effective to develop the tourism industry. We knew there was a garbage menace in Colombo.

But we could solve it when it is brought under the Defence Ministry and its Secretary. So, we know when we brought the Coast Conservation under Defence Ministry, the people will be benefitted.

The Bill was passed with amendments.

Parliament was adjourned until 1 pm today.

At UNHRC Summit in Geneva:

'Govt's well planned procedure, helped defend Sri Lanka successfully'

Sri Lanka could be defended at the UNHRC Summit in Geneva, due to the well-planned procedure followed by the government, External Affairs Minister Prof G L Peiris said in Parliament yesterday.

The Minister also revealed that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had met with representatives of about 25 nations, during his visit. He also observed that Sri Lanka had faced many challenges during the UNHRC Summit in Geneva and certain powerful nations had attempted to put the country into trouble. The Minister stated that these attempts had been countered successfully by the Sri Lankan delegation.

He also revealed that the Foreign Secretary of the State which was premeditating to present a proposal on Sri Lanka at the UNHRC, had said to the Minister that they were not proceeding with it this time. "This was because we had secured the required number of votes to defend our country, whereas they lacked votes to support their proposal," he explained.

The minister also noted that these victories were the results of strong dedication and efforts of the Sri Lankan delegation. He was responding to a question raised by UNP MP Dayasiri Jayasekera.

He also noted that even though the LTTE had been defeated at the battlefield, its supporters were still conspiring at international level.

Prime Minister presents Appropriation :

Bill for Budget 2012 in House

The Appropriation Bill for Budget 2012, was presented in Parliament by Prime Minister D M Jayaratne yesterday.

It has been estimated that the total government expenditure for the next financial year is Rs 1,284,284.471 million.

The highest allocation made in the Appropriation Bill has been to the Defence and Urban Development Ministry which stood at Rs 229,943 million. The Defence and Urban Development Ministry's recurrent expenditure has been estimated at Rs 215,427 million, while its capital expenditure is estimated as at Rs 14,516 million. A sum of Rs 104,571.33 million has been allocated for the Economic Development Ministry. The sum allocated for the Port and Highways Ministry, is estimated as Rs 144,567.53 million. The Health Ministry budget for the next financial year is estimated at Rs 73,999.998 million.

The estimated expenditure for the Education Ministry for the year 2012 is Rs 43,266.01 million.

The estimated expenditure on the President for the financial year 2012 is Rs 3,311.6 million.

The estimated expenditure of the Public Administration and Home Affairs Ministry is Rs 113,623.815 million, while the expenditure of Mass Media and Information Ministry has been estimated as Rs 2,105 million.

The expenditure of the Finance and Planning Ministry for year 2012 has been estimated as Rs 134,226.174 million.

The expenditure of the Power and Energy Ministry is estimated as at Rs 33,583.340 million.

The budget of the Irrigation and Water Resources Management Ministry for year 2012 has been estimated as Rs 35,835.46 million. The budget of the Agriculture Ministry is estimated for year 2012 as at Rs 6,088.767 million.

The government expects to obtain a sum of Rs 1,150,000 million as loans from local and foreign sources to cover its expenses next year. The Appropriation Bill has been considered as the first reading of the budget and sets out expenditure allocations for various ministries and also foreign and local borrowing limits for the next year.


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