Daily News Online

Wednesday, 4 May 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

The North-East people's priorities

An important and heartening feature of the recently conducted May Day, which was hugely attended and which brought together a wide cross section of our people in an exuberant show of support for the country's dignity and unity, was the energetic participation of sections of the North and East in its proceedings. This was one of those very rare occasions where what may be called the totality of the nation made its presence felt in a very impactful and positive manner. It was a proud day for Sri Lanka.

It was plain to see that the people were heaving a huge sigh of relief. The wide and willing participation of sections of the North-East people in the celebratory activities of May Day was the evidence that the ordinary people of all regions not only stood up as one man for their country but also deeply appreciated the freedom which was finally theirs following years of LTTE-inspired turmoil. The prominent presence of people from the North-East at the UPFA May Day rally was the testimony that they profoundly appreciate the crucial role played by President Mahinda Rajapaksa in securing their integrity as free and responsible citizens.

UPFA Batticaloa district organizer Arun Thambimuttu, whose parents were brutally gunned-down in Colombo some years back by LTTE operatives, spoke for these sections from the North-East when he said that all that these people want is peace, freedom and development and not 'this or that report.' He said that the Batticaloa district is currently very much on the mend, now that the state is taking its development thrust into this district too in a significant way. The satisfaction of their essential necessities along with a guarantee of their freedom and security is all that these people need to see them through. It is the lack of such basics that leads to dissatisfaction within communities and it is development in the truest sense that could defeat separatism. If a state could satisfy these essential needs it would not need to worry about separatism raising its ugly head in any quarter.

Accordingly, the crushing of the LTTE-led bloody revolt in the North-East has given the people of those regions new hope and opened for them some grand possibilities. Many of these citizens seem to be more than happy that the basic conditions for their progress are in the process of being established and they could not, therefore, care less for any separatist slogans as long as the foundation is thus being laid for a future of fulfillment.

Accordingly, the presence of our North-East citizens at the May Day celebrations is ample proof of this new found sense of freedom and we urge the state to forge ahead with the process of taking development in the truest sense to the North and East, because this is the best guarantee of national togetherness, which is an essential component of nation-making.

The fact that the UPFA is now in a position to establish branch organizations in almost every part of the country is also a development that should not go unnoticed.

There was, of course, a time when the political process was completely paralyzed and almost dead in the North-East. But today, with the defeat of the LTTE, it is possible for national political groupings, such as the UPFA, to establish their presence far and wide. The same goes for other political parties and groupings too. They could engage in political activities in many parts of the North-East without incurring the risk of being savaged by the LTTE.

However, more needs to be done to ensure that all the 'good things in life' are enjoyed by the totality of the people of the North-East. It is a highly positive development that community and political leaders from these regions are speaking forthrightly about what matters most to them and the people of these districts. This is an indication that the democratic process is beginning to take hold in these regions. But the people need to be in a position to voice their opinion fully, without the least inhibitions and this would only be possible if they do not have any lingering security concerns.

The state should create this sense of complete security among the people. The Rule of Law must fully prevail.

It is also a comforting development that the government is continuing to engage the TNA in discussions aimed resolving all outstanding problems experienced by the Tamil community. We call on the TNA to engage in these talks in a very constructive manner, so that no more time will be wasted in normalizing conditions in the North-East.

Spectacular results cannot be expected overnight but there needs to be a meeting of minds between the relevant parties and this is an essential condition for progress.

Promoting treachery - a new dimension to political affairs

I was told yesterday by one of those NGO activists who had benefited hugely from foreign funding that several embassies were furious with me because of an article I had written about a meeting at the house of the American ambassador at which UN officials were present.

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The Morning Inspection

Why Obama could not be euphoric about killing Bin Laden

It is reported that wild celebrations had swept across the United States of America. They celebrated and demonstrated such triumphalism that the less informed might have thought the US had wiped Al Qaeda off the face of the earth. Obama, like his predecessor had set a modest target (capturing and killing a single individual). He had in the process killed hundreds of thousands more, and turned more than half a million people into IDPs,

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Incompetence, wastage and perversity overcome at Menik Farm

This again is sleight of hand. The main complaint was of the closed nature of the Welfare Centres, and this was changed once security considerations had been satisfied, even though there was opposition to this from some sections of the security forces (see the letter of resignation sent by Sarath Fonseka), basically within the time frame that had been discussed with Prof Kalin.

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