Daily News Online

Wednesday, 4 August 2010






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Government Gazette

McCain holds up vote on Obama Intel Chief pick

US: Republican US Senator John McCain said Monday he was blocking confirmation of President Barack Obama's nominee to be US spy chief until he received a classified report he requested 18 months ago.

McCain told reporters he had no objections to James Clapper becoming US director of national intelligence (DNI) but would delay a full Senate confirmation vote pending receipt of the information.

"They tell me that they will get it over to me very soon, either tonight or tomorrow," said the senator, who would not describe the report beyond saying it was "about one of the systems" used by the intelligence community.

McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee's top Republican, complained he had been promised the report "a year and a half ago" and stressed: "That's what I really care about, congressional oversight."

The move drew fire from the White House, which said it was ready to work with lawmakers but "cannot accept" further delay of a Senate confirmation vote.

"We're eager to work with Senator McCain in an effort to answer additional questions beyond those already discussed, but we cannot accept further delay of this critical nomination," said White House spokesman Tommy Vietor.

"The Senate Intelligence Committee's unanimous approval of Mr Clapper's nomination last week - after hours of testimony and countless documents were provided to the Committee - is a testament to the fact that he is one of our nation's most experienced and respected intelligence professionals."

McCain's use of a senatorial prerogative called a "hold," which allows individual lawmakers to delay action on a nominee, could push back Clapper's confirmation until after the month-long August congressional recess..

Obama tapped Clapper, a veteran of US spy efforts, in early June to replace retired navy admiral Dennis Blair and help turn around troubled US intelligence efforts.

Clapper has served as undersecretary of defense for intelligence - the top intelligence post at the Pentagon - as well as the director of defense intelligence, which reports directly to the DNI. Washington, AFP



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