Daily News Online

Wednesday, 21 July 2010



Nuances of love in French films

Film fans invariably fancy French films as most creations from that country have proved to have exceptional dimensions in World cinema. There films are markedly different from Hollywood blockbusters. The French claim that they have their own identity in film art too.

French films are famous for its first class depiction of love.

The love theme is exceptionally unique in French films in that they bring out nuances are very often ignored in films from other parts of the world. The Lankans are yet to enjoy French films in all aspects. Presently only students of the French language learn about aspects of French cinema as part of their academic study.

Students of literature and arts could benefit immensely while other cinegoers too could enjoy different kinds of cinema. At the launch Paris je t'an original film made in 2006 by 20 directors was shown.

The film highlights the theme of love. How love survives among people in lighter vein. There are no protagonist nor main characters.

The outlook will provide an impetus for the creations to come.

Only less than 10 minutes are reserved for each couple and the story is woven around them. They ride their life confronting the challenges posed by the society but love never leaves them and all the characters want to show that they are lovable. Some characters who can feel that they are loved by no one wants to show even they are lovers of love. The film is complex at structural level because the film has numerous characters and all of them are important. Each character converge the other is one of the characteristic features of the film. Love sounds different to people who are different to each other who possess different whims over the subject.

The eroticism associated with love is vividly trickled in to the work without showing sex scenes. But the French kiss speaks volumes about the desire they have on sex. The film may be saying that sex is the catalyst on which love is developed and consolidated. The characters who represent themselves in the different parts of Paris enjoy a free love life as the whole society is open for love and sex. There are cultural objections on this pattern and the film maker may want to interpret love as the culture of France. It may be the bust stop, railway station, tea shop, pavement, love is treated in the same manner. The film makes us fathom that love is one of the pre-requisites to live in French society.

Love comes uninvited to lives irrespective of their age and class. Actually love is the only privilege that can be enjoyed by every one. The handling number of characters to a film is no easy task. The 20 directors though they try to achieve the same goal of directing a film seem different as they employ different strategies. The amalgamation among the 20 directors seems positive as the theme of love is served solely.


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