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Wednesday, 23 June 2010



Nethra Review reborn on academic lines

The International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) re-launches Nethra Review in a new format (tabloid) in the ambitious plan of New York Times Book Review model on Wednesday next (June 30, 2010) at the ICES at Kynsey Terrace Borella.

The enterprising coalescer and librarian S. Thambirajah of this academic oriented NGO (Non-Government Organization) was good enough to give us a copy for a little review in this column. We agreed because this publication of interest and useful to students of English Literature and others interested in serious critical writing in English.

Despite adverse criticism of this organization from some quarters, it has been doing some productive work in many fields and publication of learned theses. This Volume 11 Number 1 (June 2010) is an example of such positive contributions by some of the foremost intellectuals in the country. The late Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam was the pioneer livewire of this research oriented institution. Many Sinhala, Muslim and Tamil intellectuals were and are associated with the ICES. Another feature of their activities is to enable serious cinegoers watch outstanding international films.

Contrary to general misconception among a handful of ultra nationalist, this organization is not run by a single ethnic group.

Taking the current issue of the Nethra Review for citation we find that an array of some scholars and academics have contributed different insights on the literati and their works.

Look at their names:

Liyanage Amarakeerthi, Maithree Wickramasinghe, Walter Perera, Ranjini Obeysekera, Kakoli Ray, Punyakante Wijenaike, Sarath Rajapathirana, Ashley Halpe, Nishan de Mel, Sumathy (Sivamohan), Mick Moore, Wilfrid Jayasuriya, Lakmali Jayasinghe, Frances Bulathsingala, Ramani Gunatilaka, Nira Wickremasinghe, John Stffler, Dayan Jayatilleka and Kanchana Dharmasiri.

We must recall that the late Regi Siriwardena was the founder editor of this journal. The current issue is edited by Lankan born Canadian academic Chelva Knaganayakam with Lakmali Jayasinghe as the managing Editor. The conceptulisation is by Nishan de Mel while the cover design is by Shamanthi Rajasingham. Saroj Jayasinghe is the artist.

The advisory board consists of Neloufer de Mel, Nihal Fernando, M A Nuhman, Ranjini Obeysekere and Selvy Thiruchelvam.

The Review is priced at Rs.300.00 and obtainable 2, Kynsey Terrace, Colombo 08.

Excerpts from the Editorial: " This journal does not assume a specialist reader; rather it speaks to one who is well-informed and interested in how Sri Lanka presents itself, culturally and politically...The present issue is eclectic: it includes essays, reviews, poems and translations."

In this particular column I shall only select the reading material I liked best for brief comments. But readers could choose their subjects of special interest.

The first article by Liyanage Amarakeerthi is review of a book in Sinhala titled Demala (should be pronounced as Thamil as the people who speak that language call it) Bauddhaya). The author of the book is known as an academic, lyricist, filmmaker and critic -Sunil Ariyaratne.

As most readers know Buddhism, one of the ancient religions of the world is not exclusive to Lanka, but what is practiced in this country is a particular kind namely Theravada Buddhism as opposed to Mahayana Buddhism which is followed in many South Asian and Eastern nations. We learn that Prof Sunil Ariyaratne has written a series of books in Sinhala one among them is on Demala Sahitya Ithihasaya.. (The History of Tamil Literature)

Here are some revelations from the review:

"...The history of Buddhist culture is a wonderful story of cultural diversity and cosmopolitanism. For example, arguably the greatest pre-modern commentator on the Pali canon and the 'founder' of the Sri Lankan mode of Theravada Buddhism, Buddhgosha is believed to be a Tamil Buddhist monk... The book goes on to say that some other Tamil monks such as Buddhadatta and Dharmapala were instrumental in translating Sinhala commentaries on the Buddhist canon into Pali and writing commentaries on them."

Moving on find an analytical review by Maithree Wickramasinghe of the book Festschrift for Prof Ashley Halpe'... Literary theorists find the article absorbingly interesting.

One of the prominent Lankan writers in English to emerge in the last decide was Carl Muller. Another disciplined academic critic, Walter Perera reviews Muller's latest book Maudiegirl and the von Bloss Kitchen which is readable without much academic lingo.

Ranjamnie Obeysekere has translated three poems in Sinhala written by Liyanage Amarakeerthi into English.

The attempt includes the publication of both the Sinhala and English versions so that discerning critics could see for themselves the relative merits of the poems in two languages. Ashley Halpe' in his characteristic lucid style analyses Tissa Abeysekera's In My Kingdom of the Sun and the Holy Peak. Sumathy has translated the first two chapters of expatiate Lankan Tamil writer Shoba Shakthi's novel in Tamil Mm into English. Here too the original and the translation are published together. Sumathy has attempted a difficult task to a satisfying result. Another interesting analysis is by Wilfred Jayasuriya on Chelva Kanaganayagam's book Counterrealism and Indo-Anglian Fiction.

I shall stop with this due to constraints of space. Read other contributions too. All students of Literature in general are suggested to possess this edition at least as a source book.

[email protected]


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