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Thursday, 11 March 2010

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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette



Luxembourg Old Town. Courtesy: Google

Capital (and largest city) Luxembourg

Official language(s) German, French, Luxembourgish (de jure since 1984)

Demonym Luxembourgers

Area - Total 2,586.4 km2

Population - 2010 estimate 502,202

Currency - Euro

Luxembourg is a small, landlocked country in Western Europe, bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany. Luxembourg has a population of under half a million people in an area of approximately 2,586 square kilometres.

Luxembourg is a Parliamentary representative democracy with a Constitutional monarch; it is ruled by a Grand Duke. It is the world’s only remaining sovereign Grand Duchy. The country has a highly developed economy, with the highest Gross Domestic Product per capita in the world as per IMF and WB.

Its historic and strategic importance dates back to its founding as a Roman era fortress site and Frankish count’s castle site in the Early Middle Ages. It was an important bastion along the Spanish Road when Spain was the principal European power influencing the whole Western hemisphere and beyond in the 16th-17th Centuries.

Luxembourg is a founding member of the European Union, NATO, OECD, the United Nations, Benelux and the Western European Union, reflecting the political consensus in favour of economic, political and military integration. The city of Luxembourg, the capital and largest city, is the seat of several institutions and agencies of the European Union. Luxembourg lies on the cultural divide between Romance Europe and Germanic Europe, borrowing customs from each of the distinct traditions.

Luxembourg is a trilingual country; German, French and Luxembourgish are official languages. Although a secular state, Luxembourg is predominantly Roman Catholic.

Courtesy: Wikipedia

Hot weather patterns

Dear Children,

How are you coping with the warm weather conditions these days? The heat is unbearable and its really difficult to do our daily work. But try to keep you cool and get about your normal business without hassle.

According to the Meteorological Department the sun has a direct impact on Sri Lanka resulting in this unbearable heat.

So try to keep your spirits up and don’t neglect your studies or other work.

It would be nice to go for a swim and cool off your self.

Due to lack of rain the Water Board too has warned people to use water sparingly. As responsible citizens we should not waste water. Children should make sure taps are closed properly. If the situation worsens we may have to experience occasional water cuts and even power cuts.

Doctors have recommended the public to drink more cold water and tea, wear cotton clothes and refrain from setting fire to garbage in order to prevent discomfort. People in the Colombo city suffer from the heat more than those living in the outstations.

Sri Lanka, India and some other countries in the region experience hot weather these days which is normal at this time of the year.

World Kidney Day today

Drinking sufficient amounts of boiled water will help to fight this deadly disease.

The 2010 campaign will focus on Diabetes, the leading cause of Chronic Kidney Disease under the theme’ ‘Protect your Kidneys, Control Diabetes’.

World Kidney Day is a global health awareness campaign focusing on the importance of our kidneys and reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide.

Bye for now.

Aunt Anji

Ways to live life better...

Life... What is life? You might basically think life is the existence of a living being for some particular period. Even though some people desire to exist or live a longer life, Mother Nature would not allow them to do so.

Life depends on destiny. No one is capable of changing destiny. Some might think God will let us live longer, but if they think that God sent them to this world, they cannot expect God to let them live longer as they wish to. If some people have a point of view which they believe that God has sent them to this world, then he has the right to take it back from us.

Some might think life is long, while some think life is short. It depends according to the different perspectives of people. My thoughts might vary from another.

We spend our life doing worthless things which might affect our whole future. Will there be a future? Majority would not have yet considered whether if they will have a future or not. Life is unpredictable. Something might just happen at the very moment. You might not live for another tomorrow.

Natural disasters, accidents or a sudden health problem like an unexpected heart attack may just occur at any second.

We must live an organized life. Never postpone your work to another day while you can do it today itself. Never complain or grumble for redundant things.

We must learn to be patient at all times, a quality which many among us lack. If there’s patience, you can achieve most of the things we require.

We must constantly control our feelings; otherwise it might lead our lives into a lot of troubles. Our lives will be a knot which we won’t be able to untie.

There are people who wish to live and who lives a luxurious life. The ones who lives a luxurious life must know that one day, they will leave this world, and cannot take everything you have got and earned. You come into this world alone, and you leave this world alone.

We must be happy with what we have and appreciate it. We must not think that we can achieve anything in this world. It’s because some try to achieve what they wish to by doing anything to accomplish their requirements.

The great scientists, astronomers, doctors, authors and many others who lived in the past served the world with whatever invention or discovery they would invent or discover with the intension to help the future. They did not devote themselves just to earn fame; they did it with a good concept to make our lives easy and they loved what they were doing. Even though they are not living with us any more, their names are still in our hearts.

We must always have a goal and work hard to achieve it. We must build good qualities within us, and put them into practice. Try to live a simple life. Listen to others if they speak a wrong of you. Do not be egoistical to ignore it. Be friendly with everyone, including nature. Always work for the goodwill of the world, so that you will never regret about your deeds later. Life may be short or long but do not fail to accomplish your dreams. Life is not only about living it; it’s about how you live it!

Demagi Herath / Musaeus College/ London O/L

A plan is formed

- Part 13

In ‘Kid’s Den’...

Four children, Pramodaka, Nalaka, Champika and Chinthaka, go on a trip to the woods with their parents for their school holidays. In the middle of the night the children are awakened by a strange noise. On following their dog, Scooby, Chinthaka is snared by the spell of the ‘luring stones’. Pramodaka departs with Ruwi, a pixie, to recall a book of spell to cast off the spell while the others remain behind with Sachi, a gnome. A storm breaks and the kids are scattered.

Meanwhile Sulo, the goblin who is always trying to make trouble for the mythical creatures, comes up with a nasty plan. She rushes off gang up the rest of her pack and reveals an age old secret.

However the group discovers that it is not only Sulo’s secret that is uncovered by the storm. Something dark and deadly had been hidden in the depths of the earth waiting to release itself and re

turn for revenge...

(‘Return of the Kids’ is the sequel to ‘Kid’s Den’)

Zira skipped up to Pramu and tugged at his paw. The rabbit stooped down so the gnome could whisper in his ear.

Ruwi watched the proceedings out of the corner of her eyes. Eagle Eye’s eyes kept shifting back and forth to the scene. Sudden;y there was a crash on the room next door followed by a collective gasp. The gnome disappeared suddenly into thin air after grabbing something nearby.

Puzzled Eagle Eye walked up to his table. His features turned into anger when he noted that one of the designs he was working on had gone missing.

Zira poked his head around from the room next door and grinned. He waved what looked like a scroll of parchment and struck his tongue out at Eagle Eye.

Eagle Eye gave a howl of rage and chased after him. JVK jumped to his feet in alarm but after looking at the scene for a few minuted grunted and went back to sleep.

IIEI, QNW and NLT stared after the incident, exchanged a few amused looks and went back to work. It was not often that entertainment of this sort presented itself before them. HE conducted some very strict rules in the department. They were more like machines, working from morning to night, listening to his complains.

“Goodness, there will be uproar when Chief Jay gets to know about this... But if I can get the work done now maybe the shelling will be well worth it,” Ruwi thought. She nudged the gnome on her right hand side.

“Eagle Eye is gone. JVK is asleep and the others are occupied. Let’s do it!”

IBB too a gulp of air and looked up. He can imagine HE’s wrath if the plan comes to light but there will be no evidence tracing the incident to him and he was sure that Ruwi would not have returned back to the Mythicscope had it not been an emergency. Within a split second he made a decision.

With a quick glance at JVK, IBB scanned the pages. Soon had had the page on his oracle.

Ruwi spoke some magical terms but much to her horror the text did not appear. She tried twice and then in desperation thrice but the words never appeared on the screen. She cast a look around the room. IBB was looking on in desperation afraid that Eagle Eye would make his appearance any minute.

To be continued

Fish Tank Mountain Range
Geric Morrison
UKG, Learnium International school
Colombo 7
Navidu Nirman Jayaweera
4C, Hiripitiya Primary College
Flute Player Kite
N. Navaneethan
Grade 7
Kingston College International
Colombo 15
Hope House Pre-school
Colombo 2

The Nilpanagoda Nipuni Pre-school held a Sigithi Pola at the school premises recently. Here children selling their goods. Pre-school teacher Niranjala Thisera is also in the picture. Picture by Ivon Nissanka, Divulapitiya Group Corr

The 4th Girl Guides enrolment of Vidura College - Colombo took place recently at Thalawathugoda. Division Commissioner Mangalika Gunatilaka, Padmini Vitharana and Zonal Commissioner Muriel Ratnaweera enrolled 35 Guides on this day.


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