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Political immaturity of UNP

The United National Party Presidential candidate who lost to the President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the last Presidential election has now decided to refrain from contesting at the next Presidential election. It is crystal clear that Ranil Wickremesinghe does not like to experience another shameful defeat.

Whatever it is, the United National Party has no any other alternative rather than nominating the deputy leader or any other experienced politician within the party itself. It is much perturbed to note that there is no eligible contestant in the party other than the leader who got away from the fray due to the fear of scandalous defeat.

Due to the reason, an alliance (United National Front) has been formed to introduce a common candidate to defeat the most outstanding Statesman in the country.

It clearly proves the political immaturity of the UNP and the other political parties in the alliance. General Sarath Fonseka is the best choice of the UNP leadership for the contest as the common candidate, but most of the leading politicians in the party are unhappy about moves to field the war veteran.

On the other hand, the general feeling of the voters is that before the confirmation of his nominee, Ranil should go before the masses and apologise for the irresponsible, mock utterances he made letting down the war heroes and their courageous achievements.

The right thinking people appreciate and applaud the commendable military leadership of General Sarath Fonseka, but they do not believe that a retired military officer is suitable for the most dignified post of the President of Sri Lanka.

The United National Front should understand that the voters are not fools to elect a person who is not even fit for the Salvation Army as the Head of State and the voters are well aware that the common candidate of the UNF is the person who captured a jungle in Thoppigala during the war and deployed huge battalions in Pamankada and Medawachchiya to fight against the LTTE. Will they vote for such a person to defeat the patriot who liberated the country from Tiger terrorism.

The best part of the mock political drama is that if General Sarath Fonseka is elected, a caretaker Government with JVP and TNA Ministers in the Cabinet should be formed, Executive Presidential system should be abolished and Ranil Wickremesinghe should be appointed as the Executive Prime Minister.

The wishful thinking of the power greedy, clever politician is to become the Prime Minister by hook or by crook. The voters will definitely prove that the dream plan of the UNP leadership cannot be achieved during his lifetime and General Sarath Fonseka will tarnish his popularity unnecessarily. If the General contests as an independent candidate, he will be able to gain much more popularity with vast number of votes.


China is our friend

I felt rather dismayed and appalled when going through an article written to a Sunday newspaper by a Sri Lankan journalist that our friend China is fleezing us by giving Billions of loans at commercial rates and intend to employ thousands of Chinese labourers in the projects where Chinese credit lines have been made available, depriving Sri Lankans such job opportunities. According to the said article the ulterior motive of these assistance is making massive profits and nothing else.

If we turn back and look at Sri Lanka-China relations of the recent past extending to about 50 years we will be able to visualize that China’s attitude towards us is more altruistic and less egocentric.

Few years after the socialist revolution when China was the initial stages of development it entered into the Rubber-Rice Pact thus averting a food crisis in Sri Lanka. BMICH, Superior Courts Complex, Lady Ridgeway Hospital, Ginganga project are some of the graphic examples of Chinese assistance. Even the National Performing Arts centre presently under construction is a gift given by China to Sri Lanka.

On the recent past China was at the forefront with several other countries to block and refute the Human Rights violations and war crimes charges levelled against Sri Lanka at the UN by Western countries.

When the Tsunami struck it was a Chinese airplane that arrived at Sri Lanka first carrying humanitarian assistance. As we are aware numerous Chinese assistance arrived at Sri Lanka continuously to help those affected by the Tsunami immediately after.

The Chinese power sets now in use in Sri Lanka were cheaper than what was offered by Western countries and were given on much reasonable credit lines.

One cannot expect China to give assistance all the time free of charge. Most of these loans are granted by Banks and other lending agencies and they also must charge an interest to be in business. According to my contention it is perfectly alright to charge an interest when granting loans as other lending organizations in other countries.

It is also a falsehood to say that the entire workforce in these projects will be Chinese nationals and bulk of the assistance would go back to China by way of salaries paid to the workforce.

We all could remember how the Chinese workers worked during the construction of the BMICH hand in hand with the Sri Lankan workers.

Presently there are Chinese engineers and architects working at Hambantota harbour projects with the Sri Lankan counterparts. Even at the Performing Arts Centre projects the majority of the workforce are Sri Lankans. This could be seen even at the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant project.

Those Sri Lankans who represent the Western interest are hell bent on discrediting China and distancing it from our fold.

Though Sri Lanka is a small island nation China considers this country as a true and an important friend. As a result, Chinese Assistance comes to this country without any strings attached. It is a known fact that strings are always attached to assistance given by Western nations to Sri Lanka. The European Union has threatened us of withdrawing the G.S.P. + facility in the near future for not towing their political line.

We Sri Lankans should always value friendship with China as the cornerstone of our foreign policy as China has stood by us in our hour of need as a true friend. Long Live Sri Lanka-China friendship.


Let us learn from them

I had the opportunity recently of visiting a couple of Middle Eastern countries (one very advanced, the other not so) where I was struck by the orderliness and discipline of pedestrians and vehicle users on the roads.

I could count on the fingers of both hands the number of traffic policemen I saw on the roads.

Yet I saw that motorists obeyed the traffic signals and stopped short of the pedestrian crossings, in complete contrast to Sri Lanka where even the supposedly educated or well-to-do motorists stop on the pedestrian crossing without any regard, forcing pedestrians to cross the road through the small space left between the vehicles.

Another thing I noticed was the availability of public toilets, entrance to some of which a small fee was required.

This is in contrast to Sri Lanka where public toilets are woefully lacking, being available mostly in hotels and shopping complexes for their customers.

I only hope that our politicians and public officials who go on jaunts abroad see the difference between our country and those countries they visit and try to bring about some improvements to facilities in our country which is hopefully enjoying peace at last.

May I add that my visit was arranged by a travel agency which has a good reputation and may I be excused for complimenting it on its excellent or super arrangements?

A T - Colombo 2



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