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The Quarrel - Part IV

“What a witch” bellowed father, dived forward and managed to push mother and Lily aside. Mother lost her balance and crashed against the door jamb. Terrified as I was, I started wailing loud.

I saw tears streaming down mother’s face. Without waiting any further and without uttering a word, mother rushed inside. Father too walked into the room. I stopped crying and tried to figure out what exactly happened. I felt a kind of a lifeless feeling all over my body. I sat on the mortar unable to decipher what happened up to now.

Silence reigned after the pandemonium.

Mother, who went into the dining room, was lying down on the camp-bed with her face towards the wall. I saw father in the bedroom, lying on the easy chair as if nothing had happened.

As if with great effort, I walked to and fro in the corridor. After a while I sat on the long bench. The pieces of the broken pan were still lying around. Within as well as outside the house there was a death like silence. I felt a lifelessness all over the body and a certain heaviness of the heart. Disillusioned, I rested my head against the wall. How long will it be like this? I have not seen mother and father quarrelling like this before. Where will this end? Vexed and burdened with such feelings, I felt exhausted and miserable.

Now, being late afternoon, the heat of the sun had subsided a bit. The barren hills in front of the school looked pale in the waning sun. There was a deep silence in and around the house. The only sound heard was the beating of iron in the smithy of Millagahawatta bass. It was a continuous regular beat.

I lent my ears to that beat. The drab beat only redoubled the loneliness that reigned within me. I felt a heaviness in my eyes, which were already wet with tears. A fly hovering around was seeking to settle on them.

I peeped into the dining room again. Mother was still lying with her face towards the wall, as before.

I came back and sat again on the bench. As I sat down the fly started hovering around my eye again. The drab beat from the smithy went on regardless. A sense of great loss and regret was descending upon me.

I peeped into father’s room again. Father was still lying on the easy chair as if in deep thought. I resumed my aimless walk in the corridor.

Within as well as outside the house there was a haunting silence. The only noise heard was the beat from the smithy. ‘Tang-Takata-Tang’. That beat embodied the desolation that lingered around.

After walking to and fro, with much effort, I sat on the bench again and rested my head against the wall. I felt my eyes close overcome with slumber. Suddenly, I was startled by the sound of slippers. It came from the bed room. I walked up and peeped into the room. Father was wearing a cloth and a coat and was combing his hair in front of the mirror. I knew father was getting ready to go somewhere. I hid myself and watched him. Having finished dressing his hair, father went up to the wardrobe, took his purse from the top shelf and slid it into his coat pocket. I carefully watched every move of father.

All of a sudden, I felt that he is leaving us for good. I was trembling with fear. He walked up to the wardrobe again took his umbrella and left. I ran after him. I watched him walking down the steps and also till he walked up to the gate. I thought, certainly, he is leaving for good. I almost cried “Father, where are you going?”. My heart beat faster. As father took the turn, I ran up to the gate. “Father, where are you going?” I cried loud. Father went ahead as if he did not hear, it.

I felt almost breathless. I ran towards the gate. “Father, please don’t go” I felt like shouting. I gazed at him, till he walked past the bend, out of my sight. I ran into the house. I wanted to inform mother that father is leaving. I walked up to her bed. She was lying with her eyes closed and with her face towards the wall.

Again I ran towards the gate. I jumped over the gate and ran along the road. There was absolutely no sign of father. For a long time, I was looking at both the sides of the road. I saw Loku Mahattaya of Pelawatte coming along the road. I thought I could find out from him which way father went. Sometimes, father may have told him where he was going. As he came up to me, “Did you meet my father, on the way?” I inquired from him. “No, I came the other way and I did not see him going that way” he replied.

I came back, sat on a step and watched the road. As the sun had set, the hills around and the garden seem to have become gloomier and darker. There was no-body around to be seen. The cattle that had entered the school garden walked through the vegetable plot, ruining it. I was hardly in a mood to chase them away. Feeling quite miserable I continued to watch the road. As I looked round, I was gripped with the morbid thought that father had left us for ever. I felt I had no strength even to walk about.

After a long time, I went into the room where mother was sleeping. Mother was still lying on the bed as before, with the face towards the wall. Lily was seated on the kitchen door-step watching the road. I was enraged this time when I saw her. I too leaned against the door jamb and watched the road.

The silence that reigned within me was deeper than what was outside. The pieces of the shattered pot were still scattered on the ground. Lily had still not thought of clearing the mess. Since I felt an ache in my legs, I sat on the bench and continued to watch.


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