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Government Gazette

'Quake devastation: No bar to China's Olympic preparations

Ambassador  Ye Dabo

A strong earthquake measuring 7.8 on the richter scale occurred in northwest part of Sichuan Province in China on May 12th making waves of unprecedented destruction. An area of over 100,000 square kilometres was severely hit, with the number of affected people exceeding two million. Over 20,000 people have been confirmed dead but experts predict that the figure might go beyond 50,000 as rescue and clearing operations gather momentum.

In addition more than 150,000 have been injured and the destruction caused to both men and property is considered as the worst in China's recent history following the 1976 disaster.

The damage is especially serious when you consider its scope and impact. Chinese Ambassador in Sri Lanka Ye Dabo disclosed more information to the Daily News in an interview.

The interview:

Q: Could you elaborate on the magnitude of the earthquake?

A: The strong quake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale has caused vast destruction covering an area of over 100,000 square kilometres in the Northwest of Sichuan Province and according to experts the death toll might exceed 50,000.

In addition the damage to infrastructure, production facilities, crops and property is considered unprecedented.

Q: What has been the response of the Chinese Government?

A: The Chinese Government has made speedy response with Premier Wen Jiabao himself flying to the affected area shortly after the quake and taking charge of the relief work headquarters.

President Hu Jintao presided over meetings of the political Bureau standing committee of the CPC Central Committee several times, and mobilised the Army, Armed Police, Firemen as well as medical personnel to rush to the quake hit areas.

Later in the week the President too flew to the affected area and joined the Premier.

Q: What steps did the Government take to assist the affected and how is the disaster relief services progressing?

A: Saving lives is taken as the top priority during the relief work. So far over 15,000 have been rescued alive from the debris.

More than 130,000 Police and Army personnel are at the epicentre carrying out disaster relief work. Emergency relief teams including search, rescue and medical units were sent by the central Government in co-ordination with the other provinces and municipalities.

Forty transporters and 110 helicopters were deployed to rescue the wounded and carry emergency material. Volunteers too have been properly co-ordinated and sent to the needy areas.

Disaster relief goods have been air dropped to the worst hit areas. Appropriate accommodation has been provided to the displaced ensuring they have proper food clothing and shelter in addition to medical facilities.

Search and rescue operations are underway at the Yingfeng Industrial factory in Yinghua on May 16 in southwest China’s quake-stricken Sichuan province. Like of band of revolutionary brothers, many of the workers at this sprawling factory complex which produced chemical fertiliser in the heart of southwestern China’s devastated quake zone lived, worked and died together, following the May 12 7.9 magnitude earthquake. AFP

Q: How have these conditions impacted on China's highly active production sector?

A: The disaster has made a severe impact on the production and transportation of power, coal and oil products. Power grids have been badly destructed, repair work is facing great challenges and steps have been taken to suspend the supply of natural gas.

But China is a strong nation and over the years we have proven how fast we can rise from such disasters and I have no doubt that within a short period, we can get the production sector in the area back on track.

Q: How prepared is China to face unexpected natural disasters like these?

A: The Chinese Government has paid great attention to large-scale disasters over the years and as a result we have built an effective mechanism which goes into operation as soon as such a disaster occurs.

From January, President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and other Chinese leaders have made important instructions on many occasions, held meetings on disaster assessment and relief, inspected the rescue and relief work of the disaster hit areas and visited the victims.

The State Council decided to set up an emergency command centre to address rescue and relief problems. The Ministries under the State Council are being geared to launch an economic co-ordination mechanism and a corresponding emergency plan immediately after such disasters.

The relevant Government departments, including development and reform, railway, communications, public security, information technology, commerce, power regulatory and other authorities are all working vigorously.

Q: What kind of support have you received from the international community?

A: After the devastating earthquake, many leaders of foreign Governments and international organisations sent messages to both the President and the Premier both to extend their condolences and support.

The support so far has been overwhelming and very encouraging and has been flowing since the disaster both in the form of men, material, expertise help and funds.

Q: How have the Chinese people responded to the disaster?

A: There is an adage in the Chinese tradition which goes like "If one Chinese is in trouble the whole of China would come for help", and this is what is happening in the country at the moment. The whole of China has risen as one to help the affected both by volunteering to help and making donations.

Public donations in both cash and goods to the quake hit areas had risen to 192 million US dollars by Thursday.

Chinese people are known for their perseverance and strength in mind and this has served them in good stead in facing such disasters.

Q: Has the present disaster affected China's preparation for the Beijing Olympics in August?

A: China has been preparing for the games for a long time now, but a disaster of such magnitude would always leave its mark almost on all spheres.

But according to information all things are already in place for the conduct of the Games and Bejing is more than 1,000 k.m. away from the affected area.

Thus the quake would not have much impact on China's preparation for the Olympics and we have enough resources to overcome any difficulties.

Shifang, CHINA : Chinese rescuers search for survivors in the rubble of a collapsed building in Shifang, southwest China’s Sichuan province on May 17. China ramped up efforts to stave off disease for millions of earthquake victims, as more miracle rescues amid the rubble offered hope in an increasingly desperate battle to save lives. AFP

Q: As the Ambassador of China in Sri Lanka how do you view the support extended by the Sri Lankan Government and the Public?

A: We are grateful that the President, Prime Minister, other Ministers, political parties, various organisations and the people of Sri Lanka have expressed their condolences, sympathy and support to China.

Also donations have been flowing in from all corners including the Chinese migrant population in Sri Lanka. On behalf of the Chinese Government and people I would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to them.

Q: What is the present situation and how confident are you regarding China's capability to rise from the disaster as soon as possible?

A: Right now the Premier is still in Sichuan conducting relief work. Saving lives and assisting the injured and the displaced remain the priority. We are trying our best to resume transportation, electricity, communication and water supply as soon as possible.

Now Sichuan's social stability is well on track. I am confident that China will recover and give relief to the disaster-hit people quickly, with the efforts of the Chinese Government and people as well as the support of the international community.


At a glance

Affected area: Northwest part of Sichuan Province (over 100,000 square kilometres)

Earthquake Magnitude: 7.8 on Richter scale

Aftershocks: 145

Affected: More than 2 million people

Confirmed dead: 28,881 people

Confirmed injured: 198,347 people

Medical staff: 34,000

Security and Police: Over 134,000

Donations: 6 billion Chinese Yuan ($ 860 m) from both local and international community

Accommodation equipment: 181,460 tents and 220,000 quilts sent

Drinking water: To 7 m people restored



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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