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DateLine Tuesday, 18 March 2008

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Government Gazette




Saving Galle Fort

It is a really sad fact that in this day and age that there are people with warped minds who believe (mistakenly) that the only heritage worth preserving is the Sinhala-Buddhist and none else.

Preserving heritage means and implies the whole history, art, literature, poetry, architecture, biodiversity and other recognised elements of a country and not exclusive, sectarian bits and pieces of a particular ethnicity or religious persuasion. Numerical superiority has nothing to do with it and a heritage has no connection with either a ‘majority’ or ‘minorities’ so-called.

Some people go about resenting and denigrating everything that isn’t identified with their race, language and system of religious belief. D.H. Gunadasa’s letter published in ‘Citizens’ Mail’ (DN Feb. 22) bears reference as a load of bigoted crap.

He is guilty of distorting historical facts by insinuating that the Dutch invaded and forcibly occupied the Maritime Provinces against the wishes of the indigenous people. The Dutch were invited by the Sinhala monarch, on solemn promise of payment of expenses incurred, to expel the Portuguese.

The Dutch, not as a sovereign nation, but as a chartered worldwide trading company (the VOC) entered into a binding contract with the Sinhala monarch. That contract was honoured in the breach thereof.

If, as alleged, the Dutch did ‘irreparable’ damage to Buddhism, isn’t it peculiar that they also furnished ships and crew to take Sinhalese delegations to Siam (Thailand) and to Amarapura and Ramanna in Myanmar (Burma) for the express purpose of bringing Buddhist monks to Sri Lanka to rejuvenate the Sangha? If the Dutch were as bigoted and chauvinistic as the writer, they could have allowed Buddhism to die a natural death on this island. They didn’t do so.

The ‘compensation’ bug is also occupying considerable space in the minds of sundry and various bigots: Some want Portugal to pay compensation; D.H. Gunadasa wants the Dutch to follow suit and if I remember right, some want the British to pay compensation for the ‘irreparable’ harm, loss and damage caused to the people of Sri Lanka.

The various proponents of ‘compensation’ appear to have forgotten some other parties who also caused ‘irreparable’ damage, even devastation and the demise of the ancient polity: the Cheras, Cholas, Pandyans, Pallavas, Kalingas, Javakas, Arab Muslims and the Imperial Chinese led by Admiral Cheng Ho (who captured and took the king prisoner to China).

Going by the twisted logic of these people, should the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka file suit at the International Court of Justice in Den Haag against the Republic of India (for Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, etc.), the People’s Republic of China, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Sultanate of Oman and the Gulf Co-operation Council states and the Republic of Indonesia, in addition to Portugal, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. How absurd could these crazies get?

Come off it-history is replete with invasions, the migrations of peoples and not always peaceful settlement. Not only people but languages, religions, and cultures also travel and adapt and that is a continuous process that has gone on since time immemorial.

Indeed, Sri Lanka might enter the Guinness Book of Records not for the reason adduced by D. H. Gunadasa and others like him but for the number of myopic, narrow-minded bigots, racists and chauvinists per 1,000 of the population. I stand by my contention that every foreign nation during the Colonial era was invited by a hopelessly disunited polity to intervene in the country’s affairs.

As a student of history I could name the names of families that indulged in this perfidious and traitorous behaviour. The late Prof. C.E.C. Bulathsinhala knew these people personally and also knew their family histories intimately and I know because I knew the good professor quite well.

If you want to find out for yourself I recommend that you carefully, line-by-line, read Dr. Visakha Kumari Jayawardena’s ‘Nobodies to Somebodies’ for your enlightenment. I started life teaching Samanera monks-to-be at a Pirivena.

I subsequently worked with the late, great Chandra Upali Senanayake on his Jathika Urumaya project that emphasized the unbreakable and organic tie between gamai-pansalai-vavai and wrote, under his masterly guidance, the meaning of the original Lion Flag with its Buddhist symbolology.

I was closely acquainted with such eminent Buddhist monks as Madihe Pannaseeha Nayaka Thera and Narada Maha Thera and I am familiar with the history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka more than you’ll ever know.

Human beings have free moral agency and should approach the study of anything, including Buddhism or history, with an open mind (not a vacant one) and then pursue those studies as objectively as possible to arrive at certain acceptable and rational conclusions. If you’ve read your history you would have seen that the Mongol hordes destroyed everything in their path right up to the gates of Vienna.

The Huns did the same up to the gates of Rome. The Arabs burst out of their desert fastness to overcome much of the world from the Atlantic to the Pacific and they carried everything before their scimitars.

The Cholas, Cheras, Pandyans, Pallavas, Kalingas, and Javakas did the same when they ravaged and despoiled the Rajarata heartland. All of them, without exception, kicked your ancestors in the butt but those ancestors hardly returned the favour. Why whimper, bleat or bellyache now?

Let me quote a few words from the Dhammapada:

“Yo balo ma’ati balayam paoito va’ pitena so Balo ca panditaman’ Sa ve baloti vuccati”. In conclusion I might add that the Galle Fort represents a part of the Sri Lankan Burgher heritage of this country.


Love thy neighbours

This blessed land of ours has been plagued by violence (war) for the past 25 years. It has been 60 years since our independence our nation has been through difficult times, whereas our neighbours such as India, China, Singapore and Malaysia has had a remarkable rise in development.

This development has made many Western nations feel jittery (Goose-Flesh) making their eyes popping out in our region as they usually have two spoons to serve when the curry is same. The Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the United Nations always mention that there should be a political solution, I doubt their views are serious?

I would like to ask them, can any war be clean? Have they forgotten the dirty war games indulged in Vietnam and what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq? I personally feel this Constitution of ours is the biggest curse for our nation, which has brought great turmoil and our downfall.

When a Australian cricketer had a squash ball hidden inside his glove to improve his grip, it is accepted legal and when a South African captain had a mike fixed onto his ear, so that his coach could communicate it is assumed legal.

Our neighbours are our greatest wealth and we must always keep in mind that it is our neighbours who always come to our assistance. The best example I would give is when we played the World Cup final in Pakistan.

I simply cannot forget the support given to our team and nation. This curse (war) has to come to an end, and we have finally realised that it is our neighbours who are giving us the maximum help and assistance to pull us up in our final victory.

– Kandy

Poor roads in Kandy

This refers to the letter appeared under ‘Poor roads’ in Panadura. I like to invite W.H. Gunasekera to visit Kandy and see the dreadful situation of the roads in Kandy.

Then you will realise how lucky you are....You can travel around the world, you can travel around Sri Lanka but you’ll never experience the roads that are in a parlous state with pot-holes almost every area in Kandy.

If you drive down South you see how the politicians have developed their own electorates, even the very rural roads are tarred and kept well. Unfortunately we are not blessed with politicians like them.

Kandy can be classed as the poorest city in the world. Thanks to our Kandyan politicians.

Kandy is a major part of our national heritage. But this is all history. Nothing has happened to develop Kandy since we gained independence in 1948.

There are so many institutions and highly acclaimed people like the Governor of the Central Province, Chief Minister Central Provincial Council, Mayor, Cabinet Ministers, RDA and other officials who enjoys much benefit being in their post.

So let’s put our hands together and develop our great city of Kandy before it becomes a ruined city. Kandy has all the natural resources to attract the people in the world. Let’s hope and pray some one who has a heart to come forward to develop the roads in Kandy.


Price list of goods on sale

Displaying of price list of goods on sale is an important requirement. People are suffering owing to high Cost of Living.

In this situation the shopkeepers are trying to fish in troubled waters. It is like a bull goring at a person who fell from a tree. They are selling substandard goods and healthy goods at their whims and fancies. This is a violation of the Consumer Protection Act by the errant traders.

If the consumers are to be benefitted the Department concerned should send officers to inspect themselves the violation of the Consumer Protection Act and bring them to book.

If we inquire the price of an item in the morning, one salesman tells one price whereas when inquired in the afternoon the same person or different person of the same shop quotes another higher price.

People who get easy money from abroad and people who are born with silver spoon in their mouth can afford to purchase goods at the exorbitant price but the poor man and the poor pensioners who get paltry income cannot meet the shopkeeper’s demands.

The exploiters must be definitely taken to task by the authorities not only by passing legislation only but by implementing eg. by officials visiting the shops surprisingly as it was the system many years back.

Some say bringing down the Cost of Living is a Herculean task whereas another group says “we will bring down the “Cost of Living”’. This is a controversial matter but practical methods should be done to get rid of the consumers’ suffering and shopkeepers’ exploitation.

- Wellawatta


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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