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Eternal struggle confronting the dark side

A Moment with Hinnihamy
Author: Sobani Iddamalgoda
Godage Publishers, Colombo 10

FICTION: Sobani Iddamalgoda's seminal novel "A Moment with Hinnihamy", steeped in Greek myths and T. S. Eliot, has discussed the dark side of human-beings. It is a story of Ying and Yang or black and white or the day and night which complement each other and forms a complete day.

Sobani asserts that the dark side within self should always be confronted and that it is a kind of eternal war that each and every one wages at all times. This war goes on subliminally for most of us. Unconsciously waged an its effects manifested outwardly.

"And the watcher smiled in contempt and remembered how Ensina had lost her cool in the morning when she had once more, violently admonishing her younger daughter against the covert, physical relationship she was encouraging with the village thug whose sole means of income was by picking coconuts for the affluent. In the morning, shrouded in his army of anger, Ensina had given herself, body and soul to him and, he had enjoyed her.

Corruption comes by degree he crooned, and the young damsel walking with head bowed sedately beside Ensina felt her pulse dance at the memory of her disreputable lover's passionate kisses under the hedge that bordered their garden."

Physical relationship

Here it is a clear case of a seducer older than time. One who is enjoying the mother and daughter and mother warning her daughter to discontinue the physical relationship the daughter having with the village rake.

This is the myriad of sex relationships in an 'idealistic' village and the relationship is rather polygamous. But the primeval rake sits behind the scenes, controlling all other sex relationships, whether legitimate or illegitimate, a master Puppeteer.

On her admission, the author affirms the old adage that 'a blend of the spirit and the flesh' is needed for a 'satisfying life'. In other words, for a successful life, makes up of a sound body and a soul or mind is essential and this seduction starts in the mind of all of us.

Her contention is that the evil is part and parcel of self and one should strive hard to identify and confront it. One of the universal characteristic of a complex character is that it is neither black (evil) nor white but a delicate mixture of them. The evil nature dormant in the self would rise to surface from time to time.

"Have all those who could give you pleasure. Let me show your pleasure. Let down your walls Hinnihamy and let me in.... It was such a one who had taken the bird form and who now waited for Hinnihamy's psyche to open Look woman, look at yourself in the mirror.

Look at that gray in once lustrous hair. At least now, enjoy the sensual pleasure that can be still indulged in." Here the author has used a third person, be it Mara or the personification of the force of incessant war between emotions and reason which goes on within self. This is universal though contained and controlled by culture, up bringing and one's society which is either liberal or conservative.

Inner struggle

As the story is set in the Sri Lankan context, the inner struggle is an intensified one due to the constrained and artificial barriers placed on one's life virtually confining them to a smaller world of extended family and more or less to a close-knit circle of friends.

"A Moment with Hinnihamy" is written in a down-to-earth language albeit with a complex structure or rather a labyrinthine structure which absorbs many by-stories and metaphors drawn from diverse sources.

The book is an ideal read for serious readers and is published by Godage International Publishers (Pvt) Ltd. It also marks an important phase in Sri Lankan writings in English in terms of its unique structure and diction which is idiomatically Sri Lankan.

There is an element of fantasy in the novel. Deities, Super natural elements, the destroyer (Mara) is one aspect of this fantasy. The central character Gurun (Gurunnanse) is a very rare character in Sri Lanka.

He is educated in Cambridge, U.K but prefers to teach the rural children of Sri Lanka. He is not at all the conventional type of 'mind free of evil'. So Gurun becomes an ideal character in the author's mind - the connection between the East and the West- but is such a blend feasible?

Mythological images

Structure wise, many Greek mythological images are used as symbols. For example, Persephone symbolizes woman who is eternally preyed on by evil.

However, as the story is based on so many psychological factors and full of philosophy in raw form, it can be aptly described as loose-knit psycho-analysis embedded in a novel.

Therefore, it has shed light into the human mind and human behavior and contributed less to the Sri Lankan literature in English. Structure-wise, the book is closer to Sinhalese than English. Thereby, seriously compromising the readability of the novel.

Perhaps, the writer's intention would have been to convey life experiences in the contest of traditional village in an authentic manner with a diction similar to that of Sinhalese used in that milieu, resulting in the labyrinthine structure with rather a slow-moving sequence. The rather unusual cover was designed by Sandun Abeysekera.


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