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Film Review:

Uppalavanna validates fundamental principles of life, guides human conduct

CINEMA: Uppalavanna, the latest film by Professor Sunil Ariyaratne is now having a successful run amidst praise by critics and viewers. It is the story of a Buddhist Dasasilmatha living in an Aranya temple located in a remote rural area separated from the village by a waterway.

SERENITY: A scene from Uppalavanna

It is the story of a beautiful young woman who has found solace as a Dasasilmatha for some reason unknown to the audience at the inception of the film. In the group of Dasasilmatha's living in the Aranya Uppalavanna is the only young one,apart from the "Podiaththi" the child Dasasilmatha.

Childish nature

They share the abode allocated to them. She understands and tolerates the childish nature of the little Dasasilmatha and advises her kindly whenever she becomes playful. In the relationship between the two, one observes traits of Uppalavanna's character such as loving kindness caring and understanding.

These inner qualities led her to care, treat and feed a young insurgent, although she was aware that he had killed another insurgent youth who had decided to give up their cause, creating problems for the Dasasilmathas from the law and the villagers.

As Uppalavanna ponders over the decision to help the young man she recollects her past. In the flashbacks we come to know her family background, her artistic inclination, her interest in dancing, her falling in love with the son of a dancing teacher who is a tom-tom beater and the events leading to her decision to become a Dasasilmatha.

Subtle nuances

The audience feels her sensitive nature, the sincerity of her love towards the boyfriend, her subtle nuances of love and the beauty of their young love. Her feeding the deer with milk, her concern for and treatment of Podiaththi when she accidentally cuts her finger are further expressions of her kind caring nature.

These qualities of her character amply explain her decision to help the fatally injured youth rebel even though her act violates the rules governing Dasasilmathas.

There is no social message in the film as it is not the directors intention. The incidents relating to the youth insurgency, social conditioning and traditional values of her conservative parents and the family backgrounds of the two lovers have been included for the exclusive purpose of developing the character of Uppalavanna and to explain her behaviour in getting involved in mundane matters, which being a Dasasilmatha observing Dasasil violating the rules of Dasasilmathas.

The film structure is closely knit and includes only the images landscape, situations and events necessary to communicate the essence and the meaning of the film the director seeks to convey.

Uppalavanna is a creative work of aesthetic beauty. It is customary to assess the aesthetic value of a film by commenting on various aspects such as direction, script, editing, performances, music photography and so forth. In reality it is not possible to point to any single aspect that make the whole thing work.

It is the entire work, all the aspects of film making working together to create an overall effect. It is this overall effect that makes Uppalavanna a work of art that effectively communicates the essence and meaning of the film.

Fundamental principles

Uppalavanna effectively validates the fundamental principles of life such as love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness human dignity, service to others, among others. These natural laws are part of the human condition, human consciousness and human conscience.

These are guidelines for human conduct that have enduring value. They have contributed to the survival of the human species through the ages. Although these principles get submerged at times due to social conditioning and opposite values, people have succeeded in restoring them as guide lines for human conduct.

The value of Uppalavanna as an artistic film lies in its validation of these fundamental principles of life. It is the essence and meaning the director seeks to communicate. It is done artistically and aesthetically by stirring the heart of the audience.

Uppalavanna explores and throws light upon personal relationship with poetry and sensitivity without descending to sentimentality. Humanity inspired by Buddhism permeates the film. Uppalavanna is a realistic film.

Its realism, however, is different from that of a documentary film. It is realistic in the sense that its images and seems are "true to Sri Lankan life and society". All the images that appear in the film are purposefully constructed to achieve "poetic realism". Beauty of life

The film is perfectly paced intentionally to get the audience to get involved in the images deeply and grasp their significance to reflect on life and enjoy the beauty of life as it flows.

The film creates an aesthetic emotion in the mind of the audience and as the film ends, calmness, tranquillity, and wonder engulf the mind of the viewers and effectively drive home the validity of the fundamental principles of life as guidelines for human conduct. While maintaining its national identity, the film deals with a universal truth.



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