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Veteran TT medal winners at World Masters Games felicitated

It was a healthy exercise the other evening at the other sports club, when in a spirit of honour to whom honour is due, the Sri Lanka Table Tennis Veterans' Association (SLVTTA) felicitated six veteran table tennis players, who amongst them won seven medals at the 2005 World Masters Games held in Edmonton, Canada.

Rajiva Wijetunga of Ceylinco Shriram who won a silver and a bronze medal in table tennis at the World Masters Games in Canada, was felicitated by Ceylinco Sports Club recently. Picture shows (from left): Thilaka Jinadasa (sports secretary), Nilakshan Perera (vice president), Deshamanya Dr. Lalith Kotelawala (chairman Ceylinco Consolidated), Padmini Karunanayake (Deputy chairperson Ceylinco Homes Group) and Hiran de Silva (Chief Executive Director, Ceylinco Shriram).

The veterans TT team was captained and managed by, M. M. M. Laffeer, others comprising the team were, Dr. G. N. Lucas, Rajiva Wijetunge, S. S. de Silva, Sarath Wijesooriya and D. M. Bandula. Disheartening it was, that two other players were denied Canadian visas on the grounds that they had not travelled before. Had these two also made the trip, there would have been the possibility of Sri Lanka winning a medal or two more for TT at the Games.

Notwithstanding this, in the over 55 years Men's Doubles M. M. M. Laffeer and Dr. G. N. Lucas won a Silver each, in the over 45 years Men's Doubles Rajiva Wijetunge and Sarath Wijesooriya won a Silver each, in the over 35 Men's Doubles S. S. de Silva and D. M. Bandula won a Bronze each and in the over 45 years Men's Singles Rajiva Wijetunge, won a Bronze. The main tally of medals won by Sri Lanka was 7, made up of 4 Silver and 3 Bronze.

The observation on Rajiva Wijetunge of Ceylinco Shriram, winning a Bronze medal in the over 45 years singles event was considered significant, in that it was the first time that a Sri Lankan player has won a medal, at World Masters Games for a Singles event. Wijetunge is the Vice-President of SLVTTA and a National Selector for TT in Sri Lanka.

The felicitation ceremony apart from being a medium to recognise and appreciate the achievements of the veteran medal winners such occasions also serves to keep the sport in focus, without allowing interest in it to wane. It also acts as a incentive to spur young, up and coming potential players to give of their best. The Secretary of the SLVTTA, N. H. Perera, a former champion and National Coach, who steered proceedings said that within just three years of coming into being association has produced results by having six medal winners which he felt augurs well for the future.

The Vice-President of the SLVTTA, J. Cholomondaley said that since the SLVTTA was formed 3 years ago, they have made quite a few tours abroad and, are imparting the experience gained to potential youngsters, who have an aptitude for TT.



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