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Govt. denies setting up 10 acre HSZ for President

The Government has drawn its attention to reports with regard to a Cabinet decision to allocate a plot of land to President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga after her retirement.

A section of the media has published this story in exaggeration by saying that a further extent of 10 acres surrounding this plot of land is to be declared as High Security Zone (HSZ). Urban Development and Water Supply Ministry Secretary Thosapala Hewage has denied this report and said this was written with malevolent intent.

The proposed land in Madiwela is already within a Security Zone because of its proximity to Parliament.

Therefore, there is no need for additional declaration of HSZ or "dos and don'ts" for the residents as claimed in the media reports, the Government Information Department said in a release.

The Cabinet had recently decided to allocate a plot of land of one and half acres to President after her retirement. This was in lieu of her decision to turn down most of the customary perks former Presidents are officially entitled to.



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